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Future Land Development Projects

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 to 4:30 p.m.


Proposed Grizzly Valley Rural Residential Subdivision map  743 KB
Grizzly Valley Subdivision Details  115 KB

Whitehorse Copper Subdivision Plan map  2.1 MB
Whitehorse Copper Subdivision Details  25 KB

Mount Sima Subdivision Plan map  112 KB
Mount Sima Industrial Subdivision Details  25 KB

Visit the Community Services Engineering and Land Development site for additional information.

Mount Lorne residential Development –proposal presently being developed –check this webpage for updates

Teslin Lookout Residential Project  4.66 MB
Little Teslin Lake Recreational Project  396 KB

What We Do


Four jurisdictions administer land in the Yukon:

  • The Yukon government now controls the majority of vacant lands in the territory;
  • Yukon First Nations control their settlement lands;
  • Municipalities administer lands, community plans and zoning bylaws within their jurisdictions. Whitehorse and Dawson City also control subdivision within their boundaries; and
  • The Federal government controls lands consisting of the three national parks (Kluane National Park, Ivvavik National Park and Vuntut National Park) and one Wildlife Area (Nisutlin River Delta National Wildlife Area).

Contact the Lands Branch for information on:

  • Planned Residential, Commercial, and Industrial lot sales;

  • Land Applications for commercial, industrial, rural residential, trapping leases, waterlots, quarries and enlargement of existing properties;

  • Completing your land application;

  • Land Use permitting for a variety of uses, including site clearing or earth work; constructing a new road, trail or access; clearing or installing a utility right-of way; conducting geo-technical or hydrological studies; and temporarily using or occupying Commissioner's land; and

  • Quarry permits for sand, gravel and topsoil.

Inquiries into acquiring land for agriculture or grazing purposes can be directed to the Agriculture branch of this department.

If you have questions regarding land development, planning or zoning, you can contact the Department of Community Services.

The City of Whitehorse also has a Web site that has some interesting mapping information for the Whitehorse area.

To find out more about Yukon Land and Land Dispositions, please click on any of the links to the right or contact us.



Lands Feature Item

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Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 02-11-2006