Mot-symbole du gouvernement du Yukon

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Anticipated Teacher Staffing

The Yukon Department of Education invites applications year round from qualified and experienced Teachers and Administrators.

Applicants should review our Teaching in the Yukon handbook. You may download an Application Form and submit it to the address given here, together with your resume, copies of references and/or reports and other pertinent information. For further information refer to the Application Process.

Experience and Qualifications:

  • Four or five year BEd or equivalent;
  • Ability to integrate experiential learning activities into the curriculum;
  • Ability to work as a member of a team and willingness to participate in the total school program;
  • Strong communication and teamwork skills working with parents and staff members;
  • A knowledge of and sensitivity to the traditions and aspirations of First Nations.

Forward your application package to:
Teacher Recruitment Officer
Department of Education
P.O. Box 1500
Dawson City, Yukon
Y0B 1G0


Specific positions are posted on this site as they occur.


Teacher Recruitment
Public Schools Branch
Department of Education
Box 1500
Dawson, Yukon
Canada Y0B 1G0

Tel: (867) 993-5723
Toll Free (in Yukon):
ask for 993-5723 


Fax: (867) 993-5730

Previous Page Back to Top Last Updated 09-08-2005