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Natural Resources Canada
Northern Resources Development
Western Churchill Metallogeny Project
.Quaternary geological work
.Workshop Presentations
.Geoscience Forum Presentations
.Project Workshop 2005 Presentations

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ÿNorthern resources development
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Northern resources development > Western Churchill Metallogeny Project
Western Churchill Metallogeny Project
Selected Fall 2004 Geoscience Forum Presentations

PresentationIsabelle McMartin: 32nd Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum November 15-18, 2004 Quaternary mapping in the Schultz Lake (NTS 66A) and the Wager Bay (NTS 56G) areas: a history of shifting ice flows and contrasting glacial landscapes beneath the Keewatin Ice Divide
PresentationSally Pehrsson: 32nd Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum November 15-18, 2004 Disassembling a tectonic puzzle: towards a revised subdivision of the western Churchill Province
PresentationRob Rainbird: GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado November 7-10, 2004 Characteristics and comparison of the basal Paleoproterozoic cover sequence of the Superior and western Churchill provinces of Laurentia
PresentationSally Pehrsson: Manitoba Mining & Minerals Convention November 18-20, 2004 Tackling the last true northern frontier: towards a modern tectonostratigraphic framework for the Western Churchill Province
PresentationSally Pehrsson: Saskatchewan Geological Survey Open House November November 30 - December 2 2004 Hands across the border: a preliminary tectonostratigraphic framework for the WCP in Saskatchewan, Nunavut and Northwest Territories
PresentationCharlie Jefferson: Saskatchewan Geological Survey Open House November 30 - December 2 2004 EXTECH IV: Athabasca Uranium Multidisciplinary Study; Insights from Integration

2006-04-02Important notices