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Canada/Yukon Agricultural Policy Framework


General Conditions and Application Procedures

April 2003 - March 2008





Download the Agricultural Policy Framework Program Information Guide ( 412KB) or contact the Yukon Agriculture Branch to receive a copy. 

What is the Agricultural Policy Framework?

The Agricultural Policy Framework (APF) is a long-term action plan for Canadian agriculture. The APF offers programs that provide the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry with the tools, services and options to strengthen business, increase prosperity and meet the demands of consumers at home and abroad. These programs will help brand Canada as a leader in agriculture in both the domestic and international marketplace.

Yukon was the first territory to sign an agreement with the Government of Canada to begin implementation of the APF. The agreement will enhance opportunities for the agriculture and agrifood industry in Yukon by providing assistance under five elements:

  1. Food Safety and Food Quality: Designed to make Canada a world leader in producing, processing, and distributing safe and reliable food through increased protection to human health by reducing exposure to hazards through improving the sector's ability to identify and respond to food safety and quality issues; improving the industry's ability to meet or exceed market requirements; increasing consumer confidence; and creating value-added opportunities.

  2. Environment: Designed to accelerate the efforts to reduce agricultural risks and provide benefits to the water resources, soil, air and biodiversity in the Yukon.

  3. Renewal: Designed to provide farmers with the skills, knowledge and tools to help them succeed in farming; access to advice on increasing profitability through new business opportunities and value-added activities; and opportunities to help them improve farm family incomes and/or make informed choices about sources of income.

  4. Science and Innovation: Designed to provide scientific and technical support aimed at developing innovative approaches to the diversification of the agri-foods industry. The overall goals include realigning public science resources, enhancing coordination along the whole value chain and nurturing an innovative climate.

  5. Business Risk Management: Designed to help farmers move beyond crisis management to long-term profitability and competitiveness through assistance in managing business risks, such as those posed by weather and disease. The Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) Program will target government funds effectively to those in need, while conveniently combining in one program both farm income stabilization and disaster assistance.

This web site outlines current program activities under the Canada-Yukon APF Implementation Agreement. APF programming is in effect for a five-year period from 2003/2004 to 2007/2008. Program details are still being finalized in some programs.

Assistance is available to agricultural stakeholders that will enhance the safety, environmental stewardship, business management tools, technical advancement and risk mitigation of agribusinesses. Funding is provided by the Government of Canada and the Government of Yukon on an over all 60/40 cost sharing basis.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligible applicants must have reported a minimum of $10,000 in gross farm sales to Canada Customs and Revenue Agency in at least one of the last three tax years or be considered a new entrant. All agricultural commodities, including supply management are eligible for APF programming.

Funding offers for agricultural groups and organization, not-for-profit associations and government will be based upon the identified need of the project, the project's benefit to the territorial agri-foods industry, the overall viability of the project, and the expected impact, reach and results of the project.


New Entrants

Individuals, partnerships, cooperatives or corporations that are establishing a new agribusiness are considered to be new entrants for the purpose of this program, if the following conditions apply:

  • They have been in operation for less than six years and have established or are intending to establish a commercial agribusiness; OR
  • At the discretion of the Implementation Committee, applicants such as producers of perennial crops (raspberries, Christmas trees, etc.) who do not meet the above condition may be considered a new entrant for the purpose of the APF.

Funding commitments will only be made to those new entrants who have obtained agricultural training/education, received on-farm work experience, demonstrated commercial farm viability, and have made a significant financial investment in their farm business.


Maximum Program Contributions - Food Safety and Food Quality Programs, Yukon Renewal Programs and Science and Innovation Programs

Producers, processors, partnerships, corporations and cooperatives may be eligible for a maximum of $10,000 in a program funding year to a maximum of $50,000 for the life of the program.

APF funding is subject to the annual appropriations by the Parliament of Canada and the Yukon Legislature. All funding offers are subject to the availability of program funds.

New entrants may be eligible for a maximum funding limit up to $10,000 per year.

The annual funding limits established above are the maximum funding levels per applicant, however, funding offers may be reduced based on the commercial viability of the applicant and the project proposal. Proposals will be evaluated based on various criteria, including the following:

  • Eligibility of the applicant and project activities;
  • The applicant's experience;
  • Applicant's financial contribution to the project;
  • Applicant's ability to obtain required financing and/or investment;
  • The commercial viability of the project and agribusiness;
  • The identified need of the project; and
  • And the expected impact, reach and results of the project.

At the discretion of the Implementation Committee, applicants may be eligible for program funding above the established limits, based upon the identified need, reach and benefit to the provincial agri-foods industry and other criteria listed above.

Note: Both Environment chapter programs and federal programs under the Renewal chapter are subject to different program funding levels as outlined in the applicable program descriptions.

Project Proposal

All Renewal, Food Safety, Food Quality and Science and Innovation applicants must submit a project proposal. This proposal must be consistent with the format outlined in the APF Program Guidelines for Submitting Project Proposals ( 113KB) available on this web site or the Agriculture Branch office in Whitehorse. Business Risk Management and Environment Program applicants will be required to apply through specific chapter application processes outlined in that chapter.

Environmental Farm Plan (EFP)

All farms applying for farm stewardship program funding must have a reviewed environmental farm plan. Stewardship funding application forms are available from the Agriculture Branch and are provided to producers who have completed environmental farm plans. For more information go to to Canada-Yukon Environment Farm Plan and Farm Stewardship Programs guide ( 165KB).

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all federal, territorial and municipal regulations have been adhered to, and all required permits have been obtained.

Application Process

All Yukon Renewal, Food Safety, Food Quality, and Science and Innovation applicants must submit applications to the Agriculture Branch.

Environment, National Renewal and Business Risk Management Program applicants will be required to apply through application processes outlined in those chapters.

A representative will review the project proposal and supporting documentation and provide comments on the proposed project. The proposal may require further assessment by a departmental specialist. The proposal is then sent to an APF Project Evaluation Committee for review.

Incomplete applications will be rejected and returned to the applicant for further information.

Application Deadline

Applicants must submit their proposals and all additional documentation for Yukon Renewal, Food Safety, Food Quality, and Science and Innovation Programs to the Agriculture Branch by the first of each month.

Payment Conditions

Once the project is complete, the applicant must prepare the Project Claim Form (attached to their Contribution Agreement) and submit it as per the program requirements outlined in each chapter. Please note that payment for Environment, National Renewal and Business Risk Management Programs will be administered by these chapters and not by the Agriculture Branch. Claims will not be processed for payment without the completed Project Claim Form.

In addition, all projects must be supported by invoices for purchased goods and services, and cancelled cheques for third party labour.

All payment documents must be submitted within 30 days of project completion as specified in the applicant's contribution agreement. Invoices for projects with a March 31 completion date must be received on or before April 14. Invoices received after the deadline specified in the applicant's contribution agreement will not be processed for payment.

If the applicant is required to submit a project report, it must be submitted with the invoices and project claim form. Program managers have the right to withhold payment until the report is submitted and all other project requirements are met.

On-site inspections of completed activities may be required prior to payment of invoices. In addition, all projects funded under these APF programs are subject to compliance audits to verify that project requirements have been met.

Costs related to normal business operations or project costs incurred prior to approval by the APF Implementation Committee will not be eligible for reimbursement.



InFARMation Fall 2006  500 KB

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