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Natural Resources Canada
Northern Resources Development
Slave Province Compilation
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.Landsat Imagery
.The Slave Craton: Geological and Metallogenic Evolution
.GeoPub (GSC Publications)
.Northwest Territories Geoscience Office
.Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated

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ÿNorthern resources development
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Northern resources development > Slave Province Compilation
Slave Province Minerals & Geoscience
Metamorphic Constraints on the Geological Setting, Thermal Regime, and Timing of Alteration and Gold Mineralization in the Yellowknife Greenstone Belt, NWT, Canada

Phil Thompson

Depicted below is the central part of the new metamorphic map of theYellowknife greenstone belt with displacement across north-trending Proterozoic faults removed by assuming only a strike-slip component of movement and lining up granitoid contacts, the steeply-dipping metaconglomerate unit in the Jackson Lake Formation (JLF), and Proterozoic diabase dykes. The isograd defining the lower limit of the knotted schist zone is taken from Jolliffe (1942, 1946). The chlorite-carbonate zone is omitted here for clarity.

Metamorphic map

2006-05-16Important notices