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Summer Employment and Programs for Students

The Employment Training division of the Advanced Education Branch offers a wide variety of career and employment related programs that benefit both Yukon Employers and Yukon Students.

STEP Through the Student Training and Employment Program (STEP), employers can apply for wage subsidy to assist in providing summer employment for Yukon Students. Yukon Students can utilize the program to apply for summer employment in career related fields to enhance their formal education training and gain hands on experience in their field of study.

Yukon Summer Career Placement The Yukon Summer Career Placement Program (SCP) is administered through Advanced Education. Yukon Employers can apply for a wage subsidy to assist in providing summer employment opportunities. Both unemployed youth and students are provided with an opportunity to gain exposure into today's workforce.

YET logoComputer Camp In addition to the employment aspect, Advanced Education offers two summer camp programs to introduce youth to explore computers and the trades area. Through Computer Camp, youth between the ages of 8 to 15 are exposed to the information highway, which is constantly changing and advancing. These five-day camps offer computer instruction mixed with recreational activities. Youth Exploring Trades (Y.E.T) Camp provides youth ages 11 to 15 the opportunity to explore the trades area utilizing tools of the industry to design, construct and race their own soap box creation. In addition to hands on building, Y.E.T is mixed with recreational activities to offset the construction side.

To find out specific details on any of our programs, such as how to apply, criteria and guidelines, just click on any of the listed programs.

Department of Education
Advanced Education
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5927
Toll Free In Yukon: 1-800-661-0408 Local 5927

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