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Northern Resources Development
Western Churchill Metallogeny Project
.Quaternary geological work
.Workshop Presentations
.Geoscience Forum Presentations
.Project Workshop 2005 Presentations

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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Northern resources development > Western Churchill Metallogeny Project
Western Churchill Metallogeny Project
Workshop Presentations


A group of over 70 representatives from industry, academia, provincial/territorial geoscience surveys, and the Geological Survey of Canada met in Ottawa on April 29 and 30th, 2004 for a workshop on the nature and metallogeny of the western Churchill Province of the Canadian Shield. The workshop was hosted by the Geological Survey of Canada's western Churchill Metallogeny project team and was aimed at establishing a broad regional tectonostratigraphic synthesis for the western Churchill Province, one that transcends map areas, jurisdictions and specific disciplines. The focus was on building a geoscience data framework in which to explore questions about prospective commodities and deposit types at the tectonic province scale, utilizing the expertise and understanding gained by various jurisdictions in different areas to build a common framework. The strong attendance and positive feedback attest to a strong interest in integration of government, academia, and industry for mutual exchange of ideas and collaboration towards achieving the goals of increased exploration and development in the north and associated benefits to northerners and northern communities.

Background and contents

The western Churchill Metallogeny Project (WCMP) of the Earth Science Sector's Northern Resources Development Program is a 3-year multi-agency, multidisciplinary project that aims to compile and synthesize geoscience knowledge of the western Churchill Province spanning northern Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, southeastern Northwest Territories and most of mainland Nunavut. This under-explored area is one of Canada's promising mineral potential frontiers. Gold prospects are under development at Meadowbank and Meliadine and the potential for significant diamond and nickel-platinum-group element deposits is very high. The project will develop three new 1:1 million scale map and digital compilations of the central Hearne, northern Rae and southern Rae-Hearne domains of the western Churchill Province, as well as smaller scale bedrock and Quaternary maps, reports and papers, a summary volume for the Athabasca Extech IV Uranium study, and digital compilations of assessment reports for mineral occurrences in Nunavut.

This Open File/web release presents the majority of talks and some posters given at the workshop and a guidebook prepared by Saskatchewan Industry and Resources for a WCMP- and DIAND-sponsored field trip (June 2004) to the Phelps Lake area of southern Hearne. In addition, it presents in poster and database format summaries of Geological Survey of Canada publications on Quaternary and bedrock geology, respectively, presented at the workshop. The bedrock summary includes metadata for the WCMP project area north of 60° and east of 106°. A subsequent release will include data for the remaining project area.

This CD/web-release includes abstracts of oral presentations, and original or edited powerpoint presentations in pdf file-format. The powerpoint pdfs reflect the talks as presented, or as edited versions, to omit unpublished data.

Day 1, Thursday April 29th

Morning session: Project Overview

PresentationSally Pehrsson: GSCWCMP Project overview and outstanding major questions
AbstractDave Evans: Yale U.Pre-Rodinia global reconstructions: implications for WCP correlations and Metallogeny
PresentationRobert Berman: GSCThe tectonometamorphic history of the western Churchill province: the emerging picture from linked metamorphic and in-situ geochronologic studies
PresentationBill Davis: GSCA review of geochronological data and geological evolution of the central and northern Hearne domain
PresentationWouter Bleeker: GSCFrom Kenorland to Laurentia? A review of evidence for a Hearne-Superior connection

Afternoon session: Rae-Hearne bedrock geology

PresentationTom Skulski: GSCArchean Evolution and Paleoproterozoic Reworking of the northern Rae Domain
PresentationKen Ashton: SIRThe Archean Rae craton: character and reworking in northern Saskatchewan
PresentationEdith Martel: NWTThe Snowbird Lake Project, C.S. Lord Northern Geoscience Center: plans and high resolution aeromagnetic survey
PresentationMike Williams: U. MassRecent results from the Snowbird Tectonic Zone, N. Saskatchewan
PresentationSubhas Tella: GSCHighlights of the Hearne compilation area
PresentationCharlie Harper: SIRThe Phelps Lake project: The Hearne province of northeast Saskatchewan
PresentationNicole Rayner: GSCNew U-Pb SHRIMP results from the THO north flank TGI 2 project
PresentationOtto van Breeman: GSCU-Pb SHRIMP analyses of zircons from Paleoproterozoic granites: probing the Hearne crust indirectly

Day 2: Friday April 30th

Morning session: Regional Metallogeny and mineral deposits

PresentationCharlie Jefferson: GSCOverview of the WCMP metallogeny subproject
PresentationLarry Hulbert: GSCNi prospects of the WCP
PresentationCharlie JeffersonAthabasca-Thelon-Borden basin comparisons and U mineralization
PresentationSandy BarhamComaplex Noomut Project Henik Lakes Area, Nunavut. Geology, geophysics, gold mineralization
PosterPaul RamaekersAthabasca Basin, Saskatchewan and Alberta: Structural History, Unconformaity Uranium and Cretaceous Heavy Oil

Morning session 2: Proterozoic stratigraphy and metallogeny

PresentationRob Rainbird: GSCDetrital geochronology of Proterozoic basins: implications for regional tectonics
PresentationSally PehrssonPaleoproterozoic basin correlation and metallogeny--Greenland to Manitoba
AbstractNatasha Wodicka: GSCAge and provenance of the Piling Group, central Baffin Island, Nunavut
PresentationRob Carpenter: CBRRegional controls on Paleoproterozoic lode-gold mineralization in the Hearne Domain, western Churchill Province, Nunavut

Afternoon session: Quaternary geology

Presentation / Pub listLynda Dredge: GSCQuaternary geological work in the WCP: overview of recent and future compilations in the Committee Bay TGI area, central Kivalliq Region, Melville Peninsula and northern Manitoba
PresentationJanet Campbell: SIRRecent Quaternary results from N. Saskatchewan
PosterMcMartin et al.New Quaternary datasets and products for the WCMP.
DocumentMcMartin et al.Quaternary Up-coming Publications list
DocumentMcMartin et al.Quaternary Recent Publications list

Additional: Phelps Lake Field Trip

Download - Guidebook Charlie HarperThe Phelps Lake Area: A Look at the Hearne Province in Northeast SK - Field Trip Guide & assoc figures
Document / guide bookField_trip_guide
TableFigure 1
FigureTable 1
Text fileWestern Churchill Metadata (searchable by NTS sheet)

2006-04-02Important notices