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Peacekeeping Operations over the Years and Canada's Contribution

(Note: Bold type indicates Canada is still contributing)

Country or Area Short Form of Mission Name Time Length Size of Mission Max. Contri-
Name of Operation and Mandate
Balkans UNSCOB 1947-1951 Unknown 0 United Nations Special Committee On the Balkans. Observe whether Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Yugoslavia are complying with UN recommendations
Korea UNTCOK 1947-1948 30 2 United Nations Temporary Commission on Korea. Supervise elections in South Korea
Middle East UNTSO 1948- 572 22 UN Truce Supervision Organization. Supervise 1948 cease-fire and subsequent armistice and peace
India, Pakistan UNMOGIP 1949-1996 102 27 UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (Kashmir). Supervise cease-fire between India and Pakistan
Korea UNCMAC 1953- Unknown 1 UN Command Military Armistice Commission. Supervise 1953 armistice
Indochina ICSC 1954-1974 400 133 International Commission for Supervision and Control (non-UN mission). Supervise withdrawal of French forces
Egypt UNEF  1956-1967 6,073 1,007 United Nations Emergency Force. Supervise withdrawal of French, British and Israeli forces from Sinai
Lebanon UNOGIL 1958 590 77 UN Observation Group in Lebanon. Ensure safety of Lebanese borders
Congo ONUC 1960-1964 19,828 421 UN Operation in the Congo. Maintain law and order
West New Guinea UNSF 1962-1963 1,500 13 UN Security Force in West New Guinea (West Irian). Maintain peace and security for UN Temporary Executive Authority
Yemen UNYOM 1963-1965 190 36 UN Yemen Observation Mission. Monitor cessation of Saudi Arabian support and withdrawal of Egyptian forces
Cyprus UNFICYP 1964- 6,410 1,126 UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. Maintain law and order


DOMREP 1965-1966 3 1 Mission of the Representative of the Secretary-General. Observe ceasefire and withdrawal of OAS forces
India, Pakistan UNIPOM 1965-1966 160 112 UN India-Pakistan Observation Mission. Supervise cease-fire
Nigeria OTN 1968-1969 12 2 Observer Team to Nigeria (non-UN mission). Supervise cease-fire
South Vietnam ICCS 1973 1,200 248 International Commission for Control and Supervision. (non-UN mission). Supervise truce
Egypt, Israel UNEF II 1973-1979 6,973 1,145 UN Emergency Force II. Supervise deployment of Israeli and Egyptian forces
Syria (Golan) UNDOF 1974- 1,340 230 UN Disengagement Observer Force. Supervise ceasefire and redeployment of Israeli and Syrian forces
Lebanon UNIFIL 1978- 5,900 117 UN Interim Force in Lebanon. Confirm withdrawal of Israeli forces
Sinai MFO 1986- 2,700 140 Multinational Force and Observers (non-UN mission). Prevent violation of Camp David Accord
Afghanistan UNGOMAP 1988-1990 50 5 UN Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Confirm withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan
Iran, Iraq UNIIMOG 1988-1991 845 525 UN Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group. Supervise ceasefire and forces' withdrawal
Angola UNAVEM  1989-1991 70 0 UN Angola Verification Mission. Monitor Cuban troop withdrawal
Central America ONUCA 1989-1992 1,100 174 UN Observer Group in Central America. Verify compliance to Esquipulas Agreement
Namibia UNTAG 1989-1990 4,500 



100 civpol

UN Transition Assistance Group, Namibia. Assist in transition to independence
Nicaragua ONUVEN 1989 Unknown 5 UN Observer Mission for the Verification of the Electoral Process in Nicaragua
Afghanistan, Pakistan OSGAP 1990-1993 10 1 Office of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Provide military advisory unit
Haiti ONUVEH 1990-1991 65 11 UN Observers for the Verification of Elections in Haiti. Monitor 1990 elections
Angola UNAVEM II 1991-1994 350 15 UN Angola Verification Mission. Monitor cease-fire
Balkans ECMM 1991- 300 15 European Community Monitor Mission. (non-UN mission). Monitor cease-fires
Cambodia UNAMIC 1991-1992 1,090 103 UN Advance Mission in Cambodia. Monitor cease-fire and establish mine awareness
El Salvador ONUSAL 1991-1995 622 55 UN Observer Mission in El Salvador. Monitor human rights, progress toward military reform, peace
Iraq, Kuwait UNIKOM 1991- 1,440 301 UN Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission. Monitor demilitarized zone
Iraq UNSCOM 1991- 175 9 UN Special Commission. Inspect and, if necessary, destroy Iraq's biological and chemical weapons
Western Sahara MINURSO 1991- 375 

64 civpol


6 civpol

UN Mission for the Referendum in the Western Sahara. Monitor cease-fire
Balkans UNPF 1992-1996 44,870 

750 civpol


45 civpol

UN Peace Force (UN Protection Force, UN Confidence Restoration Operation)
Cambodia UNTAC 1992-1993 19,200 240 UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia. Provide communications and logistical support, establish mine awareness and monitor disarmament
Cambodia CMAC 1992- 1,600 12 Cambodian Mine Action Center
Mozambique ONUMOZ 1992-1995 7,500 15 UN Operation in Mozambique. Provide security, monitor de-mining and cease-fires
Somalia UNITAF 1992-1993 37,000 1,410 United Task Force. Distribute relief supplies
Somalia UNOSOM 1992-1993 937 12 UN Operation in Somalia. Headquarters personnel
South Africa UNOMSA 1992 60 0 UN Observer Mission in South Africa. Observe pre-election period. (Staffed by UN personnel only)
Georgia UNOMIG 1993- 135 0 UN Observer Mission in Georgia. Monitor cease-fire and investigate violations
Haiti UNMIH 1993-1996 6,800 

900 civpol


100 civpol

UN Mission in Haiti. Implement the Governors Island Agreement
Liberia UNOMIL 1993- 303 0 UN Observer Mission in Liberia. Monitor implementation of peace agreement
The Netherlands UN ICTY 1993- Unknown 2 civpol UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Assist in preparing cases against people accused of war crimes
Rwanda, Uganda UNOMUR 1993-1994 100 3 UN Observer Mission Uganda-Rwanda. Verify that military supplies do not cross border into Rwanda
Rwanda  UNAMIR 1993-1996 5,900 

90 civpol


1 civpol

UN Assistance Mission in Rwanda. Assist interim government with transition measures leading to elections. Commission of inquiry on arms trafficking
Somalia UNOSOM II 1993-1995 28,000 9 UN Operations in Somalia. Distribute relief supplies
Chad UNASOG 1994 9 0 UN Aouzou Strip Observer Group. Monitor withdrawal of Libyan administration
Guatemala MINUGUA 1994- 52 civpol 3 civpol UN Verification Mission in Guatemala. Verify implementation of human rights agreements and fulfilment of definitive ceasefire.
South Africa Commonweath Mission 1994 Unknown 2 civpol Supported Commonwealth mission
Tadjikistan UNMOT 1994 17 0 UN Mission in Tadjikistan. Assist implementation of cease-fire
Balkans UNPREDEP 1995- 1,083 1 UN Preventive Deployment Force
Balkans IFOR (non-UN) 1996-1997 60,000 1,035 Implementation Force in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Balkans UNMOP 1996- 27 1 UN Mission of Observers in Prevlaka
Balkans UNMIBH 1996- 5 

2,027 civpol


30 civpol

UN Mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Balkans UNMACBH 1996-1997 72 6 UN Mine Action Centre, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Haiti UNSMIH 1996-1997 1,300 

300 civpol


100 civpol

UN Support Mission in Haiti
Zaire MNF (non-UN) 1996 452 452 Multinational Force for Eastern Zaire. Facilitate the return of humanitarian organizations, the effective delivery of aid, and the repatriation of refugees
Balkans SFOR (non-UN) 1997- 30,000 1,269 NATO's Stabilization Force in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Guatemala MINUGUA 1997 339 15 UN Verification Mission in Guatemala. Verify implementation of human rights agreements and fulfilment of definitive ceasefire
Haiti UNTMIH 1997 1,000 

250 civpol


60 civpol

UN Transition Mission in Haiti
Haiti MIPONUH 1997- 300 civpol 22 civpol UN Police Operation in Haiti. Canada also provides 24 police trainers
Ethiopia, Eritrea UNMEE 2000-2002 12,000 450 UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea

Last Updated:

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