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Key Principles Under the Devolution Transfer Agreement (DTA)

Cover of the devolution transfer agreementWhen there is no operator or responsible party for sites, the Devolution Transfer Agreement (DTA) establishes a process for abandonment, remediation and joint management (roles, responsibilities and financing).

Chapter six of the DTA is based on several key principles:

  • The operator of a mine is responsible for site care, maintenance and abandonment.

  • Chapter six addresses only those instances where the site is abandoned and there is no operator to undertake or finance the required care, maintenance and abandonment.

  • The government will assist with remediation financing only in the absence of an operator or responsible party.

  • Canada is responsible for the remediation of impacts associated with activities that occurred on a site prior to April 1, 2003.

  • Yukon government is responsible for remediation of impacts associated with permits or authorizations issued by the Yukon government or for activities that occur after April 1, 2003.

  • The DTA provides for First Nation involvement in the process.

  • Site remediation targets human health and safety as well as environmental protection.


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