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Surficial Geology
Glacial Erosion of Bedrock and Ice Flow History in the Kivalliq Region
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.Relative Ice Flow Chronology

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Geological Survey of Canada > Surficial Geology
Glacial Erosion of Bedrock and Ice Flow History in the Kivalliq Region, Nunavut, Canada

Ice Flow History:

McMartin, I. and Henderson, P.J. 2004: Evidence from Keewatin (Central Nunavut) for paleo-ice divide migration; GpQ vol. 58, p. 163-186.

McMartin, I. and Henderson, P.J. 2004: Ice flow history and glacial stratigraphy, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut (NTS 55K,J,L,M,N,O; 65I and P): complete datasets, maps and photographs from the Western Churchill NATMAP Project; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4595, CD-ROM.

McMartin, I. and Henderson, P.J. 1999: A relative ice flow chronology for the Keewatin Sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Northwest Territories (Kivalliq region, Nunavut); in Current Research 1999-C, Geological Survey of Canada, 129-138.

McMartin, I. and Henderson, P.J. 1999: Une chronologie relative des écoulements glaciaires pour le Secteur du Keewatin de l'Inlandsis laurentidien, Région de Kivalliq, Nunavut; 67e Congrès de l'Acfas, Ottawa, (abstract published on WEB site).

McMartin, I. and Henderson, P.J. 1999: A photo gallery of small-scale erosional surface bedrock features interpreted as ice flow indicators, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut; in Program & Abstracts of Talks and Posters, 27th Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, November 1999, NWT Chamber of Mines, p. 45.

McMartin, I. and Henderson, P.J. 1998: Multidirectional ice flow indicators in the area of the Keewatin Ice Divide, Kivalliq region, N.W.T.; in Program and Abstracts of Talks and Posters, 1998 Geoscience Forum, Yellowknife, NWT Chamber of Mines, p. 76-77.

McMartin, S. Khan, and P.J. Henderson 1997: Ice flow indicator mapping in the Kaminak Lake (NTS 55L) and Ferguson Lake (NTS 65I) areas: results from the NATMAP Western Churchill Project; Program with abstracts, NWT Geoscience Forum, Yellowknife, p. 77-78, November 1997.

Till Geochemistry:

McMartin, I., Henderson, P.J., Kjarsgaard, B.A. and Venance, K. 2003: Regional distribution and chemistry of kimberlite indicator minerals, Rankin Inlet and MacQuoid Lake areas, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1575, 110 p. report with 1 diskette or 1 CD-ROM containing .pdf report files and .xls data files.

Henderson, P.J. 2000: Drift composition and surficial geology, MacQuoid Lake area (NTS 55M/7 and 55M/10), Kivalliq region, Nunavut: a guide to drift prospecting; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 3944 and D3944.

McMartin, I. 2000: Till composition across the Meliadine Trend, Rankin Inlet area, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 3747and D3747.

Henderson, P.J. 1999a: Resolving the effects of dilution by exotic debris on the geochemical signature of tills overlying the MacQuoid greenstone belt, Nunavut, Canada; in Symposium Program and Abstracts volume, 19th International Geochemical Exploration Symposium, Vancouver, B.C. April 10-16, 1999, p.24-25.

Henderson, P.J. 1999b: Drift prospecting in the MacQuoid Lake greenstone belt, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut; in Program and Abstracts of Talks and Posters, 27th Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, November, 1999, NWT Chamber of Mines, p.26-27.

Henderson, P.J. 2000: Factors affecting drift prospecting in the MacQuoid Lake greenstone belt, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut; GeoCanada 2000, Abstract CD (#311), GAC, Calgary, June 2000.

McMartin, I., Wolfe, S.A., and Goodwin, T.A. 1997: Quaternary investigations in the Western Churchill Mapping Program area: implications for mineral exploration and environmental baseline studies; Geological Survey of Canada Forum '97, Ottawa, Jan. 20-22.

McMartin, I. 1998: Surficial mapping and till provenance studies in the Meliadine Trend, Rankin Inlet area: a progress report; in Program and Abstracts of Talks and Posters, 1998 Geoscience Forum, Yellowknife, NWT Chamber of Mines, p. 78-80.

McMartin, I. 1999: Till provenance studies in the Meliadine Trend, Rankin Inlet area, Nunavut: implications for gold exploration; in Symposium Program and Abstract Volume, AEG 19th International Geochemical Exploration Symposium, Vancouver, April 10-16, p.87-88.

McMartin, I. 1999: Distribution and character of Au and As in glacial sediments from the Meliadine Trend, Rankin Inlet area; in Program & Abstracts of Talks and Posters, 27th Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, November 1999, NWT Chamber of Mines, p. 45-46.

McMartin, I. 2000: Distribution of Au and As in till from the Meliadine Trend, Nunavut; Cordilleran Exploration Roundup 2000, Vancouver, B.C., January 2000.

McMartin, I. 2000: Till composition along the Meliadine Trend, Nunavut: implications for gold exploration; GeoCanada 2000, Conference CD, Abstract no. 71, GAC, Calgary, June 2000.

McMartin, I. and Henderson, P.J. 2000: Till geochemistry as a tool for tracing mineral deposits in the Kivalliq Region, Nunavut; GeoCanada 2000, Conference CD, Abstract no. 312, GAC, Calgary, June 2000.

Selected References of Interest:

Cunningham, C.M. and Shilts, W.W.,1977. Surficial geology of the Baker Lake area, District of Keewatin; in Report of Activities, Part B, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-1B, p. 311-314.

Klassen, R.A., 1995. Drift composition and glacial dispersal trains, Baker Lake area, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories;Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 485, 68 p.

Lee, H.A., 1959. Surficial Geology of Southern District of Keewatin and the Keewatin Ice Divide, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 51, 42 p.

Lee, H.A., Craig, B.G., and Fyles, J.G., 1957. Keewatin Ice Divide; Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.68, no.12, pt.2, p.1760-1761.

Little, E. 2001: Preliminary results of relative ice-movement chronology of the Laughland Lake map area, Nunavut; in Current Research 2001-C14, Geological Survey of Canada.

Lundqvist, J., 1990. Glacial morphology as an indicator of the direction of glacial transport; in Glacial Indicator Tracing, R. Kujansuu and M. Saarnisto (eds.), Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands, p. 61-70.

Prest, V.K., 1983. Canada's heritage of glacial features; Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 28, 120 p.

Prest, V.K., Grant, D.R. and Rampton, V.N., 1968. Glacial Map of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1253A.

Shilts, W.W., 1980a. Flow patterns in the central North American ice sheet; Nature, v.286, no. 5770, p. 213-218.

Shilts, W.W., Cunningham, C.M. and Kaszycki, C.A.,1979. Keewatin Ice Sheet - Re-evaluation of the traditional concept of the Laurentide Ice Sheet; Geology, v. 7, p. 537-541.

Tyrrell, J.B., 1897. Report on the Doobaunt, Kazan and Ferguson rivers and the north-west coast of Hudson Bay; Geological Survey of Canada, Annual Report, no. 618, p. 1F-218F.

Wright, G.M., 1967. Geology of the southeastern barren grounds, parts of the Districts of Mackenzie and Keewatin; Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 350, 91 p.

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