Last modified on: Oct. 25/06

FoYGers (a.k.a. Friends of Yukon Geology)

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From time to time, email messages are sent to those interested in receiving information about developments in Yukon Geology. Messages will include general news, release dates for new publications, MINFILE updates, new projects and staff in the Yukon Geological Survey, upcoming presentations, website updates, geophysical surveys, etc...

If you are interested in receiving this information just send an e-mail note to FoYGers or check out the FoYGers Archive and Energy Mines and Resources library links.

October 16, 2006

I just wanted to let you know a few things.

This new publication just came out:
YGS Open File 2006-19: Morphology and geochemistry of soils formed on colluviated weathered bedrock: Case studies from unglaciated upland slopes in west-central Yukon by J.D. Bond and P.T. Sanborn, 70 p.
This is available on at the cost of $5.00 (order here
To download the Open File

Attention YEG Authors, this years Guidelines have just been posted. If you think you might be able to submit a paper this year, please let me know as soon as possible. Please view the YEG guidelines here This year's deadline is November 20th for the abstract of 150 words or less, and December 4th for the entire manuscript. Earlier is better as you know we have a tight deadline to get this out for the Cordilleran Roundup and Christmas is in there too!

Special Mention: We'd also like to commend Steve Piercey for receiving the Lindgren award earlier this year ( download SEG announcement here -

Last but not least Remember that Geoscience Forum is coming on November 26-29 in Whitehorse! Visit the Yukon Chamber of Mines Website to find out what's going on this year

Feel free to let me know if you'd like to be removed from this email list or if you'd like to change or add an email address.

Thanks and have a productive fall. See you soon!

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