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Publications on Co-operatives

Publications of the ICA

Inform -- Educate -- Share

ICA publishes a wide variety of documents from it head and regional offices and from its sectoral organisations for its members and for the general public. These include newsletters, journals, manuals, documents on co-operatives and co-operation.
Below is a listing of the publications currently available.


Head Office

  • ICA Digest
    Published by ICA Head Office in Geneva, the Digest is issued twice a month and reports on the activities that ICA undertakes on behalf of its members, highlights important events taking place in co-operative movements around the world, and faciliates contacts between co-operatives for the sharing of knowledge and information. The Digest is published in English French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

  • Review of International Co-operation
    The Review of International Co-operation is the official journal of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA). The Review presents in-depth discussion of issues that effect co-operatives around the world.

  • ICA Annual Report
    ICA issues an Annual Report of its activities, highlighting key accomplishments and challenges. Information is included on the activities of the Head and Regional Offices, Sectoral Organisations and Thematic Committees.

  • Books, manuals and other publications

ICA Regional Office for the Americas

  • Boletín Informativo ACIAMÉRICAS.COOP
    Published in Spanish on a monthly basis and sent to ICA members in the region by e-mail. Copies can be requested from ICA Americas - info@aciamericas.coop

ICA Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Sectoral Organisations

Last Updated: 22 August 2005