AdventureSmart - Get Informed and go outdoors

AdventureSmart Certificate
> adventuresmart certificate
> hug-a-tree and survive
> snow safety & education project
> SARvivor game
> youthsafe outdoors program
> kids health

Hey kids! Did you know that each time you participate in an AdventureSmart kids program – Hug-A-Tree , Snow Safety Education, or the SARvivor online game – you get a cool program sticker to place on your very own AdventureSmart certificate!?

AdventureSmart CertificateThat’s right, once you participate in one AdventureSmart kids program, you’ll receive a certificate with your name on it and a unique sticker from that program to get you started. Take all the kids programs, collect all the program stickers and proudly display your certificate to show everyone that you are officially AdventureSmart! Way to go!

Got one sticker on your certificate but need to take the other programs to collect the full set? Ask your teacher/leader to bring the AdventureSmart programs to your classroom or group!

PS – Why not challenge your friends to become AdventureSmart too?

“Get informed and go outdoors!”


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