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8660 - Bell Canada - Rapports et lettres sur les indicateurs de la qualité du service

Documents du Conseil

2006-10-30 - Bell Canada
Description:  Pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-20, regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada (or the Company) submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 3rd Quarter 2006 in the Attachment .
Document: - 56KO

2006-10-16 - Bell Canada
Description:  Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Bell Canada provides the following report for September 2006:
Document: 679336.doc - 65KO

2006-09-18 - Bell Canada
Description:  At paragraph 287 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues (Decision 2005-17), the Commission determined that...
Document: - 484KO

2006-09-18 - Bell Canada
Description:  At paragraph 209 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-20, Finalization of quality of service rate rebate plan for competitors , the Commission directed the ILECs to...
Document: - 582KO

2006-09-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation , which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues , Bell Canada provides the following report for August 2006.
Document: 668340.doc - 87KO

2006-08-15 - Bell Canada
Description:  Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Bell Canada provides the following report for July 2006.
Document: 654145.doc - 68KO

2006-08-14 - Bell Canada
Description:  In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217 and Decision 2001-375, and as confirmed in Decision 2005-17, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2nd Quarter 2006 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: -33KO

2006-07-31 - Bell Canada
Description:  In accordance with the procedures established in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-20, Finalization of quality of service rate rebate plan for competitors (Decision 2005-20) regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada (or the Company) submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 2nd Quarter 2006 in the attachment
Document: - 47KO

2006-05-15 - Bell Canada
Description:  In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375, Commission decision regarding show cause, application to review and vary and application to stay, for indicators 1.5 and 2.5 in Decision CRTC 2001-217 – CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies) , and as confirmed in Decision 2005-17, Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues , Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 1st Quarter 2006 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 32KO

2006-05-01 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-20, Finalization of quality of service rate rebate plan for competitors (Decision 2005-20) regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada (or the Company) submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 1st Quarter 2006 in the attachment.
Document: - 46KO

2006-04-13 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues, Bell Canada provides the following report for March 2006:
Document: 613511.doc - 70KO

2006-03-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues, Bell Canada provides a report for February 2006.
Document: 603318.doc - 70KO

2006-02-27 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Bell Canada provides the following report for January 2006
Document: 596291.doc - 84KO

2006-02-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217 and Decision 2001-375, and as confirmed in Decision 2005-17, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 4th Quarter 2005 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 35KO

2006-01-30 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-20, Finalization of quality of service rate rebate plan for competitors (Decision 2005-20) regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada (or the Company) submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 4th Quarter 2005 in the attachment
Document: - 43KO

2006-01-16 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues, Bell Canada provides the following report for December 2005.
Document: 579195.doc - 105KO

2005-12-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues, Bell Canada provides the following report for November 2005
Document: 051215.doc - 104KO

2005-12-08 - Bell Canada
Description: On 31 October 2005, Bell Canada submitted its report to the Commission on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 3rd Quarter 2005. Pursuant to Decision 2005-20, Finalization of quality of service rate rebate plan for competitors, the Company was to have made any applicable rate rebate payments to competitors by that same date
Document: 051208.doc - 69KO

2005-11-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17
Document: 051115.doc - 108KO

2005-11-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 3rd Quarter 2005 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 62KO

2005-10-31 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to Telecom Decision 2005-20, Finalization of quality of service rate rebate plan for competitors, Bell Canada today filed, under separate cover, its 3rd Quarter 2005 report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators (the Report).
Document: 051031.doc - 73KO

2005-10-31 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2005-20, Finalization of quality of service rate rebate plan for competitors regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards
Document: - 44KO

2005-10-19 - Bell Canada
Desription: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17,
Document: 051019.doc -105KO

2005-09-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, and as confirmed in Telecom Decision CRTC 2005-17, Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues, Bell Canada provides the following report for August 2005.
Document: 050915.doc - 97KO

2005-08-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001-217, Decision 2001-366, Decision 2001-636 and Decision 2003-72 regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada (or the Company) submits its report
Document: - 41KO

2005-08-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2nd Quarter 2005 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively
Document: - 34KO

2005-08-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators.
Document: 050815.doc - 76KO

2005-08-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2nd Quarter 2005 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively
Document: - 34KO

2005-08-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators.
Document: 050815.doc - 76KO

2005-07-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following report for June 2005
Document: 050715.doc - 75KO

2005-05-16 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366, Decision 2001-636 and Decision 2003-72 regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada (or the Company) submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 1st Quarter 2005 in the attachment.
Documents: - 39KO

2005-05-16 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375, Commission decision regarding show cause, application to review and vary and application to stay, for indicators 1.5 and 2.5 in Decision CRTC 2001-217 – CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies), and as confirmed in Decision 2005-17, Retail quality of service rate adjustment plan and related issues, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 1st Quarter 2005 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Documents: - 32KO

2005-02-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366, Decision 2001-636 and Decision 2003-72 regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada (or the Company) submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 4th Quarter 2004 in the attachment.
Document: - 41KO

2005-02-14 - Bell Canada

Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375.
Document: - 38KO

2004-11-15 - Bell Canada

Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366, Decision 2001-636 and Decision 2003-72 regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 3rd Quarter 2004 in the attachment.
Document: - 39KO

2004-11-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375, Commission decision regarding show cause, application to review and vary and application to stay, for indicators 1.5 and 2.5 in Decision CRTC 2001-217 – CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies) and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 3rd Quarter 2004 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 37KO

2004-08-16 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366, Decision 2001-636 and Decision 2003-72 regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 2nd Quarter 2004 in Attachment 1 to this letter.
Document: - 50KO

2004-08-16 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375, Commission decision regarding show cause, application to review and vary and application to stay, for indicators 1.5 and 2.5 in Decision CRTC 2001-217 – CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies) and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2nd Quarter 2004 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 37KO

2004-05-17 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366, Decision 2001-636 and Decision 2003-72 regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 1st Quarter 2004 in Attachment 1 to this letter.
Document: - 43KO

2004-05-17 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375, Commission decision regarding show cause.
Document: - 36KO

2004-04-16 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following report for March 2004:
Document: 040416.doc - 69KO

2004-03-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following report for February 2004:
Document: 040315.doc - 69KO

2004-02-16 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366, Decision 2001-636 and Decision 2003-72 regarding the reporting of quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 4th Quarter 2003 in the attachments to this letter.
Document: - 49KO

2004-02-16 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375, Commission decision regarding show cause, application to review and vary and application to stay, for indicators 1.5 and 2.5 in Decision CRTC 2001-217 – CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies) and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 4th Quarter 2003 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 38KO

2004-02-16 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators.
Document: 040216.doc - 68KO

2004-01-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following report for December 2003:
Document: 040115.doc - 69KO

2003-12-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides a report for November 2003.
Document: 031215.doc - 63KO

en haut

2003-11-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366 and Decision 2001-636 regarding the reporting of new quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits, its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 3rd Quarter 2003 in the attachment.
Document: - 40KO

2003-11-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above referenced decision and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 3rd Quarter 2003 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 48KO

2003-11-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following report for October 2003:
Document: 031114_2.doc - 63KO

2003-08-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits, its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 2nd Quarter 2003 in the attachment.
Document: - 38KO

2003-08-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2nd Quarter 2003 Report of Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 37KO

2003-05-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366 and Decision 2001-636 regarding the reporting of new quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits, its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 1st Quarter 2003 in the attachment.
Document: - 37KO

2003-05-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 1st Quarter 2003 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively. This report does not include CISC recommended competition related quality of service indicators, which are being filed today under separate cover.
Document: - 36KO

en haut

2003-02-17 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following report for January 2003:
ocument: 030217_2.doc - 62KO

2003-02-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366 and Decision 2001-636 regarding the reporting of new quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits, as Attachment 1, its report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 4th Quarter 2002.
Document: - 46KO

2003-02-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 4th Quarter 2002 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 35KO

2003-01-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following report for December 2002.
Document: 030115_1.doc - 62KO

2002-12-16 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following report for November 2002.
Document: 021216_1.doc - 62KO

2002-11-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following reports for October 2002.
Document: 021115.doc - 70KO

2002-11-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits its 3rd Quarter 2002 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes.
Document: - 39KO

en haut

2002-11-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001 217, Decision 2001-366 and Decision 2001-636 regarding the reporting of new quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits the attached report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 3rd Quarter 2002.
Document: - 38KO

2002-10-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following reports for September 2002.
Document: 021015.doc - 67KO

2002-09-16 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada provides the following reports for August 2002.
Document: 020916_1.doc - 61KO

2002-08-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001-217, Decision 2001-366 and Decision 2001-636 regarding the reporting of new quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits the attached report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 2nd Quarter 2002.
Document: - 35KO

2002-08-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375, Commission decision regarding show cause, application to review and vary and application to stay, for indicators 1.5 and 2.5 in Decision CRTC 2001-217 - CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies) and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2nd Quarter 2002 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 37KO

en haut

2002-05-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375, Commission decision regarding show cause, application to review and vary and application to stay, for indicators 1.5 and 2.5 in Decision CRTC 2001-217 - CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies) and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 1st Quarter 2002 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 35KO

2002-05-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001-217, Decision 2001-366 and Decision 2001-636 regarding the reporting of new quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits the attached report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators for 1st Quarter 2002.
Document: - 34KO

2002-02-22 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description:  Bell Canada is in receipt of a letter issued by AT&T Canada Corp. (AT&T), dated 22 January 2002, requesting that the Commission issue a number of directives with respect to the reporting of competitor quality of service information.

2002-02-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001-217, Decision 2001-366 and Decision 2001-636 regarding the reporting of new quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits the attached report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators. The report includes data for both the 3rd and 4th Quarters 2001.
Document: - 50KO

2002-02-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision (as modified by Decision 2001-217 and Decision 2001-375 and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 4th Quarter 2001 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Documents: - 38KO

en haut

2001-11-14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in Decision 2001-217, Decision 2001-366 and Decision 2001-636 regarding the reporting of new quality of service indicators for competition-related intervals and standards, Bell Canada submits as Attachment 1, its 3rd Quarter 2001 Report on Competition-Related Quality of Service Indicators.
Document: - 34KO

2001-11-14 - Bell Canada
Description: CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies and Decision 2001-375, Commission decision regarding show cause, application to review and vary and application to stay, for indicators 1.5 and 2.5 in Decision CRTC 2001-217 - CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies.
Document: - 43KO

2001-08-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2nd Quarter 2001 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 33KO

2001-05-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 1st Quarter 2001 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 32KO

2001-05-09 - Bell Canada
Description: In Decision 2001-217, CRTC creates new quality of service indicators for telephone companies, the Commission directed Bell Canada (or the Company), Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTSCommunications Inc., NBTel Inc., NewTel Communications Inc., Northern Telephone Limited, Northwestel Inc., and Télébec ltée (collectively, the Companies) to show cause within 30 days of Decision 2001-217.
Document: - 1064KO

2001-02-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following report for January 2001.
Document:  010215_1.doc - 55KO

2001-02-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2000 Quarter 4 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 40KO

2001-01-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following report for December 2000.
Document:  010115.doc - 54KO

en haut

2000-12-15 - Bell Canada 
Description:  Quality of Service Indicators - Exception Reporting - November 2000
Document:  001215.doc - 60 KO

2000-11-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for October 2000.
Document:  001115_2.doc - 65KO

2000-11-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2000 Quarter 3 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Document: - 38KO

2000-10-16 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for September 2000.
Document:  001016.doc - 37KO

2000-09-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for August 2000:
Document:  000915.doc - 38KO

2000-08-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2000 Quarter 2 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Documents:  000815.doc - 53KO  -  0815att1.xls - 27KO

2000-08-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for July 2000.
Document:  000815_1.doc - 30KO

en haut

2000-07-17 - Bell Canda
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for June 2000.
Document:  000717.doc - 31KO

2000-06-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for May 2000:
Document:  000615_5.doc - 31KO

2000-05-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for April 2000.
Document:  000515_1.doc - 31KO

2000-05-15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 2000 Quarter 1 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
Documents:  000515.doc - 36KO  -  000515a1.xls - 24KO

2000-04-20 - Bell Canada, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc., NewTel Communications Inc., Northern Telephone Ltd., Northwestel Inc. and Télébec ltée (the Companies)
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 55 of Decision 2000-24, the following constitutes Bell Canada, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc., NewTel Communications Inc., Northern Telephone Ltd., Northwestel Inc. and Télébec ltée, (collectively, the Companies), reply comments.
Document:  000420.doc - 48KO

2000-04-19 - Bell Canada, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc. and NewTel Communications Inc. (the Companies)
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 42 of Decision 2000-24, the following submission is filed on behalf of the Companies.
Document:  000419_1.doc - 208KO

en haut

2000-04-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for March 2000.
Document:  000414_1.doc - 32KO

2000-03-20 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for February 2000.
Document:  000320_1.doc - 33KB

2000-03-06 - Bell Canada, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc., NewTel Communications Inc., Northern Telephone Ltd., Northwestel Inc. and Télébec Ltée (the Companies)
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 53 of Decision 2000-24, the following submission is filed on behalf of the Companies. This submission is made without prejudice to the further participation of the Companies individually in matters relating to this proceeding.
Document:  000306.doc - 42KB

2000-02-15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for January 2000:
Documents:  000215.doc - 56KB  -  000215A1.xls - 33KB

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2000-01-14 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for December 1999:
Document:  000114_1.doc - 32KB

1999/12/16 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for November 1999.
Document:  991215_1.doc - 32KB

1999/11/26 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Decision 97-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, which outlines reporting requirements for below standard quality of service indicators, Bell Canada hereby provides the following reports for October 1999.
Document:  991126.doc - 32KB

1999/11/15 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the above-referenced decision and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 1999 Quarter 3 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively.
File Names:
991115.doc - Microsoft Word97 - 20KB
991115A1.xls - Microsoft Excel97 - 31KB
991115A2.doc - Microsoft Word97 - 41KB

1999/08/16 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16 and recommendations arising out of the Report Format Committee, Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 1999 Quarter 2 Report on Quality of Service, Data and Notes, respectively. The standards cited are the interim standards set forth in the decision.
File Names:
990816.doc - Microsoft Word97 - 20 KB
990816A1.xls - Microsoft Excel97 - 28 KB
990816A2.doc - Microsoft Word97 - 29 KB

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1999/05/31 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada submits as Attachments 1 and 2, its 1999 Quarter 1 Report on Quality of Service.
File Names:
990531.doc - Microsoft Word '97 - 21KB
bell.xls - Microsoft Excel '97 - 25 KB
bell-e.doc - Microsoft Word '97 - 24 KB - Winzip 6.0a - 13 KB

1998/11/16 - Bell Canada
DESCRIPTION: Telecom Decision CRTC 1997-16, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation.
981116.doc - MS WORD - 21 KB
Bell-e.doc - MS WORD - 22 KB
Bell.xls - MS EXCEL - 25KB
8213.xls - MS EXCEL - 16 KB - WINZIP - 15 KB

1998/09/25 - Bell Canada
DESCRIPTION: Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16 - Process to Finalize the Standards (Decision 97-16).
980925.doc - MS*Word - 53 KB
Attachmt.doc - MS*Word - 65 KB

1998/08/14 - Bell Canada
DESCRIPTION: Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 1997-16 - Process to Finalize the Standards (Decision 97-16).
FIN97-16.ZIP - WINZIP - 58,850 bytes
980814A.DOC - MS*Word - 82,944 bytes
ATT-A.DOC - MS*Word - 13,824 bytes
ATT-B.DOC - MS*Word - 64,000 bytes
Q_INSTAL.DOC - MS*Word - 44,032 bytes
Q_REPAIR.DOC - MS*Word - 28,160 bytes

1998/08/14 - Bell Canada
DESCRIPTION: Telecom Decision CRTC 1997-16: Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation.
980814.DOC - MS*Word - 12,288 bytes
BELL-E.DOC - MS*Word - 17,920 bytes
BELL3.XLS - MS*Excel - 24,576 bytes
BELL8213.XLS - MS*Excel - 16,384 bytes
DEC97-16.ZIP - WINZIP - 13,835 bytes

1998/05/15 - Bell Canada
DESCRIPTION: Telecom Decision CRTC 1997-16: Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation.
980515.DOC - MS*Word - 11,776 bytes
BELL-E3.DOC - MS*Word - 13,312 bytes
BELL3.XLS - MS*Excel - 24,576 bytes
BELL8213.XLS - MS*Excel - 17,920 bytes
D97-16.ZIP - WINZIP - 15,769 bytes

1998/03/02 - Bell Canada - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Telecom Decision CRTC 82-13.  The company provides explanations and action plans for the following indicators that were below standard in the 4th quarter of 1997.

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1998/02/16 - Bell Canada - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Telecom Decision CRTC 82-13.  The company submits for the Commission's review the attached report.

1997/12/29 - Bell Canada - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Quality of Service Indicators for use in Telephone Company Regulation.

1997/12/01 - Bell Canada - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 82-13, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, the Company provides explanations and action plans for the following indicators that were below standard in the 3rd quarter of 1997.

1997/08/29 - Bell Canada - - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 82-13, Quality of Service Indicators for Use in Telephone Company Regulation, the Company provides explanations and action plans for the following indicators that were below standard in the 2nd quarter of 1997.
Q297QSE.DOC - MS*Word - 12800 bytes

1997/08/25 - Bell Canada - - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: Community Isolation Report.

1997/08/15 - Bell Canada
DESCRIPTION: Letters - Quality of Service Indicator, Remote North & Telecom Decision CRTC 82-13.
QOF.ZIP - PKZIP - 7680 bytes
STHCRTC.DOC - MS*Word - 12288 bytes
NRTHCRTC.DOC - MS*Word - 11264 bytes

1997/05/30 - Bell Canada - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 82-13, the company provides explanations and action plans for the following indicators that were below standard in the First Quarter 97.

1997/05/15 - Bell Canada - "Version imprimée"
DESCRIPTION: First Quarter 97 - Quality of Service Indicators Results.

1997/03/03 - Bell Canada
DESCRIPTION: Quality of Service Indicators, Remote North & Telecom Decision CRTC 82-13.
EXQ496N.DOC - 14848 Bytes - Word 6.0
EXQ496.DOC - 14336 Bytes - Word 6.0

Mise à jour : 2006-10-31

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