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Scientific and Technical Publishing Services
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GSC Guide to Authors
.Preparing Maps and Reports
.General list
.The International System of Units
.Spelling, Usage and GSC Recommendations

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 Earth Sciences Sector
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Publishing Services > Editorial/Digital Design
GSC Guide to Authors
G: Alphabetical Listing

 Spelling, Usage and GSC Recommendations
  1. Spelling
  2. Usage
  3. Alphabetical Listing


Ga (109 years) See MA.

gamma ray (n.), gamma-ray (adj.). For example: A gamma-ray log is based on gamma rays.


gas (pl. gases)

Gaspésie This is the correct term. Do not use 'Gaspé', or 'Gaspé Peninsula', or 'Gaspésie Peninsula'.


gauge, gaugeable

generally speaking Avoid this expression in such sentences as: 'Generally speaking, the rocks are well exposed.' No one is speaking — certainly not the rocks.

geochemistry See CHEMISTRY.

geochronological units Position within geochronological units (period, epoch, age, etc.) is best indicated by early, middle, medial, late, and latest.

geographic (not geographical).

geological (not geologic) Compare usage with a logical idea, a logical person, etc. Never 'a logic idea' or 'a logic person'.

geometry This word is frequently misused, particularly in structural geology, but also in paleontology. Fossils, folds, and faults, etc. do not have 'a geometry'. The words form, style, profile, shape, and configuration can be substituted in many instances.

geomorphological (not geomorphologic)

giga The prefix giga (symbol G) indicates the multiple 109.

gigabyte (abbreviation GB)

glacial lake, but glacial Lake Iroquois

glacially eroded landscape

glaciofluvial, glaciogenic, glaciolacustrine, but glacio-isostasy

globular, globule-like (not globularlike)

gneiss See ROCK NAMES.

gold-bearing deposit

got Avoid the use of 'have got' or 'have obtained' where have alone will express your meaning.

Never use 'gotten'.

graben (pl. grabens) (not capitalized)

grain size


Great Divide, Great Plains, the Plains (as a physiographic province)

greater than (>), less than (<) The signs stand for 'is, or are, greater than, less than'. In the text, the expression is written out, whereas the signs are used in parentheses: dip less than 10°; steep dips (>70°). The signs are used in equations and tables; there is no space between the sign and the number.

grey (not gray)


groundmass, groundwater, groundwork, but ground iceand ground-ice feature

group Windsor Group; Canso Group; but Windsor and Canso groups.


gully (pl. gullies), gullying

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