Government of Alberta website telephone directory

Alberta in Action — priorities for our province.

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This page provides a comprehensive overview of the main Government of Alberta web site and links to the pages named. Only the individual news feature stories are excluded and, due to their number, listed separately.

If you are not sure which page will contain the information that interests you, try the search engine.

        About Alberta
            Alberta Advantage
            Climate & Geography
            Industry & Economy
            Photo Gallery
            Lieutenant Governor
            Legislative Assembly
                Executive Council
                    Public Affairs Bureau
                    Protocol Office
                        Order of Precedence
                        Consulates in Alberta
                        Suggested Dinner Protocol
                        Government House
                        Toasting the Queen
                    Corporate Internal Audit Services
                        Staffing and Employment
            Ministry Overviews
                Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
                Advanced Education
                Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
                Children's Services
                Community Development
                Economic Development
                Government Services
                Health and Wellness
                Human Resources and Employment
                Infrastructure and Transportation
                    Infrastructure and Transportation — Capital Planning
                Innovation and Science
                International and Intergovernmental Relations
                Justice and Attorney General
                Municipal Affairs
                Restructuring and Government Efficiency
                Seniors and Community Supports
                Solicitor General and Public Security
                Sustainable Resource Development
            Ministry Websites
            Government Committees
                Agenda & Priorities Committee
                Treasury Board
                Agriculture and Municipal Affairs
                Economic Development and Finance
                Education and Employment
                Energy and Sustainable Development
                Health and Community Living
                Justice and Government Services
        Contact Your MLA
            News Release Search
            RSS - News to Your Desktop
                RSS Feeds
                RSS Readers
            Feature Stories
            News Focus
        Public Consultations
            Consultations by Ministry
            Completed Consultations
            Orders in Council
        Telephone Directory
            Most Requested Numbers
            Dialing Info — Public
            Dialing Info — Government
            Report Errors/ Request Changes
            Administrative Listings
            Printable Directories
            Executive Council
        Feedback: Alberta Connects
            Website Feedback
            Frequently Asked Questions
        Site Guide
            Site Map
        International Travel Expenses

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