Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Notice to mariners Questionnaire

The Canadian Hydrographic Service is studying the possibility of providing more Section 2 Notices to Mariners for paper charts in the graphic form. We have identified three possible methods that we would like you to consider when you complete the questionnaire.

This questionnaire is a follow up to a previous survey to determine Levels of Service for the benefits of our client groups. All the information you provide will be kept anonymous and will be reported as part of overall statistics only. This information is being collected under the guidelines of the Privacy Act.

We value your opinion. Thank you!

1. Do you use Notices to Mariners to update your charts?



2. Which best describes your activity:

Commercial navigator including commercial fisher

Recreational boater

3. Approximately how many Updates do you apply to charts annually?

4. Complex changes to charts must be provided as image patches (see method 1 below). However, smaller changes could be provided only as images (see method 2 below), or as text with supporting images (see method 3 below). Please choose one option:

ALL notices as images

ALL notices with both images and text

SOME notices as text with supporting images

SOME notices as text with Chart 1 reference (external image reference)

5. Changes to aids to navigation are often simple enough that it would take less time to read about and apply the change onto your chart by hand, than to cut and paste the tile

Are you willing to cut and paste each correction on your charts?



Only some corrections
Reason (please provide any comments you may have particularly if you answered "No" or "Only some corrections"):

6. Would you mind if several patches had been previously made available for the same area?



7. Where conveniant, would you prefer positioning information described as:

Degrees, minutes, and seconds (45° 41’ 23.5"N)

Degrees, minutes, and decimal minutes (45° 41.384’N)


Techniques for applying changes to charts

Method 1: Patch
- complex changes
Several changes on one graphic
probability of pasting them out of position
- changes are not always apparent
- May need access to the internet

Method 2: NTM TILE
- simpler changes
- corner coordinates
- changes in grey wash, to allow the user to choose between cut and paste or apply by hand
- combines several changes into one graphic
- May need Internet access

Method 3:
Text with graphic
- simpler changes
- already familiar for those using Admiralty notices
- time consuming

Page last updated : 2006-9-19 11:11

ISO 9001

Important Notices

This site is maintained by the Canadian Hydrographic Service.