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Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions-General
  Hairstylist FAQ's
  Electrologist FAQ's
  Esthetician FAQ's
Frequently Asked Questions-Employers
  Beauty Trades


  1. Why should I become an apprentice?
  2. Do you have a list of employers looking for apprentices?
  3. How can I pay my fees to the Apprenticeship Branch?
  4. How much does technical training cost?
  5. Will I get any credit for courses I have taken prior to becoming an apprentice?
  6. I already have several years of experience in a trade. Will my work experience be counted if I register as an apprentice in that trade?
  7. What is a compulsory trade?
  8. How do I apply for a journeyperson examination?
  9. How much does it cost to register as a tradesperson (also known as trades qualification)?
  10. I am a certified journeyperson in a province other than Manitoba, but I don’t have my Red Seal interprovincial certification. How can I work in Manitoba in my trade as a journeyperson?
  11. What is a statutory declaration and when is it used?
  12. What financial assistance is available to me, as an apprentice?
  13. What is a journeyperson?
  14. Why is it important to be certified?
  15. Do I have to complete my training with one employer?

1. Why should I become an apprentice?

  • You can choose from over 50 different trade careers.
  • You can earn money while you learn your trade.
  • You learn both on the job and in school.
  • You begin a career with little or no debt from training.
  • Demand for qualified journeypersons is on the rise.
  • Certified journeypersons are recognized across Canada.

2. Do you have a list of employers looking for apprentices?

No, we do not have a list of employers who are looking for apprentices. It is up to you, as a potential apprentice, to find an employer in your chosen field. If you would like assistance in this, please review the section “Find an Employer” for some helpful tips.


3. How can I pay my fees to the Apprenticeship Branch?

The Apprenticeship Branch accepts payments in cash, cheque, money order, MasterCard and Visa. Please note that we do not accept other types of credit cards. Credit card payments can be sent in by mail, fax, phone, or in person. Make all cheques and money orders out to “Minister of Finance.” Please do not send cash in the mail.


4. How much does technical training cost?

For class length up to 8 weeks, tuition is $200. Tuition is then $25 per additional week of class. You also pay for the required textbooks.


5. Will I get any credit for courses I have taken prior to becoming an apprentice?

Credit for courses taken prior to apprenticeship is evaluated on a case by case basis by Prior Learning and Assessment Recognition (PLAR). If you have taken accredited courses that are related to your trade, you may be eligible to be excused from one or more levels of apprenticeship technical training. If you have taken non-accredited courses and have work experience in your trade, it may be possible for you to ‘challenge’ the technical training level exam. For more information about PLAR, please contact the Apprenticeship Branch.


6. I already have several years of experience in a trade. Will my work experience be counted if I register as an apprentice in that trade?

Any experience in that trade will be assessed when you register as an apprentice or tradesperson. If you have enough documented experience, you may be eligible for trade qualification and certification as a journeyperson.


7. What is a compulsory trade?

A compulsory trade is a trade in which you must be a registered apprentice or a certified journeyperson to legally work in Manitoba. Construction Electrician, Crane & Hoist Equipment Operator (including Mobile, Boom Truck and Tower Crane Operators), Electrologist, Esthetician, Hairstylist, Industrial Electrician, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Mechanic, Sprinkler System Installer, and Steamfitter/Pipefitter are all compulsory certification trades.


8. How do I apply for a journeyperson examination?

As an apprentice: Once you have completed all levels of apprenticeship training, you are eligible to write the journeyperson examination. Passing this exam results in you receiving your Certificate of Qualification and journeyperson status.

As a tradesperson: Once you have completed and submitted a Trades Qualification application, the appropriate trade Work Experience Form, and appropriate fee to the Apprenticeship Branch, the Branch will review your application. Once it has been accepted, an exam will be arranged for you. Passing this exam results in you receiving your Certificate of Qualification and journeyperson status.


9. How much does it cost to register as a tradesperson (also known as trades qualification)?

If you already have experience in a trade or certification in a trade from another province/country, you may be eligible for trades qualification. The review and validation of credentials and previous work experience is $75. Trades qualification examination is $250. For certain trades, there is also a practical examination, which is $75. Trades qualification without examination, or “grandparenting” (for compulsory trades for a limited time), is $50.


10. I am a certified journeyperson in a province other than Manitoba, but I don’t have my Red Seal interprovincial certification. How can I work in Manitoba in my trade as a journeyperson?

If you have out-of-province certification without a Red Seal, and you want to be certified to work in your trade in Manitoba, you must apply to the Apprenticeship Branch for certification. In your application include a copy of your Certificate of Qualification (or the Certificate number), a completed work experience form with employer letters (or statutory declaration), and the fee of $150. After it has been evaluated, if you are eligible, you will receive a Manitoba Certificate of Qualification without examination. If you do not have the necessary skills and/or experience, you may be issued a temporary work permit while you complete additional technical training and/or experience, and final examination. You will then receive a Manitoba Certificate of Qualification.


11. What is a statutory declaration and when is it used?

When you are applying for trades qualification, and you are unable to produce letters from former employers about your previous employment, a statutory declaration is permitted with a listing of former employers and employment information. The statutory declaration is a legal document that you sign that declares that the employment information that you are providing the Apprenticeship Branch is true. The statutory declaration must also be signed by an individual whose signature is recognized as having signing authority. This includes, but is not limited to, a justice of the peace, magistrate, judge, lawyer, postmaster, member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, surveyor and notary public.


12. What financial assistance is available to me, as an apprentice?

If you have paid into an Employment Insurance (EI) account and have worked sufficient hours, you may be eligible to collect EI. Apprentices who are not collecting can still receive tuition and living supports. Information and applications for EI and other financial support will be sent to you before you begin your technical training.
Scholarships are also available. Information about the latest scholarships can be viewed on our site.


13. What is a journeyperson?

A journeyperson is an expert in a particular trade. He or she holds a Certificate of Qualification in their trade. The journeyperson is responsible for mentoring and training the apprentice in the workplace according the Apprenticeship Trades & Qualifications Act.


14. Why is it important to be certified?

Being a certified journeyperson is a real advantage in today’s workforce. It is proof that a tradesperson has all the training and skills needed to perform tasks which is important to many employers and to customers. Certified journeypersons also have a better chance in being promoted and making more money.


15. Do I have to complete my training with one employer?

No. However it is necessary that both the apprentice and the new employer notify the Apprenticeship Branch about this change. All of the training documentation is required from the previous employers to verify that the required skills have been obtained by the apprentice.


Hairstylist FAQs

The trade of Hairstylist is a compulsory certification trade, meaning that to legally work in Manitoba you must be a registered apprentice or a certified journeyperson, with a valid Authorization to Practice in the trade.

  1. What is apprenticeship training for a Hairstylist?
  2. How do you become a registered apprentice as a Hairstylist
  3. How long is apprenticeship training?
  4. What examinations are apprentices required to take for certification in this trade?
  5. Are there any other licensing requirements?
  6. What is an employer's training obligations?
  7. What does supervision mean and how many apprentices can be trained at one time?
  8. Does the person training an apprentice need to be certified?
  9. How do you complete a Report of Hours form?
  10. What is the pay for a Hairstylist apprentice?
  11. Can overtime hours count towards required apprenticeship time?
  12. Is there any information available to help train an apprentice?

1. What is apprenticeship training for a Hairstylist?

Apprenticeship training is a recognized, post-secondary training system that combines on the job practical skills development with accredited institutional training. This process is formalized through an Apprenticeship Agreement between an apprentice and an employer. The Apprenticeship Agreement is registered by the Apprenticeship Branch of Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade.

A new regulation for the trade of Hairstylist was registered on May 3, 2006. This regulation introduces a number of significant changes to the apprenticeship training and certification system for the Hairstylist trade. For an overview of these changes, please see the Hairstylist Regulation Update.


2. How do you become a registered apprentice as a Hairstylist?

An individual may become a registered apprentice while enrolled in, or after having successfully completed, training at an accredited institution. They are required to find an employer who will agree to provide practical skills development and enter into an apprenticeship agreement with them. After the Apprenticeship Branch registers the Apprenticeship Agreement, the apprentice must complete the required number of technical training hours (if they are still enrolled in an accredited training institution) and practical experience hours and pass any required examinations. Any hours worked before an Apprenticeship Agreement is registered by the Apprenticeship Branch are acquired illegally and are not counted toward completion of apprenticeship training.


3. How long is apprenticeship training?

In the trade of Hairstylist, apprenticeship training consists of two levels. Level one consists of a period of at least 12 months, during which the apprentice must complete 1500 hours of technical training and practical experience. Level 2 consist of a period of at least 12 months, during which the apprentice must complete 1500 hours of practical experience only.


4. What examinations are apprentices required to take for certification in this trade?

In order to become certified a Hairstylist, an apprentice must complete a practical examination and a final multiple-choice, Interprovincial examination. The apprentice is required to score 70% on each examination.

n two-year apprenticeships, at the end of the first year and completion of hour requirements, an apprentice takes a practical examination and must score at least 70% in each component of the examination. At the end of the second year and hour requirements, an apprentice writes a final theory exam and must score at least 70% to qualify for a Certificate of Qualification.


5. Are there any other licensing requirements?

For the Trade of Hairstylist, the Branch issues an Authorization to Practice with the Certificate of Qualification. This Authorization to Practice must be renewed every two years and must be available upon request at the work site.


6. What is an employer's training obligations?

When an offer of employment is made to an individual who has completed institutional training, the employer and the apprentice complete an Apprenticeship Application Agreement. The apprentice returns the application to the Apprenticeship Branch immediately. The employer and the apprentice receive a copy of the registered agreement.

The apprenticeship agreement between an employer and an apprentice is governed by The Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act - Trade of Hairstylist Regulation.

Review the Roles & Responsibilities section to learn more.


7. What does supervision mean and how many apprentices can be trained at one time?

An important requirement of the apprenticeship agreement is that the employer shall ensure that the apprentice works under the direct, on-site supervision of a certified journeyperson, with a valid Authorization to Practice in the trade.

Prior to the new Hairstylist regulation, a certified journeyperson in this trade could only supervise one apprentice (unless otherwise permitted by the Apprenticeship Branch). The new Hairstylist regulation allows a certified journeyperson to supervise up to two apprentices. This 2:1 supervision ratio will expire on April 30, 2010, at which time the supervision ratio will return to 1:1.


8. Does the person training an apprentice need to be certified?

Yes. The person training an apprentice must be a certified journeyperson in the trade of the apprentice and hold a valid Authorization to Practice.

To legally work in this trade, individuals must have a permit, be a registered apprentice, or be certified. If you have an employee who is not certified, contact the Apprenticeship Branch for more information on upgrading and certification requirements.


9. How do you complete a Report of Hours form?

After the Apprenticeship Agreement is registered, your apprentice receives an Apprentice work permit, a blue Report of Hours form, a trade Portfolio and a Pocket Identification Card. To verify the number of practical hours needed for a Certificate of Qualification, you or your journeyperson must calculate the hours your apprentice works and enter these hours in the Report of Hours form. Every six months your apprentice must mail the updated form to the Apprenticeship Branch. After recording these hours, the Branch will return the form. Only the hours documented and verified in the Report count towards the apprenticeship hour requirement.

If your apprentice leaves your business, you, as the employer must update the Report of Hours. The apprentice then sends the form to the Apprenticeship Branch.


10. What is the pay for a Hairstylist apprentice?

The regulations for the trade of Hairstylist state that the rate of wages for an apprentice shall not be less than the minimum wage plus 10 per cent during the first year and minimum wage plus 20 per cent during the second year. Your apprentice begins second level once they have spent 12 months in the trade, and have accumulated the required hours of technical training and practical experience.


11. Can overtime hours count towards required apprenticeship time?

Yes. Overtime hours can count towards the hours needed to complete a level of training. However, overtime hours cannot be used to reduce the number of months your apprentice must spend in each level.


12. Is there any information available to help train an apprentice?

After your apprenticeship agreement is registered, your apprentice receives a trade portfolio. One of the components is a Practical Training Record Book that documents your apprentice's progress. It provides a means of recording trade skills learned as well as all the detailed tasks and sub-tasks that are part of the scope of the trade. You can also request an Employer's Guide to Apprenticeship Training, available by contacting the Apprenticeship Branch.


Electrologist FAQ's

The trade of Electrologist is a compulsory certification trade, meaning that to legally work in Manitoba you must be a registered apprentice or a certified journeyperson, with a valid Authorization to Practice in the trade.

  1. What is apprenticeship training for an Electrologist?
  2. How do you become a registered apprentice as an Electrologist?
  3. How long is apprenticeship training?
  4. What examinations are apprentices required to take for certification in these trades?
  5. Are there any licensing requirements?
  6. What is an employer's training obligations?
  7. What does supervision mean and how many apprentices can be trained at one time?
  8. Does the person training an apprentice need to be certified?
  9. How do you complete a Report of Hours form?
  10. What is the pay for an Electrologist apprentice?
  11. Can overtime hours count towards required apprenticeship time?
  12. Is there any information available to help train an apprentice?

1. What is apprenticeship training for an Electrologist?

Apprenticeship training is a recognized, post-secondary training system that combines on the job practical skills development with accredited institutional training. This process is formalized through an Apprenticeship Agreement between an apprentice and an employer. The Apprenticeship Agreement is registered by the Apprenticeship Branch of Manitoba Competitiveness, Training and Trade.

A new regulation for the Electrologist trade was registered on May 3, 2006. This regulation introduced a number of significant changes to the apprenticeship training and certification system for the Electrologist trade. For an overview of these changes, please see the Electrologist Regulation Update.


2. How do you become a registered apprentice as an Electrologist?

An individual may become a registered apprentice while enrolled in, or after having successfully completed, training at an accredited institution. They are required to find an employer who will agree to provide practical skills development and enter into an apprenticeship agreement with them. After the Apprenticeship Branch registers the Apprenticeship Agreement, the apprentice must complete the required number of technical training hours (if they are still enrolled in an accredited training institution) and practical experience hours and pass any required examinations. Any hours worked before an Apprenticeship Agreement is registered by the Apprenticeship Branch are acquired illegally and are not counted toward completion of apprenticeship training.


3. How long is apprenticeship training?

In the trade of Electrologist, apprenticeship training consists of one level, during which the apprentice must complete 1,000 hours of technical training and practical experience and spend at least 12 months in the trade.


4. What examinations are apprentices required to take for certification in these trades?

In order to become certified in the trade of Electrologist, an apprentice must complete a practical examination and a final multiple-choice, theory examination. The apprentice is required to score 70% on each examination.

In one-year apprenticeships, the apprentice writes the practical examination and the final theory examination after they accumulate their practical experience hours.


5. Are there any licensing requirements?

For the trade of Electrologist, the Branch issues an Authorization to Practice with the Certificate of Qualification. This Authorization to Practice must be renewed every two years and must be available upon request at the work site.


6. What is an employer's training obligations?

When an offer of employment is made to an individual who has completed institutional training, the employer and the apprentice complete an Apprenticeship Application/Agreement. The apprentice returns the application to the Apprenticeship Branch immediately. The employer and the apprentice receive a copy of the registered agreement.

The apprenticeship agreement between an employer and an apprentice is governed by The Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act - Trade of Electrologist Regulation.

Review the Roles & Responsibilities section to learn more.


7. What does supervision mean and how many apprentices can be trained at one time?

An important requirement of the apprenticeship agreement is that the employer shall ensure that the apprentice works under the direct, on-site supervision of a certified journeyperson, with a valid Authorization to Practice in the trade.

Prior to the new Hairstylist and Electrologist regulations, a certified journeyperson in this trade could only supervise one apprentice (unless otherwise permitted by the Apprenticeship Branch). The new Electrologist regulation allows a certified journeyperson to supervise up to two apprentices. This 2:1 supervision ratio will expire on April 30, 2008, at which time the supervision ratio will return to 1:1.


8. Does the person training an apprentice need to be certified?

Yes. The person training an apprentice must be a certified journeyperson in the trade of the apprentice and hold a valid Authorization to Practice.

To legally work in this trade, individuals must have a permit, be a registered apprentice, or be certified. If you have an employee who is not certified, contact the Apprenticeship Branch for more information on upgrading and certification requirements.


9. How do you complete a Report of Hours form?

After the Apprenticeship Agreement is registered, your apprentice receives an Apprentice work permit, a blue Report of Hours form, a trade Portfolio and a Pocket Identification Card. To verify the number of practical hours needed for a Certificate of Qualification, you or your journeyperson must calculate the hours your apprentice works and enter these hours in the Report of Hours form. Every six months your apprentice must mail the updated form to the Apprenticeship Branch. After recording these hours, the Branch will return the form. Only the hours documented and verified in the Report count towards the apprenticeship hour requirement.

If your apprentice leaves your business, you, as the employer must update the Report of Hours. The apprentice then sends the form to the Apprenticeship Branch.


10. What is the pay for an Electrologist apprentice?

The regulation for the Electrologist trade states that the rate of wages for an apprentice shall not be less than the minimum wage plus 10 per cent.


11. Can overtime hours count towards required apprenticeship time?

Yes. Overtime hours can count towards the hours needed to complete a level of training. However, overtime hours cannot be used to reduce the number of months your apprentice must spend in each level.


12. Is there any information available to help train an apprentice?

After your apprenticeship agreement is registered, your apprentice receives a trade portfolio. One of the components is a Practical Training Record Book that documents your apprentice's progress. It provides a means of recording trade skills learned as well as all the detailed tasks and sub-tasks that are part of the scope of the trade. You can also request an Employer's Guide to Apprenticeship Training, available by contacting the Apprenticeship Branch.



This trade requires compulsory apprenticeship training, meaning that to legally work in Manitoba, you must be a registered apprentice or a certified journeyperson, with a valid Authorization to Practice in the trade.

  1. How do I become a registered apprentice as an Esthetician?
  2. How long is apprenticeship training for an Esthetician?
  3. Are there any other licensing requirements?
  4. What is an employer's training obligations?
  5. How many apprentices can be trained at one time?
  6. Does the person training an apprentice need to be certified?
  7. How do you complete a Report of Hours form?
  8. What is the pay for an Esthetician apprentice?
  9. Can overtime hours count towards required apprenticeship time?
  10. Is there any information available to help train an apprentice?

1. How do I become a registered apprentice as an Esthetician?

After successfully completing courses at an accredited institution, an individual must find an employer who will agree to provide practical skills development and enter into an apprenticeship agreement with them. After the Apprenticeship Branch registers the Apprenticeship Agreement, the apprentice must complete the required number of technical training hours (if they are still enrolled in an accredited training institution) and practical experience hours and pass any required examinations. Any hours worked before an Apprenticeship Agreement is registered by the Apprenticeship Branch are acquired illegally and are not counted toward completion of apprenticeship training.


2. How long is apprenticeship training for an Esthetician?

An apprentice who trains for the complete program which includes Skin Care Technician AND Nail Technician is called an Esthetician and practical training is 1600 hours per year for 2 years.

Apprenticeship training can also be completed for the sub-trades as follows:
Nail Technician - practical training is 1000 hours for 1 year
Skin Care Technician - practical training is 1100 hrs. /yr. for 2 years

In two-year apprenticeships, at the end of the first year and completion of hour requirements, an apprentice takes a practical examination and must score at least 70%. At the end of the second year and hour requirements, an apprentice writes a final theory exam and must again score at least 70% to qualify for a Certificate of Qualification.

In one-year apprenticeships, the apprentice writes the practical examination and the final theory examination after they accumulate their practical experience hours.


3. Are there any other licensing requirements?

For the trades of Skin Care Technician, Nail Technician and Esthetician, the Apprenticeship Branch issues an Authorization to Practice with the Certificate of Qualification. This Authorization to Practice must be renewed every two years and must be available at the work site upon request.


4. What is an employer's training obligations?

When an offer of employment is made to an individual who has completed institutional training, the employer and the apprentice complete an Apprenticeship Application Agreement. The apprentice returns the application to the Apprenticeship Branch immediately. The employer and the apprentice receive a copy of the registered agreement.

The apprenticeship agreement between an employer and an apprentice is governed by The Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act-Trade of Hairstylist Regulation

Review the Roles & Responsibilities section to learn more.


5. How many apprentices can be trained at one time?

The training ratio must be ONE certified journeyperson for every ONE apprentice. An employer may apply to the Executive Director of Apprenticeship to change this ratio. The application is reviewed and a decision made on a case-by-case basis.


6. Does the person training an apprentice need to be certified?

Yes. You or your trainer must be certified and hold a valid Authorization to Practice. To legally work in this trade, individuals must be a registered apprentice, or be certified. If you have staff who are not certified, contact the Branch for information on upgrading and certification requirements.


7. How do you complete a Report of Hours form?

After the Apprenticeship Agreement is registered, your apprentice receives an Apprentice work permit, a blue Report of Hours form, a trade Portfolio and a Pocket Identification Card. To verify the number of practical hours needed for a Certificate of Qualification, you or your journeyperson must calculate the hours your apprentice works and enter these hours in the Report of Hours form. Every six months your apprentice must mail the updated form to the Apprenticeship Branch. After recording these hours, the Branch will return the form. Only the hours documented and verified in the Report count towards the hours required.

If your apprentice leaves your business, you, as the employer must update the Report of Hours. The apprentice then sends the form to the Apprenticeship Branch.


8. What is the pay for an Esthetician apprentice?

The regulation for the trade of Esthetician states that the rate of wages for an apprentice shall not be less than the minimum wage plus 10 per cent during the first year and minimum wage plus 20 per cent during the second year. The second year begins on the anniversary date of your apprentice's registration, after your apprentice has completed required hours of work per year.


9. Can overtime hours count towards required apprenticeship time?

Yes. Overtime hours can count towards the hours needed to complete a level of training. However, overtime hours cannot be used to reduce the number of months your apprentice must spend in each level.


10. Is there any information available to help train an apprentice?

After your apprenticeship agreement is registered, your apprentice receives a trade portfolio. One of the components is a Practical Training Record Book that documents your apprentice's progress. It provides a means of recording trade skills learned as well as all the detailed tasks and sub-tasks that are part of the scope of the trade. You can also request an Employer's Guide to Apprenticeship Training, available by available by contacting the Apprenticeship Branch.



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