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Spatial Information



Yukon Geology, Oil and Gas Interactive Map
This map is continually evolving


Oil and Gas Dispositions and First Nation Lands within the Yukon (3170-30-05023), December, 2005 ( 4.2 MB) 

For a full sized, high resolution map, e-mail the Oil and Gas Management Branch.

 Oil and Gas Land Survey System (3170-30-06200) Poster  

Yukon Oil and Gas Disposition Permit #001, (3170-30-05035) December, 2005 ( 542 KB) 

For a full sized, high resolution map, e-mail the Oil and Gas Management Branch.

Oil and Gas Exploration Regions, (3170-30-05026) January, 2006 ( 288 KB)

Yukon Land Status with Oil and Gas Interests (3170-30-05050), February, 2006 ( 1.04 MB)

 For a full sized, high resolution map, e-mail the Oil and Gas Management Branch.

Lands Status Map
( 929 KB)

Northern Natural Gas Pipeline Options ( 161 KB)


The following data requires a GIS package to view the information. A free viewer for shape files - ArcExplorer - is available for download from ESRI.

Spatial data can be downloaded in ESRI Shape format. These files are compressed in .ZIP format. Shape files are in an Yukon Albers Projection (see below for details).

Please see our disclaimer before downloading and using files.

Oil and Gas Active Dispositions
May 2006 


Well Locations (approximate)  Shape


Seismic Lines (1961 - 1984)
This is not a comprehensive set


Oil and Gas Basins  Shape


Yukon Oil and Gas Grid  Shape


Base Data

All 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 NTS base data used by the Oil and Gas Resources Branch is copyright to Natural Resource Canada. As such, the Oil and Gas Resources Branch cannot distribute it. Natural Resources Canada have offices all across Canada where the data can be purchased. For more information, see their web site at:

Natural Resources Canada also has a much coarser (1:2,000,000) data set available free of charge. See their web site at:

Land Status Data

Heritage Sites and other spatial data such as parks and protected areas is available from Lands Branch. As they are the owners of this land, this is their jurisdiction. The Lands Branch own and maintain the digital data. In order to obtain data, a written request must be sent to:

Sue Deforest
Phone: 867-667-3141

Excel Spreadsheets

For information regarding the source or accuracy of this data please contact the Database/GIS Administrator. Users should note that disposition boundaries are based upon a grid system as laid out in the Disposition Regulations ( 213 KB).

  • Yukon Disposition Listing
  • Yukon Well Listing 
  • Seismic Line Coordinates (1961-1984) - Source: NEB
  • Seismic Line Attributes (1961-1984) - Source: NEB
  • Projections

    The following projections are used by the Oil and Gas Resources Branch. DXF files are saved in a UTM projection and Shape files are saved in a common Albers Projection used throughout the Yukon Government.

    UTM Projection
    Datum: NAD'83
    Units: Meters
    Zone: 8

    Albers Projection
    Datum: NAD'83
    Units: Meters
    Central Meridian: 132°30' W
    1st Standard Parallel: 61°40' N
    2nd Standard Parallel: 68°00' N
    Latitude of Origin: 59°00'
    False Northing: 500,000
    False Easting: 500,000

    Data Suppliers to Oil and Gas Resources Branch

    The Oil and Gas Resources Branch wishes to acknowledge the following corporation for supplying proprietary data:

    SEG-Y (seismic) Data
    Lynx Information Systems Ltd.
    Suite 550, 603 7th Avenue SW
    Calgary, Alberta T2P 2T5
    Phone (403) 269-7255
    Fax: (403) 269-7258


    Lithoprobe data is now available for parts of the Yukon Territory from Kinetex Inc.

    Shot by Kinetex Inc.
    Processed by Sensor 01/2000
    Source Vibroseis
    Sweeps 8@20 Seconds, 8-80Hz.
    Field Geometry 14350-25 X 25-14350 M
    Group Interval 50 Meters
    SP Interval 75 Meters
    Fold 19,200%
    Datum 600M
    Instrument I/O System 2000
    Field Filter ¾ Nyquist Linear Phase: Notch Out
    Trace 576
    Velocity 3500 M/S
    Price/Km. $900/Km. 100 Km minimum purchase

    Other Agencies

    The Oil and Gas Management Branch, Energy, Mines and Resources, Government of Yukon makes no representation, warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, for the fitness of these maps and data files with respect to intended use.

    We do not accept responsibility whatsoever for any inaccuracy, errors or omissions in the data files. We shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by a company for the conversion, installation or improvement of the files. We do not guarantee the continuing availability of any data or the consistence of the transfer record format.

    Any acknowledgements of data sources on this web page do not represent an endorsement of the company or organization by the Government of Yukon. The Government of Yukon is not responsible for the accuracy of data acquired from other agencies.

    Please email the Database/GIS Administrator if you have any questions about these maps.


    Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 18-05-2006