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Welcome to Manitoba Community Profiles

To access the Community Profiles Administration System, please click here.

This site is dedicated to the memory of Cory Smith.

This site provides the most comprehensive listing of information on every community and region in Manitoba. Each community profile offers up-to-date information covering everything from location (maps) to quality of life indicators (demographics, population, labour force, education, history, recreational facilities) to economic indicators (utilities, transportation, taxation, land, buildings & development).

What to expect?

Community Profiles offer an "up close and personal" view of the strong and vibrant communities and regions of Manitoba by listing, in a standardized format, the benefits and amenities each has to offer. It offers a "single window" access point to everything you want to know about them, plus contact sources for those wanting more information.

Who uses it?

This site will be of interest for business or residency planning and relocation, as well as to researchers, tourists, visitors and anyone else with an interest in Manitoba's communities and regions.

Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs

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