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What We Do

View of the Faro mine site from the haul roadThe Yukon and federal governments are taking a cooperative approach to the environmental management of Type II sites. Canada provides funding for interim care, maintenance and closure related work. A joint steering committee provides overall direction to a project management team that coordinates the planning and logistics.

The two governments have established a joint project office that is responsible for the overall coordination of work related to these sites. The office consists of the federal government's Type II Mines Project Office (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) and the Yukon government's Assessment and Abandoned Mines Branch (Energy, Mines and Resources).

The overall goal is to bring these mines to closure as soon as possible, involve First Nations in the process and maximize benefits for Yukoners through employment opportunities associated with closure.

Management of the sites include:

  • Development of work plans and budgets for care and maintenance;
  • Abandonment related research and development of abandonment options;
  • Closure plan development;
  • Preparing environmental assessments and meeting regulatory requirements;
  • Reclamation;
  • Monitoring; and
  • Consultation.


Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 26-07-2006