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Home  >   Managing Employees  >   Performance Appraisals


Performance Appraisals

Introduction Checklist 1:
Setting Individual Performance Expectations
Checklist 2:
Providing Ongoing Feedback
Checklist 3:
Formally Reviewing Performance


A performance management discussion should be uncomplicated but detailed enough to give employees a clear indication of what is required of them in their jobs. The focus is on dialogue. It is important when a performance expectation is set to determine how it will be measured.

The performance management discussion cycle consists of :

1. Setting individual performance expectations

After business priorities have been discussed, the next step is to state individual performance expectations relative to the job the employee performs. The key here is to focus on expected results (not activities) and competencies (skills and behaviours) necessary for successful performance.

2. Providing ongoing feedback Ongoing feedback is the driving force behind an integrated performance management process. Performance feedback is specific information that relates to competencies and outcomes. It is timely and uses information, not subjective judgement. Its purpose is to foster insight and learning which will influence future performance.

3. Formally reviewing performance A formal performance review is to discuss the employee's overall performance based on identified work objectives, competencies and measures. It is an opportunity to hear the employee's perspective about what went well, what did not, their strengths and weaknesses, ways to improve performance/competencies, etc. By the time the review takes place there should be no surprises because of ongoing feedback provided between formal review sessions.

Checklist 1:Setting Individual Performance ExpectationsTop

You the manager should: The employee should:

position the work of the employee within the broader vision of the team and organization.
reflect on the work objectives and measures you wish to discuss with the employee
consider the employees strengths and areas requiring more development
reflect on competencies/skills required to meet the work objectives

position their work within the broader vision of the team and organization.
consider their past accomplishments and any challenges they have experienced.
consider their personal vision and short term and long term career goals
consider their current and future learning needs and priorities and support required
The manager and employee should:

establish together clear, specific and realistic work expectations with indicators or measures.
determine support required (i.e., the essential work tools you will need to fulfil your work expectations.)
discuss knowledge and competencies required for the work and agree on work-related learning activities.
agree on feedback mechanisms (frequency of formal and informal meetings, feedback and coaching sources and methods to be used).
discuss career aspirations

allot sufficient time and attention to this discussion;
choose a suitable framework for discussions and avoid interruptions;
that objectives established together and deemed achievable have a better chance of being achieved; and
open, honest two-way communication, active listening, constructive feedback and mutual respect are essential to establishing a climate of trust conducive to commitment and good working relations.
The manager and employee should:

follow-up on agreed upon actions
start thinking about progress follow-up
periodical follow-up makes it possible to make revisions to the Performance and Learning Agreement due to changing priorities.

Checklist 2: Providing Ongoing FeedbackTop

The manager and the employee should:

look at progress achieved in relation to performance expectations;
meet periodically in accordance with the agreed-upon method;
highlight the employee's achievements;
make necessary changes with respect to resources, deadlines, learning needs, etc in order to take new circumstances into account;
You the manager should:

in an appropriate, timely fashion, recognize the employee's achievements and positive performance aspects;

specific when providing feedback to an employee in order to strengthen certain aspects of the employee's performance or behaviour;
promptly recognize good work;
sincere feedback and a simple thank-you are the best motivators;
Identify problems promptly and provide employees with timely guidance, coaching and desired corrective measures.;

Remember the following steps:
meet the employee privately in a non-threatening environment;
put the problem in context;
state the difference between facts and agreed-upon measures;
help the employee identify causes and find solutions, then offer the employee your assistance;
provide necessary follow-up by agreeing on an action plan;
The employee should:

promptly report circumstances that may have an impact on the achievement of their objectives and require changes to initial plans;
obtain information, instructions, advice or necessary training at the appropriate time;
follow-up on agreed upon measures with the manager.

The employee should remember:
they share the responsibility for managing their performance and their training;
it is up to the employee to report their requirements or problems to their manager and then help find solutions for them. The manager cannot guess what they are or find solutions for them alone.

Checklist 3: Formally Reviewing Performance Top

Prepare yourself in accordance with the agreed review method.
You the manager should:
The employee should:

review the employee's overall performance and achievements based on set work objectives and feedback provided during the review period and/or received from other sources as was discussed with the employee;
review competencies the employee displayed to meet their work objectives (the HOW);
consider the total value of the person's contribution to the organization;
identify areas where improvements or changes would be worthwhile;

conduct his/her own self-assessment based on set work objectives and feedback received during the review period;

Ask himself/herself:
What went well and/or went not as well?
What could have been done better or differently?
What are their strengths and weaknesses?
How can the organization/manager help them to improve their performance and/or their competencies?
You the manager should:
The employee should:

ask straightforward questions and listen to the answers attentively;
point out achievements, strong points and determining success factors;
if necessary, lead the discussion to things that did not work so well and look for causes and solutions;
discuss ways in which you or the organization can help the employee do his/her work better;

be prepared to give clear, logical answers;
take the time to talk about his/her achievements; this is the opportunity to highlight his/her contribution;
be ready to talk, if necessary, about his/her problems, their causes and ways to correct them;
be ready to offer solutions if comments are made on improvements needed by the manager or organization;
allot sufficient time and attention to this meeting, choose a suitable environment for discussion and avoid interruptions;
open, honest two-way communication, active listening, constructive feedback, mutual respect and a willingness to learn are essential in making discussions about performance a positive, worthwhile experience;
The manager and the employee should:

sign Performance and Learning Agreement to acknowledge that a review discussion has taken place;
discuss and document any required follow-up measures and agreed-upon work expectations for the next review period;


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