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What's New in Forestry  

What We Do

The Forest Management Branch oversees the development and management of Yukon's forest resources. The services and responsibilities include:

  • Collect and maintain an inventory of forest resources;
  • Maintain and enhance forestry GIS and mapping capabilities;
  • Forest management planning;
  • Timber Supply Analysis;
  • Annual Allowable Cut determinations;
  • Identify and allocate timber harvesting areas;
  • Conduct consultation on proposed harvesting areas;
  • Conduct environmental assessments of proposed timber harvesting projects;
  • Conduct an engineered/competitive bid timber permit program;
  • Issue timber harvest permits;
  • Provide timber scaling expertise and regulatory control;
  • Liaise with and provide technical assistance to the Clients Services and Inspections Branch regarding compliance and enforcement matters;
  • Collect forest revenues;
  • Auditing activities;
  • Conduct an ongoing reforestation (silviculture) program;
  • Forest practices development, liaison and communication;
  • Assist with the development of new and updated forestry legislation;
  • Develop and implement regulations, policies and procedures;
    Forest industry liaison and development assistance;
  • Conduct a forestry communication program;
  • Conduct an ongoing forest science program; and
  • Represent the Department in various national and international forestry forums.

Applications for and allocation of wood and timber permits on Yukon land are handled by Client Services and Inspection District offices of EMR. Timber permits over 1000 m3 are issued by EMR's Forest Management Branch.

Compliance and enforcement of timber harvesting activities are done by EMR's Client Services and Inspections.

Over time, Energy Mines and Resources is committed to:

  • developing a forest policy framework, new forest legislation and regulations;
  • improving our knowledge of forests and forest ecosystems; and
  • reviewing timber permitting procedures.

Fire protection and fire management planning (including Fire Smart) is the responsibility of the Department of Community Services.

For more information on Yukon forest management click on any of the links to the right or contact us.



Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 02-06-2006