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Yukon and National Renewal Programs



April 2003 - March 2008




Yukon Renewal Programs


National Renewal Programs

1. Human Resource Development Initiative
2. New Entrants Development Initiative
3. Market Development Initiative
4. Agriculture Development Initiative
5. Diversification and Value Added Initiative
6. Land Enhancement Initiative
1. Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services
2. Specialized Business Planning Services
3. Planning and Assessment for Value-Added Enterprises
4. Canadian Agriculture Skills Services (CASS)


There are six Yukon renewal programs available to Yukon producers in addition to the national renewal initiatives.

For more information and to apply for any of the six Yukon renewal programs contact the Yukon Agriculture Branch.

1. Human Resource Development Initiative

This initiative will provide learning opportunities and resources for farm managers, farm families, farm workers and service providers to enhance the management abilities, improve the skills and knowledge required to evaluate new business opportunities. Emphasis will be placed on, but not limited to, training opportunities related to renewal, science and innovation, on-farm food safety and food quality, and environmental stewardship.

Eligible Activities:
May include, but not limited to, courses, seminars, workshops, travel and exchanges and any other activity that will develop the human resource capabilities of the agrifoods industry. In addition, education and training courses identified through a demonstrated needs assessment to help diversify or add value to an existing agri-business. Communications tools such as websites and newsletters that provide access to agricultural information and develop educational resources are also eligible.

Eligible Applicants:
Agricultural producers, processors, partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, governments and non-profit organizations.

Eligible Costs:
May include, but not limited to, transportation, accommodations, meals, registration fees, course materials and speaker fees. Reimbursement for travel costs must be consistent with Government of Yukon travel expense guidelines.

Maximum Funding Levels:
Assistance may be provided up to 50% of actual costs for individual agricultural producers, processors, partnerships and corporations; up to 75% of actual costs for farm groups or cooperatives representing three or more agribusinesses; and up to 100% of actual costs for government and non-profit organizations.

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2. New Entrants Development Initiative

This program provides opportunities for new farmers to enter into an agricultural internship program or have access to industry mentors. Other initiatives provide information or services specifically designed to encourage new entrants in agriculture.

Eligible Activities:
May include, but not limited to, providing up to a 50% subsidy of intern wages to a maximum of $5,000 per year to learn a trade in Yukon agri-food production or processing. Assistance in securing a Yukon agriculture industry mentor will be available to beginning farmers by providing honorariums for mentoring services. Mentors will be selected in conjunction with training identified in a beginning farmer's business plan and training needs.

Other activities may include, but not limited to, Agriculture in the Classroom; agricultural youth development and leadership programs such as the Yukon 4-H Program and other activities that encourage new entrants to the agriculture industry.

Eligible Applicants:
Individuals who meet the definition of new entrant under this program; individuals or groups who wish to establish youth agricultural programs; governments and non-profit organizations.

Eligible Costs:
Assistance may be provided up to 50% of wage costs to intern employers to a maximum of $5,000 per year. Honorariums provided in the mentorship program will be set according to Yukon government policy guidelines for services required. Other costs incurred by individuals groups establishing youth agricultural programs will be reviewed by the APF implementation committee prior to being deemed eligible.

Maximum Funding Levels:
Assistance may be provided up to 50% of actual costs for individual agricultural producers, processors, farm groups, cooperatives and governments for intern wages and industry mentors. Other activities under the program can be funded at up to 75% of actual costs for cooperatives; and up to 100% of actual costs for government and non-profit organizations.

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3. Market Development Initiative

This initiative provides resources to investigate and capture new market opportunities and enhance the competitive capability of the industry.

Eligible Activities:
May include, but not limited to, cooperative marketing activities; secondary processing and value-added initiatives; product development activities; market development strategies; participation in marketing events; and support for marketing organizations including farmers markets and agri-tourism ventures. Industry organizations and governments may also be eligible for sector specific promotional activities and agriculture awareness activities.

Eligible Applicants:
Agricultural producers, processors, partnerships, corporations, cooperatives, governments and non-profit organizations.

Eligible Costs:
May include, but not limited to, consultant fees; development and design of brochures, logos, labels, signage and packaging; cooperative farm market venues; travel costs and participation fees at marketing events; and other costs associated with market development strategies and agriculture awareness activities.

Maximum Funding Levels:
Assistance may be provided up to 50% of actual costs for individual agriculture producers, processors, partnerships or corporations; up to 75% of actual costs for cooperatives or farm groups representing three or more agri-businesses; and up to 100% of actual costs for government and non-profit organizations.

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4. Agriculture Development Initiative

This initiative provides funding to develop agriculture projects that enhance regional economic development and contribute to sustainability in rural communities. Proposals will be accepted that support the commercial development of agriculture, introduce new technologies and processes and further develop regional agricultural and country food opportunities in rural Yukon.

Eligible Activities:
May include, but not limited to, community gardens, farmers markets, cooperative agriculture infrastructure, such as cold storage or grain storage facilities, community kitchens and activities that encourage the commercialization of native country foods.

Eligible Applicants:
Cooperatives or farm groups representing three or more agribusinesses, governments and non-profit organizations.

Eligible Costs:
May include, but not limited to, equipment, facilities, third party labour, and professional, technical and analytical support. Only equipment and facilities that support agriculture or country food development will be considered.

Maximum Funding Levels:
Up to 75% of actual costs for cooperatives or farm groups representing three or more agribusinesses; and up to 100% of actual costs for governments and non-profit organizations.

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5. Diversification and Value Added Initiative

This initiative provides assistance to producers that diversify their operations to take advantage of market opportunities that will increase profitability of the farm. This program also provides assistance to further process or develop products that add value to primary agriculture products. The program encourages partnerships and alliances that improve the competitiveness and commercialization of the agrifoods sector.

Eligible Activities:
May include, but not limited to, activities that diversify an agribusiness and introduce new local agrifoods products and activities that add value to local agriculture products through processing.

Eligible Applicants:
Agricultural producers, processors, partnerships, cooperatives, corporations, governments and non-profit organizations.

Eligible Costs:
May include, but not limited to, equipment, facilities, third party labour, and professional, technical and analytical support. Only equipment and facilities that support diversification and secondary processing will be considered.

Maximum Funding Levels:
Assistance may be provided up to 50% of actual costs for individual agriculture producers, processors, partnerships or corporations; up to 75% of actual costs for cooperatives or farm groups representing three or more agribusinesses; and up to 100% of actual costs for government and non-profit businesses.

Note: Farmers interested in feasibility study or business planning services leading to value added products or diversification of production must apply through the national renewal programs listed in the National Renewal Programs.

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6. Land Enhancement Initiative

This initiative is designed to improve the utilization of existing, titled farm land that was previously developed for agricultural use and has not been used for agriculture for several years. Applicants will have to provide a development plan that describes how the activity will contribute to an increase in agricultural land use and production.

Eligible Activities:
May include, but not limited to, removal of tree and shrub re-growth, rocks, and roots, minor drainage and land levelling, disking and rototilling, seed bed preparation, fertilizer and seed.

Eligible Applicants:
Agriculture producers, partnerships and corporations that hold title to agriculture land in the Yukon.

Eligible Costs:
May include, but not limited to, equipment rental, third party labour, contractor services, fertilizer and seed.

Maximum Funding Levels:
Assistance may be provided up to 50% of actual costs for individual agricultural producers, partnerships or corporations to a maximum of $250 per hectare.

Funding will not be provided for land enhancement activities for land that was previously improved with assistance from other federal or territorial programs.

1) See Program Guidelines ( 113KB) for submitting project proposals.
2) For additional APF info contact the Yukon Agriculture Branch.

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National Renewal Programs

The following four national renewal initiatives are available to agriculture and agri-food producers in the Yukon:

Please note:
Program delivery will vary by province or territory. More information on all National Renewal initiatives can be obtained from the website at  or by calling 1.866.452.5558.

1. Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services

Initial Consultation
All producers must address different needs to ensure success. To determine those needs, and which of the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Services (CFBAs) might benefit individual producers most, an officer will discuss the various options available, either by telephone (call 1.866.452.5558) or in person, in order to ensure maximum benefit. This discussion should be the first step for producers. There will be no cost for this consultation.

Farm Business Assessment (FBA)
This component will provide eligible producers with up to five days worth of consultation services. There are two parts to this service:

1) Farm Financial Assessment
A consultant will review past records, the current situation, discuss objectives, and help producers determine their current options in meeting their profitability goals. This service will give producers up to three days worth of consulting and will result in each producer receiving a business profile, a statement of assets and liabilities, a farm business ratio analysis, an income and expenses statement for the previous two years, and other information related to the business.

2) Action Plan
Following the Farm Financial Assessment, producers will have access to two days worth of consultation services to help them assess their options for increasing profitability. This service will result in a financial plan (including cash-flow plan), projections of options and a written report.

The cost of consultant services is valued at $2,000. The producer pays a nominal fee of $100.

A consultant will follow up with producers who use CFBAS-FBA to discuss how they are progressing with their plan and to offer further advice, if needed. There will be no cost for this service.

CFBAS is available to Yukon producers as part of the agreement between Canada and Yukon under the Agricultural Policy Framework.

You are eligible to participate if:

  • as an established producer, you have a minimum of $10,000 in annual gross farm sales; or
  • as the owner/operator of a new farm business (someone who will establish a farm or has been operating a farm for less than six years), you can demonstrate that you will have $10,000 in annual gross sales.

While groups are eligible to apply, if there is more than one eligible applicant, each applicant must be a distinct and separate farming business or operation (they cannot be related persons as defined by the Income Tax Act).

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2. Specialized Business Planning Services

As part of the CFBAS, Specialized Business Planning Services (SBPS) are available to producers who are seeking targeted business or succession planning.

Through SBPS, producers can access funds to help pay for consultants to assist them in preparing detailed business plans for their farm operations. These plans can cover areas such as diversification, marketing, human resources, expansion, risk management or succession.

You are eligible to participate if:

  • as an established producer, you have a minimum of $10,000 in annual gross farm sales; or;
  • you intend to establish a farm business or as the owner/operator of a new farm business (you have been in operation for less than six years), you can demonstrate that you will have $10,000 in annual gross sales.

Groups are eligible to apply for SBPS funding. A “group application” refers to one application made under SBPS by two or more individuals or entities. Each person or entity in the group must represent a distinct or separate farming business or operation.

Eligible participants will receive:
Funding up to 50% of the consultant's costs for preparing a business plan or succession plan up to a maximum of:

  • $8,000 per project for one participant;
  • $16,000 per project for two participants;
  • $24,000 per project for three participants; and
  • $25,000 per project for four or more participants.

Total government (federal/provincial/territorial/municipal) assistance will not exceed 75% of eligible expenditures. Funding from more than one Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada source is not permitted.

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3. Planning and Assessment for Value-Added Enterprises

The Planning and Assessment for Value-Added Enterprises (PAVE) program is available to producers who are considering establishing or expanding a value-added enterprise. Under this program, eligible producers can access funds to help pay for the services of a business planning professional to develop feasibility assessments and comprehensive business plans for specific value-added enterprises. This program will make it easier for producers to make an informed decision on whether or not to pursue the opportunity.

What is a value-added enterprise?
A value-added enterprise includes:

  • a project that can clearly demonstrate it adds value to the primary product;
  • agricultural product manufacturing, including projects that require the value to be added to primary products through mechanical manipulation, including separating, grading, cleaning, and packaging product;
  • food processing (such as the addition of a canning or pickling operation to a farm business); and,
  • non-food activities (such as using hemp or straw to develop fibreboard, composted manure and ethanol).

Activities related to eligible projects can take place on or off the farm.

You are eligible to participate if:

  • as an established producer (i.e., you have been in operation for six or more years), you have a minimum of $10,000 in annual gross farm sales; or
  • as the owner/operator of a new farm business (i.e. you have been in operation for less than six years), you can demonstrate that you will have $10,000 in annual gross sales.

Groups are eligible to apply for PAVE funding. A “group application” refers to one application made under the PAVE program by two or more individuals or entities. Each individual or entity in the group must represent a distinct or separate farming business or operation.

Eligible participants will receive:
Funding for up to 50% of the consultant's costs for preparing a feasibility assessment and/or business plan, with a maximum per project of up to:

  • $10,000 for one participant;
  • $20,000 for two participants; or
  • $25,000 for three or more participants.

Non-farmers, such as capital suppliers and processors, can also be members of a project. However, non-farmers are not eligible for PAVE funding. Total government (federal/provincial/territorial/municipal) assistance will not exceed 75% of eligible expenditures. Funding for more than one Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada source is permitted.

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4. Canadian Agriculture Skills Services (CASS)

The objective of the Canadian Agricultural Skills Services is to help farmers and their spouses increase their family income through improved farm practices or through increased off-farm income.

Eligible Activities:
Assistance will be provided to access training in areas such as business management, accounting, finance, human resource management, training for other employment; or training to acquire skills for starting a new business. Financial support such as tuition fees for courses, textbooks and travel while attending training away from home will be provided for eligible clients with an approved Individual Learning Plan (ILP) who are pursuing new skills to capture new opportunities.

Eligible Applicants:

  • Farm families with a net family income of $45,000 or less are eligible to apply for the CASS.
  • Beginning farmers, regardless of their family income, will receive a skills assessment and an ILP. A beginning farmer is someone who plans to establish a farm or who already owns or operates a farm for at least six years and can demonstrate the operations will generate annual farm sales of $10,000 or more, regardless of family income, receive a skills assessment and an ILP.

Eligible Costs/Maximum Funding Levels:

  • An Assessment and an Individual Learning Plan (ILP), valued at $2,000, will be developed for all eligible participants.
  • The maximum benefit amounts include training and related costs or the duration of an ILP or the program (family income based on a three-year average) will be:
    • less than $35,000 - eligible for benefits up to $16,000;
    • $35,001 to $40,000 - eligible for benefits up to $12,000; or
    • $40,001 to $45,000 - eligible for benefits up to $8,000.

When Will The Program Be Available?

  • Please check back in the near future for additional information and the start-up date.

For more information visit or call 1.866.452.5558



InFARMation Fall 2006  500 KB

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