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Advanced Education Links

The Yukon Work Information Network (YuWin) is part of a Canada wide employment and training information site. Yukon information and links to other site across the country are included.

Skills Canada: Yukon
The primary goal of Skills Canada:Yukon is to create an environment for Yukon youth to develop an awareness of the rich employment and training opportunities available within the trades and technology fields and the skills necessary to compete for these jobs.

Canada Student Loan Program
For more information regarding the Canada Student Loan programs visit their website.

Red Seal Program
The Interprovincial Standards "Red Seal" program provides greater mobility for journey level tradesperson who wish to move from one part of Canada to another. It also encourages the standardization of Provincial/Territorial training and certification programs.

Yukon Youth Dot Com
This for youth by youth website is full of information on what's happening for young people in the Yukon.

Renewable Resources Youth Conservation Corps
For more information on summer employment opportunities for students and the Renewable Resource student programs visit their website.

Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP)
The Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) is the primary vehicle through which federal departments and agencies recruit students for temporary student jobs. FSWEP offers students the opportunity to grow personally, develop new skills and learn more about how the federal government works. For more information visit their website.

Canadian Rural Partnership - Rual Team Yukon
Rural Team Yukon is a partnership among the four levels of government in the Yukon committed to the needs of rural and remote Yukon communities. Through this broad partnership, the Team is acting on its commitment to rural development and working to identify and address the specific community issues and priorities for action in rural Yukon. Rural Team Yukon provides a forum for Team members to share information and develop strategic partnerships related to community priorities in the Yukon. Team members work together to coordinate the Canadian Rural Partnership initiative in the Yukon.

Advanced Education
Department of Education
Government of Yukon
Box 2703
Whitehorse, Yukon
Canada Y1A 2C6

Phone: (867) 667-5131
Toll free (In Yukon):
1-800-661-0408, local 5131
Fax: (867) 667-8555

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 19-04-2005