Elections Yukon: Elections

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Yukon Elections

Elections of the members to the Yukon Legislative Assembly are the responsibility of the chief electoral officer of Yukon who is selected by the members of the Legislative Assembly. For each electoral district, a returning officer is appointed to run the election of one member. Returning officers report to the chief electoral officer.

In 1978, two important changes took place in elections. The first change was that the conduct of elections was again the responsibility of Yukon. For a number of years the chief electoral officer for Canada ran elections of members to the territorial council or, as it is now called, the Legislative Assembly.

The second change was that for the first time candidates would be identified with political parties.

Some facts about Yukon elections:

  • The 1900 election took place to elect the first members to the territorial council. On this council only two of the eight members were elected.
  • The first election of a territorial council for which everyone was elected was in 1909.
  • There have been councils as small as three members from 1920 to 1952. (See General Elections)
  • The first woman was elected to the Legislative Assembly in 1967. Women got the right to vote in 1919. (See Women Elected)
  • Three First Nations candidates ran for the first time in 1974. Two First Nations members were elected to the Legislative Assembly in 1978. The right to vote and run as a candidate came into effect at the 1961 election of members to the territorial council.


Election Call

Who calls an election?
The premier of Yukon decides when a by-election or a general election will take place. Before a general election is called, the legislature is dissolved.

When is the next election?
The last general election was November 4, 2002. A general election usually takes place every three to four years. A by-election is necessary if a member of the Legislative Assembly of the Yukon resigns or dies. It must be called within 180 days of the date on which the seat became vacant.

How many members are there?
There are 18 members.

Who runs elections?
A chief electoral officer is appointed by the Commissioner in Executive Council. One returning officer is appointed by the cabinet for each electoral district. Returning officers report to the chief electoral officer and only work during elections.

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Who can be a candidate?
You can be a candidate in an electoral district if you:

  • are qualified as a voter
  • can get 25 or more qualified voters to nominate you
  • have $200 for your nomination deposit

A candidate can be nominated by a political party or be an independent candidate.

What else?
You will need an official agent to make sure your campaign expenses are paid. The official agent can also issue tax credit receipts for contributions to your campaign. (See Campaign Financing)

Anything else?
Before nominations close on nomination day, you need to file a nomination paper. It must be signed by 25 or more qualified voters, name your official agent, and along with $200, be filed with the returning officer for the electoral district in which you are running. If your nomination paper is accepted by the returning officer, you are a candidate.

How can I get a nomination paper?
You can get a nomination paper from the returning office in your electoral district.

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Electoral Districts

What is an electoral district?
An electoral district is an area in which voters live and are represented by one elected member in the Legislative Assembly. Each electoral district is divided into polling divisions. (See Maps)

How many electoral districts are there?

Who decides how many electoral districts there will be?
An electoral district boundaries commission recommends the number of electoral districts. Any changes to the boundaries are legislated by the Legislative Assembly. (See Electoral District Boundaries Commissions)

How can I find out in which electoral district I live?
You can Contact Us at the Elections Office OR go to Maps.

How can I get a map of the electoral districts?
You can get a map of each electoral district or a large map showing all the electoral districts in the Yukon. Phone, write or e-mail the Elections Office. The maps are free.

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Political Parties

How many political parties are there?
There are three political parties represented in the Legislative Assembly and registered with the chief electoral officer. They are:

  • Yukon Party
    Box 31113, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 5P7

  • Yukon Liberal Party
    Box 31386, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 6K8

  • Yukon New Democratic Party
    Box 31516, Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 6K8

How can I register a political party?
You should contact Elections Yukon and ask for forms and information you need to register the party. A registration also needs the signatures of at least 100 party members who are qualified to vote in an election.

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Can I vote?
You can vote if on polling day you:

  • are 18 years or older
  • are a Canadian citizen, and
  • have lived in the Yukon for 12 months

How can I register to vote?
When the election is called, enumerators will be going to every residence in your electoral district to get the names of people who are qualified to vote.

If the enumerators cannot get your name and the names of qualified voters who live with you, you can have your name added during revision or you can go to a special revision three days before polling day. You should telephone the Elections Office for the times and locations for adding your name to the list of voters or click here when an election is on.

I do not want someone to know where I live. How can I vote if my name has to be on a list?
You can apply to the returning officer to vote without your name and address being on the list.

I work in the Yukon from April to October. Can I vote in an election?
You will have to decide where you live.

I keep an apartment in Whitehorse. I live most of the time at my cabin which is in another electoral district. Where do I vote?
You will have to decide in which electoral district you want to vote. You may have to get your name on the list yourself. Enumerators can only take your name for their electoral district.

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Proxy Voting and Special Voting

If I am on vacation and not in the Yukon when an election is called, how can I vote?
I am going to university outside the Yukon. How can I vote?
You can have someone vote for you, or apply to vote by special ballot.

Proxy Voting - Application and Directions

You and your proxy voter both must be on the list and you must complete a proxy application. After the proxy application is filled in it must be delivered to the returning officer for a proxy certificate.

When an election is called, proxy applications are also available from the returning officer or from the enumerators.

Special Voting - Application and Directions for Special Ballots

You can apply to vote by special ballot if you will note be able to vote in person on polling day or at the advance poll. Special ballot applications are available at returning offices or from enumerators.

I live in Mayo. I am going to school in Whitehorse. Where can I vote?
You can have your name added to the list in Mayo or in Whitehorse. If you have your name added to the list in Mayo, you can apply to vote by special ballot. Your application should be sent to the returning office in Mayo. A special ballot will be mailed or delivered to you. You must return the marked ballot paper before 2:00 pm on polling day.

I cannot leave my house to vote. How can I get a ballot?
You can vote by special ballot. Ask the enumerators for an application or phone the Elections Office. The phone number is on the voter's guide.

I moved to another electoral district after I was enumerated. Where do I vote?
If you cannot get your name added to the list for the other electoral district, you can vote only where you were enumerated.

Can I leave work to vote?
Your employer is required to give you four hours to vote.

Where do I go to vote?
When you are enumerated or have your name added to the list you will receive a voter's guide which tells you the location of your polling place. On polling day, the polling place is open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Each polling place will have polling stations which consist of two election officials, a ballot box and ballot papers, and representatives of the candidates.

You can vote at the advance poll if you are going to be away on polling day. The advance poll is open from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. on the 7th and 8th days before polling day.

What do I have to do at the polling place?
At your polling station, one election official, the poll clerk, will ask your name and address. The other election official, the deputy returning officer, will hand you a folded ballot paper and tell you to mark it for one candidate only.

If you have to take a declaration before you get your ballot paper, it will be read to you.

How do I mark my ballot paper?
A polling booth is set up for you to privately mark your ballot paper. You should mark your ballot paper with an "X" in the circle beside the name of the candidate you are voting for. If you put any other mark on the ballot paper, it may not be counted.

Re-fold your ballot paper and take it to the deputy returning officer. This person will remove the numbered piece of paper on the ballot paper and put it in the ballot box.

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Election Results

General Election, November 4, 2002 (PDF, 3.7 MB)

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