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About Us

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is a federal government department specializing in energy, minerals and metals, forests and earth sciences. At NRCan, we deal with natural resource issues that are important to Canadians. We look at these issues from both a national and international perspective, using our expertise in science and policy. How we manage our land and resources today will determine the quality of life for Canadians both now and in the future.

The Minerals and Metals Sector (MMS) of Natural Resources Canada is one
of five sectors in the Department. The others are the Earth Sciences Sector,
the Energy Sector, the Canadian Forest Service, and the Corporate Services

MMS is the federal government's primary source of scientific and
technological knowledge, and policy advice, on Canada's mineral and metal
resources and on explosives regulation and technology. The Sector comprises four branches: Mineral and Metal Policy, Economic and Financial Analysis, Mineral Technology (CANMET), and Planning and Management Services. MMS devotes a large portion of its resources to science and technology, and houses three of Canada's premier scientific research institutions (the Mining and Mineral Sciences Laboratories, the Materials Technology Laboratory, and the Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory).

MMS has the government lead in promoting the sustainable development and
responsible use of Canada's mineral and metal Recycling Imageresources. The Sector is a
leader in the generation and dissemination of knowledge on the Canadian minerals and metals industry. MMS interacts with a wide range of stakeholders, including the private sector, environmental groups, Aboriginal peoples, provincial and territorial governments, other federal departments and agencies, and international organizations. It also collaborates with and provides research services to governmental, institutional and industrial clients (from mining to manufacturing) for the development of new technology with net economic, environmental and social benefits to Canadians.

Last Modified: 2002-05-22