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Natural Resources Canada
Northern Resources Development
Slave Province Compilation
.Compilation and Synthesis
.Surficial Geology
.Bedrock Geology
.Mineral Deposits
.Digital Elevation Models
.Landsat Imagery
.The Slave Craton: Geological and Metallogenic Evolution
.GeoPub (GSC Publications)
.Northwest Territories Geoscience Office
.Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated

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ÿNorthern resources development
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006) > Northern resources development > Slave Province Compilation
Slave Province Minerals & Geoscience

Activity Leader: Ross Knight

Outreach activities provide presentations, talks, posters and their delivery within local communities in cooperation and consultation with the GSC project entitled "Geosciences Experience for Northern Communities" and the Nunavut Science Outreach Network.

If you are experiencing difficulty in downloading the poster within your pdf enabled web browser you can right click on the words "Download Poster" to transfer the file to your hard drive before attempting to open the file.

Poster Presentations

Below is a thumbnail image of a poster presented in November of 2003 at the Yellowknife geoscience forum. Content of the poster outlines the activities that are being undertaken by the project. The full sized version has a print size of 220 x 100 cm. Download Poster [PDF, 26.8 Mb, viewer].


Content of poster entitled "Gravity and magnetic signatures of the Muskox layered intrusion" is now available as part of the Slave compilation web site. Click here to link to the site.

Below is a thumbnail image of a poster presented at the Prospectors and Developers Association Annual Meeting (PDAC) in the spring of 2004. Content of the poster outlines the activities that are being undertaken by the project. The full sized version has a print size of 185 x 120 cm. Download Poster [PDF, 12.1 Mb, viewer].


Below is a thumbnail image of a poster presented in November of 2004 at the Yellowknife geoscience forum. Content of the poster includes regional surficial geochemistry maps, Beechey Lake mineral occurrence dataset and an overview of fingerprinting large igneous provinces. The full sized version has a print size of 220 x 100 cm. Download Poster [PDF, 79.3 Mb, viewer].


Below is a thumbnail image of a poster presented in November of 2004 at the Yellowknife geoscience forum. Content of the poster includes new geochronological results from Slave mettallogeny project. The full sized version has a print size of 135 x 110 cm. Download Poster [PDF, 16.7 Mb, viewer].


Below is a thumbnail image of the EXTECH III update poster presented in November of 2004 at the Yellowknife geoscience forum. Content of the poster includes highlights from the EXTECH III volume and include 3-D GIS modeling, belt stratigraphy, geophysical signatures and a section on the history of mining. The full sized version has a print size of 185 x 90 cm. Download Poster [PDF, 109.7 Mb, viewer]. To view this poster as a website click here.


Below is a thumbnail image of a poster presented in January of 2005 at the Mineral Exploration Roundup . Content of the poster includes regional surficial geochemistry maps, Beechey Lake mineral occurrence dataset and an overview of fingerprinting large igneous provinces as well as recent geological maps highlighting mafic and ultramafic intrusions. The full sized version has a print size of 225 x 115 cm. Download Poster [PDF, 124.4 Mb, viewer].


If you are experiencing difficulty in downloading the poster within your pdf enabled web browser you can right click on the words "Download Poster" to transfer the file to your hard drive before attempting to open the file.


Slave Province minerals and geoscience compilation and synthesis project. Jan Peter. (PowerPoint presentation [ZIP, 15.2 Mb]).

A precise age for the Duck Lake Sill and its relevance for fitting the Slave in a global Archean context. Bleeker, W. and Kamo, S. (Talk abstract)

Gravity and magnetic signatures of the Muskox layered intrusion. Mike Thomas (Talk abstract, Poster)

A GIS mineral occurrence database in support of a metallogenic study of the Slave Province. Brian V. Hall, Jan M. Peter, and Graeme F. Bonham-Carter. (Talk abstract, PowerPoint presentation [PPT, 14.0 Mb])

Geology and Metallogeny of the Slave Craton. Wouter Bleeker & Jan Peter. (Talk abstract)

2006-05-16Important notices