Elections Yukon: Campaign Financing

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Political Contributions

  • A political contribution can be given to a person who files a nomination paper at an election (a candidate) or to a political party registered with the chief electoral officer.
  • A political contribution is cash, a cheque or a money order given to a candidate or a registered political party.
  • There is no limit on the amount that can be contributed. The contributor's name is public after the election, if the total amount is over $250.00.
  • An income tax credit receipt is given for every contribution of cash, cheque or money order.
  • An income tax credit receipt is not given for a donation of goods, volunteer or paid labour, or other services.
  • Candidates and political parties must file a financial report with the chief electoral officer after the elction is over.
  • The information in these reports is public information.

Campaign Financing Policies (PDF, 46 KB)

Officials and Election Financing (PDF, 67 KB)

Official Agents and Election Financing (PDF, 71 KB)

Part 6, Elections Act, Financial Provisions for Candidates and Registered Political Parties (PDF, 90 KB)

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