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Coffee Lake

The Yukon government Department of Energy, Mines and Resources Forest Management Branch and Lands Branch (Land Use) are conducted a joint Yukon Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) screening for forest harvesting and the associated off-highway access road to the cutblocks in the Coffee Lake area, approximately 25 km southeast of Ross River, Yukon.

Download a copy of the forest development plan. (PDF 66 KB)

Accompanying information:

 Appendix 1:  Background Letters from Kaska Forest Resources Stewardship Council (PDF 8.5 MB)
 Appendix 2:  Maps (PDF 807 KB)
 Land Use Permit (PDF 2 MB)

Hardcopies may be viewed at the:

  • Energy, Mines and Resources Library (Room 335 Elijah Smith Building, 300 Main Street, Whitehorse)
  • Watson Lake District Office (Km. 1007 Aslaka Highway, Watson Lake
  • Ross River District Office (Across from the Ross River Service Centre, Ross River)
  • Forest Management Branch (Mile 918 Alaska Highway, Whitehorse)
  • Kaska Forest Resources Stewardship Council (820-C Adela Trail, Watson Lake)

You may request a copy of the report by contacting the Environmental Assessment Coordinator, Robin Sharples, at (867) 633-7919 or



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