Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Prevention

Prevention Services has developed a range of initiatives related to the prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Yukon. For more information about this initiative, call 667-5780 or toll free 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5780.

FASD Prevention Kit

This kit is available for use by allied professionals delivering presentations aimed at the prevention of FASD. It is designed for delivering to youth from ages 12-18. It includes videos, games and information that can be used in presentations to this age group.

Alcohol and the Unborn Baby Kit

This kit has been distributed to each Yukon Community and is designed for use by resource people who work with pregnant women. It is a prenatal education kit that can be used to augment prenatal classes. It can also be used for teaching someone on an individual basis.

“This is Our Baby” public awareness campaign

This public awareness campaign focuses on the important role that family and friends can play in helping a woman avoid alcohol use during her pregnancy. It also provides contact information for pregnant women and/or her family to call if they would like further information. Check out our print and radio ads.

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Workshop for those who work with pregnant women who use alcohol

Prevention Services offers training that is specifically for those who work with women at risk of having a child affected with FASD. This training is based on using motivational approaches with pregnant women who use alcohol.

Pamphlets and posters

Prevention Services has a selection of pamphlets, posters and educational materials that provide FASD prevention related information to women, their families and their friends. If you would like a sample of these resources, you can drop by Suite 101, 204 Black Street during our regular office hours, or you can call 667-5780 or toll free 1-800-661-0408, ext. 5780 and ask for material to be mailed to you.