Publications & Resources

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Adult Services Social Assistance Policy and Procedures E-Manual (Revised 12/06/04)

sa_manual.pdf (PDF, 1.7 MB)

Assessment Guideline for Well Water or Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GUDI)

gudi_06.pdf (PDF, 26 KB)

Child Care Professional Level Designation Guidelines

cc_cert_chart.pdf (PDF, 68 KB)

Child Care Professional Level Designations

cc_cert_designations.pdf (PDF, 50 KB)

Day Home Assessment Checklist for Health-Related Concerns

dhchklst.pdf (PDF, 124 KB)

Design Specifications for the Septic Tank and Soil Absorption System

septic.pdf (PDF, 189 KB)

Disinfecting Your Well

disinfectwell.pdf (PDF, 58 KB)

Drug Formulary for Chronic Disease, Pharmacare and Children's Drug Programs: November 2005

drug_formulary_05.pdf (PDF, 916 KB)

Explanation on how to fill out the application form

fdapplbk.pdf (PDF, 46 KB)

Food Safety for Older Adults

foodsafety.pdf (PDF, 908 KB)

Food Safety Guideline for Food Banks

foodbanks.pdf (PDF, 97 KB)

Getting Your Drinking Water Tested: Good Advice for Private Well Owners

privatewell.pdf (PDF, 99 KB)

Guide to Travelling Yukon Patients

travelguide.pdf (PDF, 419 KB)

Guidelines for Part 3: Small Public Drinking Water Systems

guidelines_pt3water.pdf (PDF, 148 KB)

Guidelines for the Operation of a Temporary Food Premises

tempfood_guidelines.pdf (PDF, 67 KB)

Health & Social Services Professional Development Fund Guidelines (revised April 2000)

pdfguidelines.pdf (PDF, 20 KB)

Health Assessment Checklist for Restaurants

restaurants.pdf (PDF, 75 KB)

Health Investment Fund Guidelines

hifguidelines.pdf (PDF, 144 KB)

Making Sense and Moving Forward: Report on the 2003 Yukon Youth Smoking Survey

yyssfinal.pdf (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Minutes of the Yukon Health and Social Services Council Meeting (Whitehorse, March 3 & 4, 2006)

hssc_minutesmar06.pdf (PDF, 112 KB)

Minutes of the Yukon Health and Social Services Council Meeting (Whitehorse, March 4 & 5, 2005)

hssc_minutesmar05.pdf (PDF, 103 KB)

Minutes of the Yukon Health and Social Services Council Meeting (Whitehorse, September 9 & 10, 2005)

hssc_minutessept05.pdf (PDF, 125 KB)

Needle Safety

needle-safety.pdf (PDF, 118 KB)

Notification of Installation and Undertaking to Maintain a Septic Tank and Soil Absorption System

note_septictank.pdf (PDF, 151 KB)

Notification of Installation and Undertaking to Maintain a Sewage Holding Tank

maintain_sewage.pdf (PDF, 133 KB)

Operation and Maintenance of a Septic System

opmaintenance.pdf (PDF, 96 KB)

Payment Schedule for Yukon: April, 2006

payment_sched.pdf (PDF, 486 KB)

Planning for your Future Healthcare Choices: Advance Directives in the Yukon (booklet)

adv_directive_booklet.pdf (PDF, 172 KB)

Practice Guidelines for Determining Incapability to Consent to Health Care and Need for Financial Protection

guidelines_protection.pdf (PDF, 164 KB)

Practice Guidelines for Determining Incapability to Consent to Live in a Care Facility and Personal Assistance Services

guidelines_services.pdf (PDF, 142 KB)

Public Information Sheet: Adacel Vaccine for Adolescents

adacel_handout.pdf (PDF, 21 KB)

Report on Early Childhood Development: 2003-04

ecd_report03.pdf (PDF, 1.1 MB)

Report to the Yukon Public on the Primary Health Care Planning Forum

phctf_report.pdf (PDF, 57 KB)

Report to Yukoners on Comparable Health and Health System Indicators: 2004

pirc_health_report.pdf (PDF, 459 KB)

Septic Systems in the Yukon: A Guide to their Design and Maintenance

septic_guide.pdf (PDF, 321 KB)

Septic Systems in the Yukon: Guidelines for Soils Investigation & Percolation Tests

septic_guidelines.pdf (PDF, 63 KB)

Sewage Holding Tank Standards

sewage.pdf (PDF, 54 KB)

Standards for Construction, Installation and Maintenance of a Pit Privy

pit_privy.pdf (PDF, 113 KB)

Standards for Construction, Installation, Maintenance and Eduction of a Contained Privy

contained_privy.pdf (PDF, 156 KB)

Standards for Transportation of Sewage

trans_sewage.pdf (PDF, 78 KB)

Strategic Planning Document: A Four-Year Plan for Yukon Early Childhood Education and Care

eccplan.pdf (PDF, 280 KB)

The Emily Sam Inquest

esam.pdf (PDF, 58 KB)
Recommendations made by the Coroner's Jury that pertain to Family and Children's Services, and the department's response

This is Our Baby - Print Ad #1

ourbaby_bus1.pdf (PDF, 423 KB)

This is Our Baby - Print Ad #2

ourbaby_bus2.pdf (PDF, 299 KB)

This is Our Baby - Print Ad #3

ourbaby_bus3.pdf (PDF, 268 KB)

This is Our Baby - Print Ad #4

ourbaby_bus4.pdf (PDF, 220 KB)

This is Our Baby - Print Ad #5

ourbaby_nws1.pdf (PDF, 66 KB)

This is Our Baby - Print Ad #6

ourbaby_nws2.pdf (PDF, 170 KB)

This is Our Baby - Print Ad #7

ourbaby_nws3.pdf (PDF, 113 KB)

This is Our Baby - Print Ad #8

ourbaby_nws4.pdf (PDF, 116 KB)

Water Supply, Garbage & Sewage Disposal

form_a.pdf (PDF, 59 KB)

West Nile Virus & Yukon

westnile.pdf (PDF, 73 KB)

Yukon Addictions Survey: Preliminary Results 2005

yas2005.pdf (PDF, 81 KB)

Yukon Immunization Schedule

imm_sched.pdf (PDF, 76 KB)

Yukon Licenced Child Care Centres and Family Day Home Programs

cccentres.pdf (PDF, 137 KB)

Yukon Tobacco Reduction Strategy

smoke.pdf (PDF, 53 KB)