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Report Summaries
Afforestation Policy Analysis

Index | Demonstration Sites | Economic Analysis
Carbon Science | Investment Option Analysis
Afforestation and the Kyoto Protocol
Land Suitability | Report Summaries | Contact Information

Photo: Hybrid Poplar clones in greenhouse, ON

Demonstration Sites

  • Forest 2020: Practical guide, Afforestation of wildlands

    A review of recommended growing practices in Quebec.
    Report (2.6 MB)


  • Review of Best Practices for Tree Planting
    on Marginal Agriculture Lands in Ontario

    A review of recommended growing practices in Ontario.
    Report (3.75 MB)


Economic Analysis

FAACS Afforestation Pilots

AFC FAACS Pilot Reports

  • Assessing the Potential for Afforestation on Private Lands in Nova Scotia Interim Report

    Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSPI) has partnered with the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) through the Feasibility Assessment of Afforestation for Carbon Sequestration (FAACS) initiative to investigate and develop mechanisms to promote afforestation/reforestation on private lands across Nova Scotia. Through this pilot project, FAACS is seeking insight to support the development of the operational scale programming for afforestation/ reforestation which could help Canada’s commitments to greenhouse gas reductions under the Kyoto Protocol.
    Report (471 KB)

  • Summary Report: Nova Scotia Power Inc.

    Nova Scotia Power Inc. (NSPI ) is partnering with Canadian Forest Service over several years to conduct a pilot “afforestation / reforestation” project in Nova Scotia. This project will test partnerships with private landowners with a view to estimating the carbon-sink potential of existing
    forestlands, industrial lands and private lands.
    Report (84.5 KB)

LFC FAACS Pilot Reports

  • Feasibility Assessment of Afforestation for Carbon Sequestration (FAACS) Initiative

    The Agence de mise en valeur des forêts privées des Appalaches was selected in 2002 to implement a pilot project as part of the Feasibility Assessment of Afforestation for Carbon Sequestration (FAACS) Initiative sponsored by Natural Resources Canada. The following is the report on the second year of implementation of the pilot project.
    Report (1.58 MB)
    Complementary information (93.1 KB)
    Appendix (8.74 KB)

GLFC FAACS Pilot Reports

NoFC FAACS Pilot Reports

  • Northern Forestry Centre FAACS Pilot Backgrounder

    In order to implement the Kyoto Protocol, it will be necessary for individual nations to enact legislation dealing with emission allowances and carbon credits. Specifically, there will need to be legislation that clearly defines an emission allowance or carbon credit so that it can be dealt with in any emission trading system.
    Report (122 KB)

  • Tree Planting and Conservation Delivery Organizations, Programs and Projects Across the Prairie Provinces

    The objectives of this study are to i) identify and assess past and present tree planting and other conservation delivery programs on non-crown lands across the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta; ii) identify possible partnership arrangements for the FAACS initiative and; iii) provide recommendations on the feasibility of a large-scale Prairie-centred afforestation program.
    Report (685 KB)

  • Feasibility Assessment of Afforestation for Carbon Sequestration (FAACS) Focus Group Research - Final Report

    This report outlines the results obtained from of a series of seven focus groups sessions that were conducted across Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta under the FAACS Pilot Project. The overall objective of these focus group sessions were to i) determine landowner attitudes towards participating in an afforestation program for the purpose of
    carbon sequestration, and; ii) to determine what characteristics the program should have to attract landowner interest.
    Report (181 KB)

  • Landowners’ Perspectives on Incentive Mechanisms for Afforestation

    The objectives of this current project is to report on the change in landowner opinions subject to the presentation of various incentive mechanisms, as landowner knowledge increases with an on-site tour of afforestation plantations. The purpose of this investigation is to provide the federal government with a practical set of incentive mechanisms for consideration, highlighting not only the opportunities but also the barriers and requirements on a regional level that will need to be addressed in order to attract private landowners to an afforestation initiative.
    Report (338 KB)

PFC FAACS Pilot Reports

  • Exploring Options for Aggregating and Selling Afforestation Carbon Credits from Small Landowners

    The main purpose of this report is to explore the feasibility and options for successfully aggregating and selling afforestation carbon credits from small landowners. A secondary purpose is to discuss various aspects of afforestation and provide information to the Canadian Forest Service and landowners regarding the financial business side of sequestering and selling carbon.
    Report (304 KB)
    Appendices (345 KB)
  • National Survey of Rural Landowners

    This study updates and builds upon a benchmark national survey of farmers and ranchers on the topic of land use and land stewardship, undertaken by the same sponsors in 2000 and hereafter referred to as the Phase I survey.
    Report (670 KB)
  • Regional Pilots Summary Report

    This report summarizes the findings of the FAACS afforestation pilots.
    Report (131 KB)

Afforestation Feasibility Model

  • Cost estimates for carbon sequestration from fast growing poplar plantations in Canada

    In this article, we present a spatial model of possible afforestation activities for Canada.
    Report (Report in review)

  • Economic potential of afforestation in Canada for medium-and fast-growing plantations

    This paper uses CFS-AFM to examine the economic potential of three afforestation scenarios for Canada – fast growing poplar species and, somewhat slower growing hardwoods and conifers. The results illustrate important trade-offs and data/information needs to consider in the development of high productivity plantations in Canada as a carbon storage policy option.

Incentives Review and Assessment

  • Incentives to Expand Forest Cover: A Framework for Canada

    The purpose of this study is to identify and discuss the range of available incentive mechanisms and partnership arrangements to expand productive tree cover in Canada. This is done through an examination of past and present afforestation programs both in Canada and in other countries.
    Report (950 KB)

Incentives Research

  • Incentives for Conservation Easements to Sequester Carbon in North America

    The purpose of this research was to review existing afforestation efforts using conservation easements, conservation agreements or similar mechanisms in Canada and the United States and evaluate the effectiveness of these existing programs. The use of conservation easements to advance afforestation of private lands would be one of an assortment of tools NRCan is preparing to use in order to advance the carbon sequestration potential of Canada’s private lands.
    Report (439 KB)
    Appendices (236 KB)

  • Evaluation of Tax Incentives that Promote Afforestation and Fast Growing Tree Plantations

    The current project is focused on financial incentives, specifically tax policies, that have the potential to attract investments in afforestation and fast-growing tree plantations.
    Report (730 KB)

Carbon Science


  • National Backcast Report

    This information is essential for the development of credible estimates of carbon sequestration from afforestation/reforestation, which are required as part of Canada’s international reporting commitments under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol. It also provides useful insights about the scope and scale of recent afforestation activity in Canada.
    (86.1 KB)

Measurement and Monitoring Protocol

  • Measuring and Monitoring Afforestation Plantations at NoFC

    The following protocol has been developed over the last year with the objective of designing a practical carbon monitoring system for afforestation scenarios in Canada. This protocol and associated references, calculation tables etc are intended as a preliminary field guide to the measurement and monitoring of afforestation plantations, allowing local adaptations to be added, relative to the end users needs and priorities.
    Report (1.14 MB)

  • Forest 2020 Preliminary Site Assessment Field Guide

    The purpose of this document is to develop a relatively quick but thorough assessment system to delineate and
    document site conditions and suitability of potential lands for inclusion in the “Forest 2020 / Greencover” initiative to establish demonstrations of fastgrowing plantations across the country.
    Report (984 KB)

Risk Assessment

  • Plantation Risk Assessment Workshop: Final Report

    This report deals with the outcome of consultations with experts to determine risks that might affect forest plantation performance. It is a preliminary record of information related to these risks and is intended as background information for those contemplating establishing fast growing forest plantations in Canada.
    Report (216 KB)

Investment Option Analysis

  • Australia’s Joint Venture arrangements

    Australia's joint venture forestry arrangements first appeared to any extent in the mid- to late- 1980s, often between State Government forestry agencies and private landowners. With the Commonwealth Softwood Loan Scheme coming to a close, States saw joint ventures as one option to continue the growth in commercial plantations and to promote smaller scale farm plantations. Since then, it has become an important tool in plantation development, especially as a mechanism to attract overseas investment.
    Report (75.8 KB)

  • The Danish Forestry Extension Programme

    The Danish Forestry Extension consists of 15 local units known as Forest Owners Associations. These units offer consulting services to forest owners and are owned by the forest owners themselves via their membership of the unit. Forestry extension in Denmark is concentrated in two large private organizations, along with some smaller private associations, a number of private individuals and local national forest districts. These private organizations offer services that entail the handling of forest products sales of logs, timber, decoration greenery, and Christmas trees, often on a commission basis. Their services can also include assistance with logging or planting operations. Sale of plants or materials like fencing material and fertilisers are also typical services of the private forest advisors.
    Report (88.1 KB)

  • Institutional Investment (TIMOs & FMOs)

    Institutional investors in forestry typically invest in large parcels of land, or large aggregations of smaller parcels of land, which are usually researched by the fund manager. Land is then acquired by the investment firm or an agent acting on behalf of a group of investors, either through land leases (as is often done under forest management investments) or outright land purchase (as is often done under real estate investments). There are a number of different structures in the timberland investment industry that operate under this framework, each with their own approach to investing in plantations.
    Report (56.1 KB)

  • Coillte’s Farm Forestry Partnership Scheme in Ireland

    At the start of the 20th century only 1% of Ireland was under forest. Recent afforestation policies have significantly increased the land area under forestry and forest cover is now 9.7% of national territory. In order to achieve this Coillte, Ireland's autonomous self-financing state forestry corporation, implemented a form of joint venture similar to those seen in regions of Canada, in which farmers provide land to Coillte to plant. In return Coillte shares both the income from the afforestation grants and the revenue from timber sales with the landowner. The scheme has allowed Coillte to increase production and offers farmers a form of tax-free income.
    Report (84.1 KB)

  • Japan’s Fiscal Investment & Loan Program, and Co-operative Financing Agreements

    Modern-day Japan's fiscal activity, including funding for forestry activities, depends on traditional tax revenues and funds from the Fiscal Investment and Loan Program (FILP). Unlike taxes, the FILP funds are drawn from postal savings and other funds backed by the credit and institutions of the nation and they must be repaid with interest. The FILP also differs from government borrowing through bonds in that the future repayment comes not from tax revenues but from fund repayments by the enterprises that receive the funding.
    Report (91.2 KB)

  • Norway’s Forest Trust Fund

    A mandatory forestry investment system in Norway requires funds to be collected from private forest owners and reinvested in forest lands according to rules established by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forest Department. When timber is sold, 5% to 25% of the value is deposited into a trust fund for a given forest property. Each forest owner is free to set the percentage from year to year according to his or her financial situation, investment plans, etc..
    Report (52.2 KB)

  • United States Forestry Incentives Program

    The Forestry Incentives Program was enacted in 1973 to increase the timber supply in the United States by increasing tree planting and timber stand improvement on non-industrial private forest lands. Public and private rates of return averaged about 10% for the various public and private accounting criteria, and program benefit-cost ratios consistently exceeded 1.0 by a substantial margin and federal income taxes on the timber harvests stemming from FIP plantings would eventually be more than double the annual federal FIP expenditures. Moreover, retention rates for FIP have exceeded 92% for the duration of the program.
    Report (58.4 KB)

  • World Bank Carbon Finance Funds

    The World Bank's carbon finance funds are helping catalyze the emerging global carbon market by extending carbon finance to both developing countries and economies in transition, by linking buyers of carbon credits with climate-friendly projects that are seeking financing. The Bank is actively engaged in expanding these opportunities in discussions with other potential OECD carbon buyers-both public and private.
    Report (100 KB)

  • Plantation Investment Forum

    The Canadian Forest Service is examining the economic returns from fast growing plantations and potential options to attract investment into future Canadian plantations by taking advantage of the combined benefits of wood fibre, carbon values and other environmental services.

    Summary Report
  • Plantation Investment Forum Report (548 KB)

    Panel A

    Panel B.i
    Panel B.ii

Afforestation and the Kyoto Protocol

  • Carbon Credits and Afforestation

    This article presents the basic rules of the Kyoto Protocol as it relates to newly established plantations and outlines some of the general areas of policy concern surrounding domestic trade in carbon credits.
    Report (1.88 MB )

Land Suitability

  • Afforestation activity in the Prairie Provinces (1990–2002)

    This information provides direct inputs into the selection of spatial and environmental variables and their attribute values for developing a model of land suitability for afforestation in the Prairie Provinces, and will provide a basis for its application across Canada.
    Report (161 KB)

  • Land Suitability Modelling Report: NoFC Contribution
    This paper provides an overview of the land suitability modelling work undertaken during 2004/2005.
    Report (Under review)


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Carbon Science | Investment Option Analysis
Afforestation and the Kyoto Protocol
Land Suitability | Report Summaries | Contact Information

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