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Timber Talk Newsletter

This newsletter is produced by the Forest Management Branch. It can be viewed below.

In the current issue...

A View from the Stump

Sometimes foresters spend so much time dealing with long-range strategic planning that we loose track of the present day situation. I want to assure the Yukon forestry community that such is not the case at our office at 918 Alaska Highway.

Each year since devolution, (we're at 2.5 yr. SD now), we've focused on a suite of annual priorities to help revitalize and re-establish forestry in the Yukon. We have made a very conscious decision to closely balance the development of interim timber supply with the longer-range issues of strategic planning, development of forestry best practices, Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) determination work, and legislative drafting.

As a result, we now have over 600,000 m3 of timber developed and ready for market in the SE Yukon. Timber is also available for small scale, local use in every district of the territory, where a demand has been demonstrated.

We're presently working very closely with members of the Yukon Environmental Socio-economic Assessment Board, (YESAB) to ensure that all projects are conducted as smoothly and efficiently as possible.

In the coming year, we expect to see the new forestry legislation tabled, completion of the strategic forest management plan for the Kaska traditional territory, a harvest ceiling established for the Champagne-Aishishik traditional territory, and AACs set for the Teslin- Tlingit and Kaska traditional territories.

Flowing from this work, many kinds of timber tenures at a variety of harvest levels will be made available. The vision expressed by Yukoners during the forest policy consultations a couple of years ago is well on its way to becoming a reality!

I encourage all forest industry participants to drop by the office to chat with me and other branch staff, whenever you have questions about any of the wide variety of projects that we have underway, or about ways that we can better serve your needs. In particular, if you have questions about wood supply, timber permits, tenures, or anything related to timber administration, please don't be shy about coming to chat with us. Forestry is "open-for-business" in the Yukon once again, and we want to help you and your company however possible, whatever your need might be. It's always best to call first and make an appointment. That way you can be assured that the right person will be available with current information on hand for whatever issue or topic that you might wish to discuss with us.

Gary Miltenberger,
RPF Director,
Forest Management Branch

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The CATT Strategic Forest Management Plan (SFMP) implementation is in full swing!

The Technical Working Groups (TWG) are gearing up to meet in Haines Junction in early December. They will finalize the contents of the ILP. This plan will be used by proponents to develop economic opportunities in the forest industry. It will also be used to guide or monitor progress being made on important objectives such as the health of the forest, community values, the economy, wildlife, culture and so on.
The Fire Abatement TWG will be heading to the first five communities in the new year to start the community fuel abatement planning process. They are looking forward to working with the residents in Silver City, Mendenhall, Canyon , Champagne and Haines Junction.

If you would like to know more about this Implementation process or coming events please visit the website which will link you to all the partners, governments and organizations involved in the delivery of the first Forest Management Plan in the Yukon.

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Teslin Forest Management Plan

Forest Management Branch, Teslin Renewable Resources Council and the Teslin Tlingit Council have been working on a draft strategic forest management plan for the Teslin Tlingit Traditional Territory.

Forest management planning in the Teslin area began in 1998 with the establishment of a Forest Management Steering Group. It has continued over the intervening years with local public meetings and workshops.

This preceding work has led to the development of a Draft Strategic Forest Management Plan that is now out for comprehensive public consultation by the Teslin Renewable Resource Council. Information, issues and concerns gathered during the consultation process will assist with completion of the final plan.

It is expected by early 2006 that the Teslin Renewable Resources Council will be recommending the plan to the respective governments; the Teslin Tlingit Council and Yukon government for approval. Once the plan has been approved the next level of landscape planning will begin. This will lead to forest development projects that will support the timber industry for the area.

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Southeast Yukon Regional Forest Management Plan

The Kaska Forest Resource Stewardship Council (KFRSC) is on target to complete a regional forest management plan for the Kaska Dena Traditional Territory (March 31/06). The plan will provide strategic direction to governments and industry on how timber operations will be conducted on the available land base. Regional level zones are identified that include deferred planning areas, specific area management (special management) and general forest management designations. This process has identified broad zones that contribute to the timber harvesting land base and those that do not. Within the regional zones, landscape units have been identified based upon ecological parameters. These landscape units will provide the basis for an integrated landscape plan for forest development planning.

A significant outcome of this process will be the determination of an annual allowable cut based upon the plan and the social needs and interests of the Kaska and the community of Watson Lake.

While the regional planning process was being completed, the KFRSC provided oversight to a planning team that established a development plan for green timber in the Cosh creek area and a fire salvage plan in the Barney Lake and False Canyon creek areas. These plans have lead to the award of approximately 350,000 m3 of salvage on the fires. This award will provide wood to a small sawmill for five to ten year period.

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Whitehorse Planning

The Forest Management Branch (FMB) has been working with planning partners to establish a small volume timber supply for the Whitehorse/Southern Lakes region. The supply is based on a comprehensive overview of the present and past forest resource demand.
With the high cost of heating oil, the demand for fuelwood and timber has increased. The plan will seek a balance between the goals of the Southern Lakes Caribou Recovery Program and the need for small volumes of timber in the area.

In conjunction, the recent completion of land claims process has provided a better picture of what land base could contribute to timber harvesting over the long term. The outcome of this planning exercise will identify areas for development planning and recommendations on the current harvest ceiling.

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Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA) is Now in Full Force

The Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act (YESAA) is the legislative framework for the Development Assessment Process that has been set out in the Yukon First Nations land claims agreements.

Under YESAA, social and economic impacts of proposed development along with the environmental impacts of that development are assessed together.

Depending on the size of the forestry project, the project will be either assessed by one of six Designated Offices or the Executive Committee.

Projects greater than 1,000 m3 but under 20,000 m3 will be assessed by a YESAA Designated Office in Haines Junction, Whitehorse, Dawson City, Mayo, Watson Lake or Teslin depending on where the project is located.

Forestry projects that are greater than 20,000 m3 are assessed by the Executive Committee in Whitehorse.

In both cases YESAA will complete the assessment and make recommendations to the Forest Management Branch. The branch will consider the recommendation and write a decision document in response to accept, reject or vary the recommendation.

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Staff Profile - Gary Miltenberger

Gary W. Miltenberger is the Director of Forest Management Branch of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. He has over 30 years of natural resource management experience touching most regions of northwest corner of North America from Oregon to Alaska.

Gary holds a Bachelors of Science degree (B.Sc.) in Forest Resources specializing in Forest Management from the University of Washington and is a Registered Professional Forester (BC).

He is a private bush pilot (seaplanes) and has also worked as a mountain guide, logger, adventure tourism lodge manager, commercial fishing deckhand, salmon fishing guide, fishing lodge owner/operator, communications consultant, white-water rafting guide, and ranch hand.

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Premier's Award of Excellence

Forest Management Branch had been awarded the Premier’s Award of excellence for... Leadership, Innovation and Organizational Goals and Values.

The Yukon Premier recognizes Yukon government public servants who have provided outstanding service, contributions or accomplishments to Yukon citizens and the government.

Tied into the Investing in Public Service - serving Yukon people (IPS) initiative, the Premier's Award of Excellence aims to strengthen pride in the public service, call public attention to the good work of the public service and provide an opportunity to showcase people's talents and good teamwork.

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What is a Strategic Forest Management Plan?

A Strategic Forest Management Plan is the first step in identifying a forest land base, and a sustainable development strategy for the forest. The plan identifies and addresses major forest-related issues and concerns by outlining strategies, goals, objectives and indicators regarding these issues. It is intended to provide a clear framework and practical guidelines for forest managers and planners. It integrates past planning and policy work with directions for future forest activity.

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We encourage all forest industry participants to drop by the Forest Management Branch to chat whenever you have questions about any of the wide variety of projects that we have underway, or about ways that we can better serve your needs. Forestry is "open-for-business" in the Yukon, and we want to help you and your company however possible, whatever your need might be.



Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 02-02-2006