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Avian Flu
Avian influenza is a public health and economic problem of collective concern to the Asia Pacific community. There are already several important efforts underway to address this problem, within economies and in conjunction with international organisations.

The APEC Health Task Force convenes to discuss approaches so that APEC can contribute to the regional and global response. To address avian influenza, economies can share information, lessons, and advice to help facilitate more efficient and effective responses in currently affected economies. One of the major challenges, for example, is the safe and effective culling of poultry. Success stories from experienced economies are of special interest to all APEC Member Economies.

The APEC Meeting on Avian and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response was held in Brisbane, Australia on October 31- November 1, 2005. Participants included APEC member economies, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and related international organizations.
Meeting papers can be downloaded.

The APEC Ministerial Meeting on Avian and Influenza Pandemics was held in Da Nang, Viet Nam on 4-6 May 2006 and the APEC Action Plan on the Prevention and Response to Avian and Influenza Pandemics was endorsed by Ministers.

On January 28, 2004, Agriculture and Health Ministers from affected countries, including several APEC Member Economies, issued a Joint Ministerial Statement on the Current Disease Situation. The United States has also just produced an Avian Influenza - Self Assessment Questionnaire for Officials.

Australia has released the Australia's Response to the Avian Influenza Outbreaks. It also contains several Australian websites on the avian influenza outbreaks.

The Hong Kong, China Department of Health has published a number of useful articles in its Public Health and Epidemiology Bulletin on the H5N1 influenza virus. These articles can be downloaded below -

Hong Kong, China - Department of Health, Public Health and Epidemiology Bulletin, November 1997

Hong Kong, China - Department of Health, Public Health and Epidemiology Bulletin, February 1998

Hong Kong, China - Department of Health, Public Health and Epidemiology Bulletin, February 1999

Hong Kong, China - Department of Health, Public Health and Epidemiology Bulletin, April 2003

The Singapore Government maintains a website which acts as a central government portal for information on avian flu. It provides frequently asked questions, latest news, and government releases on avian flu. Click here to link to the Singapore Government Avian Flu site.

The World Health Organization maintains a useful page on its website regarding avian influenza. Click here to view the page.

The World Organisation for Animal Health offers information on methods for disease control, including guidelines for disease control and vaccination and diagnostic methods. Click here to view the page.

For information in a number of languages on avian influenza, click here to view the US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) page.

The Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also released a pertinent report on avian influenza in its February 13 issue of Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Click here to download the report.

The Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN) has released the Status Report on Avian Influenza. Click here to download the latest report.

Further information on Avian Influenza will be posted on this webpage over the coming weeks.

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Avian Flu
Find Out More
APEC Health Ministers' Statement
APEC Minsters Responsible for Trade Minsterial Statement on SARS
APEC Action Plan on SARS
Industrial Science and Technology Working Group
Influenza Prevention and Control in Chinese Taipei
(PDF,9 Kb)
External Related Links
APEC Emerging Infections Network
World Health Organization Page on Avian Influenza
World Organisation for Animal Health Page on Avian Influenza
Singapore Government Avian Flu Website
US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Avian Influenza Page
Joint Declaration Special ASEAN Leaders' Meeting on SARS
Joint Statement of the Special ASEAN-China Leaders' Meeting on SARS
Joint Statement ASEAN+3 Ministers of Health Special Meeting on SARS
World Health Organization - SARS
Center for Diease Control and Prevention - SARS
International Air Transport Association (IATA) - SARS
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