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Use of Judgments

This site contains most of the written reasons for judgment, reasons for decision, and memoranda of reasons of Alberta's Court of Appeal, Court of Queen's Bench and Provincial Court released after January 1, 1998. When possible, judgments are posted within 48 hours of their issuance. These judgments are posted on the website as a public service. Use of this information may be subject to legal constraints. The judgments on this site are not the official versions; the official version of a judgment is the signed original in the Court file. Copies of the original judgment may be obtained by contacting the appropriate Court.

Search Features

Recent Judgments. Select the date range of judgments you would like to view (default is one month). Select the court (Court of Appeal, Court of Queen's Bench, Provincial Court or All) or type of case (Civil or Criminal). If you want more than 10 cases displayed, choose number of results in the “Show results” box. Select the sorting method (default is “Recent First”). You can view the judgments in Adobe PDF formatted version or in an unformatted version.
Judgments by Month. Select the month that you want to view and the court (Court of Appeal, Court of Queen's Bench, Provincial Court or All) or type of case (Civil or Criminal). If you want more than 10 cases displayed, choose number of results in the “Show results” box. Select the sorting method (default is “Recent First”). All judgments issued in the selected period will be listed.. You can view the judgments in Adobe PDF formatted version or in an unformatted version.
Keyword Search. To search for a single name, word or phrase, enter the term in the search box and select the court (Court of Appeal, Court of Queen's Bench, Provincial Court or All). If you want more than 10 cases displayed, choose number of results in the “Show results” box. Select the sorting method (default is “Recent First”). A list of judgments from the selected court/s containing the term will be produced. You can view the judgments in Adobe PDF formatted version or in an unformatted version.
Advanced Search. To search for more than a single name, word or phrase, enter your terms in the appropriate boxes and select the court (Court of Appeal, Court of Queen's Bench, Provincial Court or All). If you want more than 10 cases displayed, choose number of results in the “Show results” box. Select the sorting method (default is “Recent First”). A list of judgments from the selected court/s containing the terms will be produced. You can view the judgments in Adobe PDF formatted version or in an unformatted version.

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