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The Manitoba Securities Commission

Securities Registration

The Securities Act requires that anyone in the business of trading or advising in securities or exchange contracts in the province be registered with the Commission. Applicants must meet certain educational standards and capital requirements to obtain registration and are then required to meet detailed conduct, solvency and reporting obligations.

The Registration Division reviews and processes applications for registration of all broker dealers/investment dealers, underwriters and salespersons in Manitoba. Registration staff also monitor the conduct and solvency of registrants to ensure compliance with the legislation. This is done through review of financial reports, on-site examinations and investigations undertaken in conjunction with the Enforcement Division.  Click on the link below to find a list of the companies registered in Manitoba and the category of their registration.

Registered Companies - Last updated November 17, 2006

Listed below are the individuals licensed to sell securities in the Province of Manitoba.  The list provides the category of registration as well as the name of the employing company. 

Registered Individuals - Last updated November 17, 2006

A | B | C | D | E - F | G | H | I - K | L | Ma - Mc | Me - My | N - O | P - Q | R | Sa - Sk | Sl - Sz | T - V | W - Z

Information about complaints and investigations is not public.  However, if enforcement action has been taken against an individual or company, the resulting order is public and available from a variety of sources.  You can find out about the order by searching the orders under the Orders and Exemptions division or the reasons for decisions under the Investigation and Enforcement Division.  Orders issued prior to October 1, 1999 are available from the Commission by calling (204) 945-2548.

Companies Registration Staff Telephone
A - D Cindy Olson Ph:  (204) 945-5979
I - O Terri Pettinger Ph:  (204) 945-1601
Q - Z Sue Henderson Ph:  (204) 945-1600
E - H & P
Royal Mutual Funds Inc.
Wanda Godlewski Ph:  (204) 945-4850
New Companies Pending Registration Isilda Tavares Ph:  (204) 945-2560

Should you have any questions regarding registration please contact the above-noted individuals.

Manitoba Securities Commission
500-400 St. Mary Avenue
Winnipeg MB  R3C 4K5
Telephone:  (204) 945-2548
Facsimile:  (204) 945-0330
e-mail - securities@gov.mb.ca


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