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GSC Guide to Authors
Guidelines for Cataloguing Photographs
Previous (Guidelines for Figure Preparation)Index (Preparing Maps and Reports for Publication) 

First you should determine whether your photos need cataloguing (see guidelines below)

Next, in the ESSPPI system (accessible to ESS employees only), fill out one Cataloguing Form for a Photograph Series in a GSC Publication (PUB 3013) covering all the photos in your report that require cataloguing. Then, fill out a Cataloguing Individual Photographs In Series (PUB 3014) form for each photo. (Go to Forms page to view sample forms.)

Submit a copy of the filled forms, along with the best copy of the photo you have (either a slide or a negative). The Photo Library (ESIC) will duplicate the photo in its Photography Section, keep the duplicate, and return the originals, along with catalogue numbers for each photo.

General guidelines to help authors decide if a photograph needs cataloguing

If we have a GSC bulletin with Smith, Jones, and Brown as authors:

Smith is a GSC scientist. He is an author in the bulletin. His photographs get catalogued.

Jones is not a GSC scientist. He is an author in the bulletin. His photographs get catalogued.

Brown is not a GSC employee now, but at the time of the research he was under contract, say an MDA. His photographs get catalogued for the following two reasons: 1) the fact that he is an author is most important, but as well 2) all research results and material that GSC funds paid for are the property of the GSC.

Basically then, all authors in a bulletin give up their copyright of the material published by the federal government and their photographs get catalogued. "Photograph by" is included in each caption followed by the catalogue number.

Now, if these authors above used photographs from the following colleagues:

Dr. Green (not an author in this bulletin) is now and was in past a GSC employee. His photographs get catalogued and "Photograph by" is included in the caption.

Dr. Pink (not an author in this bulletin) is not now GSC employee, but took the photograph while being paid by the GSC. It is GSC property and should be catalogued. "Photograph by" is included in the caption.

Dr. Black (not an author in this bulletin) was never a GSC employee. We need written permission to use the photograph and "Photograph courtesy of" is included in the caption. No catalogue number is given and it doesn't need cataloguing.

Dr. White, (not an author in this bulletin) took some pictures while doing his Ph.D. He is now a GSC employee. Those photographs are his if he wasn't working for GSC at the time of his Ph.D. thesis. You must obtain written permission to use the photographs and include "Photograph courtesy of" in the caption.

Photographs from other federal government departments should not be catalogued. The source of the photograph should be indicated by "Photograph courtesy of" and if the agency has a catalogue numbering system, this should be included in the caption to aid your readers in obtaining a copy if needed.

Photographs from provincial governments, other agencies, and journals should not be catalogued. Permission to use the photograph should be obtained in writing and indicate "Photograph courtesy of" in the caption.

For credits "Photograph by", only initials and surname should be indicated — no titles (Dr., Mr., etc.).

Photomicrographs are not catalogued.

Airphotos from National Air Photo Library only require the NAPL number at the end of the caption. These do not get catalogued.

Airphotos from provincial government sources and outside agencies are not catalogued, but do need written permission to use. If that agency has a cataloguing numbering system, include that information as well.

Previous (Guidelines for Figure Preparation)Index (Preparing Maps and Reports for Publication) 

2006-06-09Important notices