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ID: 26266
Added: 2003-02-13 9:37
Modified: 2006-01-23 8:50
Refreshed: 2006-01-24 14:54

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About IDRC
Who we are and what we do.

Evaluation Guidelines
The Evaluation Unit has prepared a series of Evaluation Guidelines to help Centre managers, staff, and partners with their evaluation work.

IDRC Evaluation Research Awards

Outcome Mapping
Outcome Mapping

Public Policy Study
IDRC in the Public Policy Process: A Strategic Evaluation of the Influence of Research on Public Policy.

Applying lessons in Evaluation

The third annual International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) in Ottawa.

Evaluation Unit

Evaluation and Learning at IDRC

"IDRC recognizes that evaluation makes an essential contribution to learning and decision-making about research. We will focus on promoting evaluation as a planning and management tool, building capacity for evaluation, and assessing the use and impact of research for development. At the same time as developing the Centre's own capacity and system for evaluation, we will work to expand evaluation partnerships with Southern institutions and other donors. Most importantly, IDRC will seek to strengthen the evaluation capacity of its research partners. This reflects an increased demand, resulting from the findings of studies on the potential of evaluation to assist in research planning and management. This should also contribute to redressing the pervasive control of the evaluation agenda by donor agencies. The emergence of evaluation associations in the South is evidence of strong interest and of a base on which IDRC's efforts can build. We will also respond to increased demand for follow-up on our past work on organizational self-assessment, which has generated great interest and considerable recognition." (IDRC'S Corporate Strategy and Program Framework 2000-2005)

The Guiding Principles of IDRC's Evaluation Unit:

  • Evaluations should enlist the participation of relevant users. 

  • Evaluation processes should develop capacity in evaluative thinking and evaluation use.

  • Evaluative thinking adds value from the outset of a project or program. 

  • Evaluation should meet standards for ethical research and evaluation quality.

  • The decision to evaluate should be strategic not routine.

  • Evaluation should be an asset for those being evaluated.


  • Public Policy Study
    IDRC in the Public Policy Process: A Strategic Evaluation of the Influence of Research on Public Policy.

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