Fundy Geological Museum, Nova Scotia Parrsboro, Nova Scotia
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Nova Scotia's Gem and Mineral Show


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Prosauropod Discover Nova Scotia's Bay of Fundy

Discover an  Ancient World and see some of the oldest dinosaur bones in Canada.  Meet some of the ancient creatures that lived here millions of years ago - the world's first reptiles, an ancestor of frogs, early dinosaurs, giant dragonflies and a sow-bug-like creature as long as a baseball bat.  So many great fossils!

Explore the Mineral Treasures of Nova Scotia, exposed when the great Fundy Tides washed away the sea cliffs.  See a collection of beautiful amethyst and agate gem stones.

Click here for a $1.00 off AdmissionCoupon!

Need more info?
Phone :  1-866-856-DINO
162 Two Island Rd., Parrsboro, NS
on the Glooscap Trail

Project Prosauropod. O Christmas Tree Exhibit.
Nova Scotia's Gem and Mineral Show 40th Anniversary.

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Last updated: May 30, 2006.
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