AdventureSmart - Get Informed and go outdoors

Youthsafe Outdoors Program
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> youthsafe outdoors program
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A core program supported by AdventureSmart in B.C., YouthSafe Outdoors is a risk management and safety education initiative for K-12 school districts and schools. It provides a wealth of comprehensive, research-based resources, training and consultation services to help provide safe education and recreation experiences through solid policy development and governance, administration, trip planning, leadership, instruction and home support.

The program objective is to build the four Cs:

  • Capacity – consistent performance of risk management functions within and across education and recreation systems.
  • Competence – personnel with the knowledge, skills and judgment they need to understand and fulfill their risk management-related obligations.
  • Confidence – positive, affirmative, systems-based action to enhance organization and community peace of mind that activities are sufficiently safe.
  • Culture – leadership, modeling and instruction of youth and families toward developing a strong culture of safety and security.

YouthSafe Outdoors includes safety guidelines and fully-integrated support resources for everyone involved in helping ensure off-site activities are safe: Boards, administrators, teachers/leaders, parents/guardians and youth participants/students.

Draft YouthSafe Outdoors resources will be available to B.C. school districts for field and pilot testing this spring. To read more about this program go to

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