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8660 - Norouestel Inc. - Rapports et lettres sur les indicateurs de la qualité du service

Documents du Conseil

2006-08-04 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (the Company) submits its 2nd Quarter Quality of Service results for 2006.
Document: - 116KO

2006-05-01 - Northwestel Inc.
Description:  In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (the Company) submits its 1st Quarter Quality of Service results for 2006.
Document: - 32KO

2006-03-03 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Northwestel Inc. hereby files the January 2006 report for those Quality of Service indicators, which have crossed below the standard threshold, set by the Commission for quarterly reporting. In particular, the monthly results for the affected indicators.
Document: - 35KO

2006-02-15 - Northwestel Inc.
Description:  In accordance with Telecom Decision 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel submits its 4th Quarter Quality of Service results for 2005.
Document:  593037.pdf - 1240KO

2005-11-14 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with CRTC 97-16 Norhtwestel submits its 3rd Quarter Quality of Service results for 2005
Document: 051114.pdf - 118KO

2005-08-12 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Norhtwestel submits its 2nd Quarter Quality of Service results for 2005
Document: 050812.pdf - 73KO

2005-05-10 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel ("the Company") submits its 1st Quarter Quality of Service results for 2005.
Document: 050510.pdf - 102KO

2005-02-18 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (“the Company”) submits its 4th Quarter Quality of Service results for 2004.
Document: - 61KO

2004-11-10 - Northwestel Inc.

Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (the Company) submits its 3rd Quarter Quality of Service results for 2004
Document: - 61KO

2004-08-18 - Northwestel Inc.
Description:  In accordance with Telecom Decision 97-16, and the above noted Decision, NorthwesTel submits its 2nd Quarter Quality of Service results for 2004.
Document: 040818.pdf - 1625KO

2004-06-08 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel files the following revision to attachment 2 of quarter 1 2004 results to the above noted filing to correct for the omission of indicator 4.3 in its original filing.
Document: - 36KO

2004/06/03 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (the Company) submits its 1st Quarter Quality of Service results for 2004.
Document: - 59KO

2004/03/16 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Northwestel Inc. hereby files the January 2004 report for those Quality of Service indicators, which have crossed below the standard threshold, set by the Commission for quarterly reporting.
Document: - 40KO

2004/02/23 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Northwestel Inc. hereby files the January 2004 report for those Quality of Service indicators, which have crossed below the standard threshold, set by the Commission for quarterly reporting
Document: - 36KO

2004/02/13 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (“the Company”) submits its 4th Quarter Quality of Service results for 2003.
Document: - 66KO

2003/11/07 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Please find a revised Attachment 2 page 1 for Northwestel's 3rd Quarter Quality of Service results for 2003.
Document: - 37KO

2003/10/29 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (“the Company”) submits its 3rd Quarter Quality of Service results for 2003.
Document: - 62KO

2003/08/11 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Quality of Service - 2nd Quarter
Document: - 62KO

2003/05/05 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (“the Company”) submits its 1st Quarter Quality of Service results for 2003
Document: - 59KO

2003/03/10 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Quality of Service Results - Monthly Reporting
Document: - 34KO

2003/02/19 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Northwestel Inc. hereby files the January 2003 report for those Quality of Service indicators which have crossed below the standard threshold set by the Commission for quarterly reporting.
Document: - 34KO

2003/01/31 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (“the Company”) submits its 4th Quarter Quality of Service results for 2002
Document: - 63KO

2002/11/15 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (“the Company”) submits its 3rd quarter Quality of Service results for 2002.
Document: - 69KO

2002/10/10 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Pursuant to paragraph 90 of Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, Northwestel Inc. hereby files the August 2002 report for those Quality of Service indicators which have crossed below the standard threshold set by the Commission for quarterly reporting.
Document: - 41KO

2002/08/19 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (“the Company”) submits its 2nd quarter Quality of Service results for 2002.
Document: - 67KO

2002/05/10 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, and the above noted Decision, Northwestel (“the Company”) submits its 1st quarter Quality of Service results for 2002.
Document: - 68KO

2002/04/15 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: March 2002 Report on Missed Quality of Service Indicators
Document: - 41KO

2002/03/21 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel Inc. hereby files the February 2002 report for those Quality of Service indicators which have crossed below the standard threshold set by the Commission for quarterly reporting.
Document: - 42KO

2002/03/11 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel Inc. hereby files the January 2002 report for those Quality of Service indicators which have crossed below the standard threshold set by the Commission for quarterly reporting
Document: - 44KO

2002/02/15 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Quarter 4 2001 Quality of Service Indicators
Document: - 65KO

2002/02/11 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Revised Community Report for 3rd Quarter 2001. Please note that there are 4 communities that share the same switch NXX, so these communities do not have statistics generated for them. These communities that share the same NXX have been included and highlighted with the community that shares the NXX.
Document: 020211.xls - 103KO

2001/11/28 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Quality of Service Report - 3rd Quarter
Document: - 73KO (Revisé)

2001/08/15 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Attached please find the quality of service indicators for the second quarter of 2001.
Document: - 15KO

2001/05/22 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, the Company submits five copies of its 1st quarter Quality of Service results for 2001.
Document: - 18KO

2001/05/09 - Northwestel Inc. Regulatory Affairs
Description: In addition to the arguments presented by the Company in its May 8, 2001 letter
Document:  010509.doc - 20KO

2001/05/08 - Northwestel Inc. Regulatory Affairs
Description: Northwestel's "Show Cause" for Quality of Service Decision 2001-217.
Document: - 8KO

2001/02/14 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, the Company submits five copies of its 4th quarter Quality of Service results for 2000. The new indicator results and explanations are provided.
Document: - 16KO


2000/11/21 - Northwestel Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description:  In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, the Company submits five copies of its 3rd quarter Quality of Service results for 2000.

2000/08/30 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: In accordance with Telecom Decision CRTC 97-16, the Company submits five copies of its 2nd quarter Quality of Service results for 1999.
Document: - 16 KO

2000/05/23 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel's Quality of Service Report for 1st Quarter, 2000.
Documents:  23mayqs.doc - 20KO - nwtq1_00.doc - 19KO 
nwtq1_00.xls - 28KO

2000/04/20 - Bell Canada, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc., NewTel Communications Inc., Northern Telephone Ltd., Northwestel Inc. and Télébec ltée, (collectively, the Companies)
Description: In accordance with the procedures set out by the Commission at paragraph 55 of Decision 2000-24, the following constitutes Bell Canada, Island Telecom Inc., Maritime Tel & Tel Limited, MTS Communications Inc., NBTel Inc., NewTel Communications Inc., Northern Telephone Ltd., Northwestel Inc. and Télébec ltée, (collectively, the Companies), reply comments.
Document:  000420.doc - 48KO

2000/03/20 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Telecom Decision 2000-24 - Northwestel's response with respect to community level reporting for quality of service indicators.
Documents: - Winzip file - 23KB
QOSmar20.doc - Word - 32,256 bytes - Cover letter
CRTC101.doc - Word - 39,936 bytes - response to interrogatory 101
101at2p1.xls - Excel - 24,576 bytes - att. 2; page 1only


2000/02/14 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Northwestel's Quality of Service Results for the 4th Quarter, 1999.
Documents: - Winzip - 14KB
nwtq499.xls - Excel - 31,232 bytes - quality of service indicator results
nwtq499.doc - Word - 34,304 bytes - explanation for results
4thqosco.doc - Word - 20,480 bytes - cover letter

1999/11/18 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Quality of Service Report for 3rd Quarter 1999
Documents: - Winzip - 10KB
991118.doc - Word - 20,992 bytes - cover letter
nwtq399.doc - Word - 19,968 bytes - explanations
nwtq399.xls - Excel - 22,016 bytes - indicator results

1999/11/17 - Northwestel Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description: Third Quarter Quality of Service Results.

1999/08/20 - Northwestel Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description: Second Quarter Quality of Service Results.

1999/05/17 - Northwestel Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description: First Quarter Quality of Service Results.

1998/09/24 - Northwestel Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description: Reply comments.

1998/08/25 - Northwestel Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description: 2nd Quarter Quality of Service results for 1998.

1998/08/14 - Northwestel Inc. - "Version imprimée"
Description: Proposal to finalize the Quality of Service standards set in the Decision 97-16.

1998/05/15 - Northwestel Inc.
Description: Quality of Service results for 1st Quarter of 1998.
NWTQ198.DOC - MS*Word - 29,696 bytes
NWTQ198.XLS - MS*Excel - 24,064 bytes
OLDQ198.XLS - MS*Excel - 24,576 bytes
QOS1ST.WPD - WordPerfect 6.1 - 2,933 bytes

Mise à jour : 2006-08-22

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