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Materials Technology Laboratory -- Laboratoire de la technologie des mat‚riaux

Materials Characterization

With one of the most complete suites of characterization instruments in Canada, the Materials Characterization Group offers a wide variety of microstructural characterization services to Canadian companies, universities, and CANMET-MTL's five research programs. The group also performs core research on materials characterization methodologies to extend its own capabilities.

Competencies range from basic metallography to advanced electron beam and surface analysis techniques. Specimens are prepared for optical and electron microscopy, surface analysis and/or quantitative image analysis from a broad range of materials, including metals, alloys, ceramics, concrete, composites, coatings, powders and small components. Virtually all of the characterization equipment is interfaced with a digital image archival system.

Major Facilities and Capabilities

  • Optical microscopy: Metallographic specimens are examined in an inverted optical microscope under bright field, polarized light or Nomarski contrast illumination at magnifications ranging from 35 to 1000X;

  • Image analysis: Quantitative analysis of optical and electron microscopy images is performed using a Clemex Vision image analysis system to determine size, volume fraction and spacing of microstructural features;

  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM): The Philips XL-30 SEM has a LaB6 filament and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Secondary electron (SE) images have excellent depth of field, allowing the depiction of complex topographical features on fracture surfaces, powders and polished metallographic cross-sections. The high-quality back-scattered electron (BSE) images provide atomic number contrast and, in some cases (depending on the surface finish), crystallographic contrast. Elemental analysis can be obtained for elements ranging from carbon to uranium with detection limits down to about 1 wt %;

  • Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA): The Cameca SX50 electron probe microanalyzer is equipped with four wavelength spectrometers and EDS. Elemental analysis can be performed from boron to uranium, with a detection limit from 100% to 10 ppm, depending on the particular element/matrix combination;

  • Analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM):
    • The Philips CM20FEG transmission/scanning transmission electron microscope (TEM/STEM) has 200 kV accelerating voltage, EDS, and Gatan imaging filter and electron energy loss (EELS) systems. Chemical information, covering most of the periodic table, can be obtained from the analysis of excited X-rays (using EDS) and the energy loss spectra (using EELS) of the transmitted electrons. Elemental maps and line scans are acquired to characterize grain boundary and interface segregation and to analyze concentration gradients. Selected area diffraction (SAD) and convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) patterns are used to analyze the crystal structure for phase determination and to characterize the orientation relationships between neighbouring grains and phases;
    • TEM specimen preparation equipment available on-site includes: dual-jet electro-polishing; precision dimpling; a Gatan Precision Ion Polishing System (PIPS), which permits argon ion sputtering at low angles of incidence; and a diamond knife ultramicrotome. Through a service agreement with a private-sector organization located at Natural Resources Canada's Booth Street campus (Fibics Incorporated), CANMET-MTL also has access to the preparation of TEM cross-sections using focused ion beam techniques;

  • Auger electron spectroscopy/scanning Auger multiprobe (AES/SAM): The SAM (PHI-600) is a scanning electron microscope combined with an Auger electron spectrometer. The small electron probe size (35 nm) and shallow Auger electron escape depth (1-2 nm) allow for very surface-specific analysis of all elements (except H and He), with a sensitivity of about 0.5 at.%. Depth profiling can be performed with a controlled erosion of the surface by argon ion sputtering to provide both surface and bulk analysis. In-vacuo sample fracture at temperatures of 23 to -160ºC and subsequent analysis also may be performed;

  • X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS): The XPS (PHI-5600) is equipped with monochromator and non-monochromator dual X-ray sources and a motorized five-axis specimen stage. Direct, non-destructive surface chemical composition of all elements (except H and He) present at the outermost layers of solid surfaces is obtained from regions as small as 75 microns diameter with <0.1 monolayer sensitivity (parts per billion). An important feature of XPS is that it can determine element speciation (chemical forms and oxidation states). The ion gun permits depth profile studies. The XPS is also equipped with an ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) -compatible in-situ reactor and a fracture stage from which the specimen can be transferred under UHV to the analytical chamber, thereby eliminating an air exposure (oxidation/contamination) step;

  • Access to additional facilities (focused ion beam [FIB] systems, secondary ion mass spectrometry [SIMS], variable-pressure SEM [VP-SEM] and X-ray diffraction [XRD]) is provided through partnerships with other NRCan divisions and external organizations;

  • A complete metallographic preparation facility is available on-site, including: abrasive wheel cut-off and low-speed diamond saws; hot mounting presses and vacuum embedding for cold mounting; automated grinding and polishing machines; facilities for chemical etching; and programmable apparatus for electropolishing, electrolytic etching and anodizing.

For further information contact:

Dr. V.Y. Gertsman
Group Leader
Telephone: (613) 995-2132
Facsimile: (613) 992-8735

Scientific Services

Last Updated: 2006-10-06
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