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Contact Us:

Economic Development
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6
Phone: (867) 393-7191
Toll free (In Yukon): 1-800-661-0408, local 7191
Fax: (867) 393-6944

Last Updated Aug 1, 2004

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Useful Trade and Investment Links and Information

Aboriginal Business Canada (ABC)

Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada

Asia Pacific Foundation

Business Development Bank of Canada

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Canada-Yukon Business Service Centre

Canadian American Business Council

Canadian Commercial Corporation

Canadian Representatives Abroad (DFAIT)

Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (DFAIT)

Export Development Corporation (EDC)

Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)

Industry Canada

International Trade Centres

Investment Partnerships Canada


Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER)

Team Canada Inc.

Western Economic Diversification Canada

Yukon Intergovernmental Relations - Ottawa Office

Aboriginal Business Canada (ABC) (Industry Canada)

  • For eligible applicants, ABC provides financial assistance, information, resource materials and referrals to other possible sources of financing or business support.
  • Clients must be individuals of Canadian Indian, Métis, or Inuit heritage, or majority-owned Aboriginal organizations or development corporations.
  • ABC also works in partnership with Aboriginal financial and business institutions, and with a range of other agencies, boards, and departments on initiatives that are helping to strengthen business skills and promote greater awareness of Aboriginal business achievement.
  • ABC’s priorities are concentrated on supporting innovation, market expansion, Aboriginal tourism, a new generation of Aboriginal business owners, and strong, financially viable and accountable institutions that will continue this work in the years to come.
  • Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters Canada

  • Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, known as the Alliance of Manufacturers & Exporters Canada until October, 2000, was formed through the merger in 1996 of the Canadian Manufacturers Association (CMA) and the Canadian Exporters Association (CEA). For more than 130 years, CME has represented the interests of Canadian business, keeping members on the competitive edge of world-class manufacturing and trade. With strong divisions in every province, CME is a national association and champion of business issues in Canada.
  • The Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters mission is to continuously improve the competitiveness of Canadian industry and to expand export business through.
    • Effective advocacy to government at all levels
    • Timely, relevant information, programs and support
    • Opportunities for networking, learning and professional growth
    • Promoting the development and implementation of advanced technology

    Asia Pacific Foundation

  • The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada is an independent, not-for-profit think tank on Canada's relations with Asia. It undertakes research and develops and distributes timely information and focused analysis for business and policy makers.
  • The Foundation was established in 1984 by an Act of the Parliament of Canada. It has its headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia, and an office in Montreal, Quebec.
  • APF Canada receives financial support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Canadian International Development Agency, the provinces of Alberta and Quebec and a number of private companies.
  • Business Development Bank of Canada

  • The Business Development Bank of Canada is a financial institution wholly owned by the government of Canada.
  • BDC plays a leadership role in delivering financial and consulting services to Canadian small business, with a particular focus on technology and exporting.
  • BDC's debt obligations, secured by the Government of Canada, are issued to the public and private sector institutions.
  • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

  • CMHC supports export opportunities for Canadian manufacturers and building technologies, and promotes to other countries their expertise in developing standards, policy and housing finance systems.
  • Canada-Yukon Business Service Centre

  • The Canada-Yukon Business Service Centre is a joint initiative between Federal Government (Industry Canada), the Yukon Chamber of Commerce and the Yukon Territorial Government. It was established to provide business people with a single access point for information that may be spread across many government departments and agencies, or located in a variety of other places.
  • The Centre's resources include up-to-date lists of manufacturers, suppliers, associations, business directories and periodicals that provide information on starting a new business, export programs for local products, market statistics, and financing for new and existing ventures. No fee is charged for the Centre's services.
  • We are also connected to a network of experts in government departments who can provide in-depth, accurate information, to go beyond traditional information sources.
  • The Managing Partners for the Centre are Industry Canada - Pacific Region, on behalf of the Government of Canada, The Yukon Chamber of Commerce, and Yukon Territorial Government Economic Development, on behalf of the Government of the Yukon.
  • The network of Canada Business Service Centres provides an integrated access point for information and fact sheets on over 150 Industry Canada programs, services and regulations.
  • Canadian American Business Council

  • The Council is the premier voice of the Canadian American business community in Washington. Established in 1987, the Council is a non-profit, issues-oriented organization dedicated to elevating the private sector perspective on issues that affect our two nations.
  • Canadian Commercial Corporation

  • CCC was established in 1946 by an Act of Parliament. It is a Crown Corporation, wholly-owned by the Government of Canada.
  • CCC offers fee-for-service services to both Canadian exporters and buyers outside of Canada:
  • For Canadian Exporters, CCC wraps the Canadian flag around their proposal, providing a government-backed guarantee of contract performance.
  • CCC offers a range of pre-contract, contract advisory and post-contract services.
  • CCC can help promote a project, prepare bids or proposals, negotiate and structure contracts, and provide management after the contract is awarded. CCC can also provide access to working capital and competitive foreign exchange rates.
  • For Buyers Outside of Canada, CCC can help facilitate a purchase by acting as the Prime Contractor or as the Procurement Agent.
  • CCC's head office is located in Ottawa. Regional representatives are located in Halifax, Fredericton, Montreal, Regina, Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver.
  • Canadian Representatives Abroad (DFAIT)

  • DFAIT has Canadian representatives located in more than 270 offices in over 180 countries, including our 135 trade commissioner offices.
  • Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (DFAIT)

  • The Trade Commissioner Service helps companies that have researched and selected their target markets.
  • The service works with companies that are small or large, new or experienced in foreign markets, to prepare for the challenges of doing business internationally and that can demonstrate their commitment to succeed in the global marketplace.
  • Export Development Corporation (EDC)

  • EDC is a Canadian financial institution devoted exclusively to providing trade finance services to support Canadian exporters and investors in some 200 markets, 130 of which are in developing markets.
  • EDC provides Canadian exporters with financing, insurance and bonding services as well as foreign market expertise. EDC is a Crown corporation that operates as a commercial financial institution. The Corporation is governed by a board of directors composed of representatives from both the private and public sectors, and reports to the Canadian Parliament through the Minister for International Trade.
  • EDC insurance policies protect exporters against various losses due to commercial and political risks. EDC's Export financing services enable Canadian exporters to provide their customers with flexible medium or long-term financing. Such services include: lines of credit with foreign banks or agencies worldwide; protocols; note purchase arrangements; direct buyer loans; long-term pre-shipment financing; leveraged lease financing; and project risk financing packages.
  • Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)

  • Two ministers are responsible for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade: the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Bill Graham) and the Minister for International Trade (Pierre Pettigrew).
  • Given the broad scope of the Department's operations and mandate, there are four other Cabinet members with specific responsibilities related to foreign affairs and international trade: the Minister for International Cooperation (Susan Whelan), who is responsible for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) (David Kilgour), the Secretary of State (Central and Eastern Europe and Middle East) (Gar Knutson); and the Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa) (La Francophonie) (Denis Paradis). The three secretaries of state represent and promote Canada's foreign policy and trade priorities within their designated regions or organizations.
  • Industry Canada

  • Industry Canada’s mission is to foster a growing competitive, knowledge-based Canadian economy. The department works with Canadians throughout the economy and in all parts of the country to improve conditions for investment, improve Canada's innovation performance, increase Canada's share of global trade and build a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace.
  • Program areas include developing industry and technology capability, fostering scientific research, setting telecommunications policy, promoting investment and trade, promoting tourism and small business development, and setting rules and services that support the effective operation of the marketplace.
  • In Yukon, Jeff Stanhope is Industry Laison and Spectrum Officer, Industry Canada, Yukon Field Office.
  • International Trade Centres

  • In partnership with the Regional Trade Networks, Industry Canada's ITCs can help direct companies to the existing products and services that relate to their particular exporting needs. Their mandate is to work within the Team Canada Inc (TCI) partnership to substantially increase the number of Canadian exporters, to expand and diversify exports and to support the investment initiatives of Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). An unprecedented effort to streamline export services to the Canadian business community, TCI is a network of government and private sector export service providers that helps Canadian business succeed in world markets. Clients achieve maximum benefit by receiving the right kinds of services, quickly and efficiently.
  • Located in every province, ITCs provide a full range of trade development services and assistance to Canadian SMEs, including: export counseling and market entry support; pathfinding for export programs and services; information on international markets; recruitment of participants for trade fairs and missions abroad; recommendations for trade-related conferences and seminars; and; trade publications produced by Team Canada Inc. and others.
  • Industry Canada’s International Trade Centre in Vancouver has responsibility for Yukon and Andrew Shisko is Deputy Director and Trade Commissioner in Vancouver.
  • Investment Partnerships Canada

  • Investment Partnerships Canada (IPC) assists companies seeking to directly invest in Canada. Either as an initial investment or to expand existing Canadian operations, IPC business consultants work with companies to provide the information and strategic perspectives on Canadian-based advantages for servicing North American markets and for obtaining global market mandates. Eligible criteria: foreign investors looking for opportunities in Canada, either directly or through strategic alliances.
  • IPC is the focal point for direct investment support in Canada. With direct contacts to Canadian investment counselors in Canadian embassies and consulates around the world and to investment consultants at national, provincial and municipal levels within Canada, IPC has the capacity to assist companies with their direct investment decisions from the exploratory phase through to locations selection and follow-up.
  • IPC provides this assistance free of charge. All services are provided confidentially. The services range from economic data for site selection to personal assistance for exploration visits and guidance on available incentives, regulations, transportation and taxation. IPC arranges introductions for company investors to a wide variety for government and private sector sources and suppliers at national and regional levels, to academic and business consultants and others integral to your company's direct investment decisions.

  • MARCAN has been developed to help Canadian companies identify internet sites that may publish tender notices for procurement opportunities within the Canadian public sector.
  • This site is an initiative of Canadian governments under the Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT). Signed by the First Ministers of the federal, provincial and territorial governments in 1994, the AIT came into effect in 1995. Its objective is to reduce and eliminate, to the extent possible, barriers to the free movement of persons, goods, services and investments within Canada and to establish an open, efficient and stable domestic market

    Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

  • Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is a federal government department specializing in the sustainable development and use of natural resources, energy, minerals and metals, forests and earth sciences. Herb Dhaliwal is the Minister of Natural Resources Canada.
  • In Yukon, Bob Gray is the Deputy Surveyor General, Yukon Regional Office - Earth Sciences Sector and Josée Belisle is the Innovation and Network Advisor - Yukon IRAP-NRC (Pace Technologies Inc)
  • Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER)

  • The Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) is a Public-Private Partnership consisting of the American states and Canadian provinces of Alaska, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and the Yukon.
  • PNWER's mission is to foster sustainable economic development throughout the entire region.
  • Team Canada Inc.

  • Team Canada is a unique partnership between business and federal, provincial/territorial and municipal governments to advance Canada's trade and investment interests abroad and to raise Canada's profile as an important source of high technology and goods and services.
  • The presence and support of the PM, premiers and government leaders facilitates access to key economic decision-makers for Canadian firms and provides a much greater public profile.
  • to business participants, helping them network with the local business community.
  • The Prime Minister initiates Team Canada trade missions and invitations to participate in these missions are extended by the Prime Minister to all provincial and territorial premiers.
  • Western Economic Diversification Canada

  • Western Economic Diversification Canada’s (WD) mandate is to promote the development and diversification of the economy of Western Canada and to advance the interests of the West in national economic policy. Stephen Owen is the Secretary of State (Western Economic Diversification) (Indian Affairs and Northern Development).
  • WD fulfills its mandate through Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Communities programs and activities. WD's Western Canada Business Service Network has over 100 points of service including Community Futures Development Corporations, Women’s Enterprise Initiative Organizations, Canada Business Service Centres, Francophone Economic Development Organizations and WD offices.
  • The Western Economic Partnership Agreements (WEPAs) promoted economic growth and employment opportunities in Western Canada. These federal-provincial agreements focus on strategic areas of mutual interest, and lead to an investment of approximately $160 million in federal and provincial contributions in Western Canada over five years. WEPA agreements were signed with British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. All WEPA agreements expired in 2002.
  • Yukon Intergovernmental Relations - Ottawa Office

  • The Yukon Government’s Intergovernmental Relations Ottawa Office is an extension of the Executive Council Office. Harley Trudeau is the Senior Government Representative in the Ottawa Office, which is located at Suite 707, 350 Sparks Street.
  • The Ottawa office coordinates and provides support for activities related to the Government of Yukon's relations with provincial, federal and territorial governments those and outside Canada.
  • The office provides Yukon Government representation at meetings and conferences in central Canada and monitors and provides on-site analysis of national issues of significance to the Yukon Government.