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Building Independence Resource Directory
Child Care Online
Healthy Child Manitoba
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Financial assistance channel
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Family Services and Housing offers a range of assistance programs to Manitobans in need. Find out more through the links below.

(Visit our Housing Channel for housing-related financial assistance programs.)

Publications and Information

Child Care Subsidy
Helps eligible families with the costs of child care.

Children's Special Services
Support for families to care for children who have physical and/or mental disabilities.

Employment and Income Assistance
Provincial program of last resort for Manitoba individuals and families in financial need.

Income Assistance for Persons with Disabilities
Financial assistance for low-income adults with a disability.

Health Services
Provides essential drug, dental, and optical supplies and services to Employment and Income Assistance participants and children in care.

Building Independence
Offers opportunities to Employment and Income Assistance participants who are looking for work.

Child Related Income Supplement Program (CRISP)
Assists lower-income families with the cost of raising their children by providing a monthly income supplement.

Income supplements to lower-income Manitobans who are 55 or older.


Publications and Information
Employment and Income Assistance Facts Employment and Income Assistance Facts
Information about what the program provides, how benefits are paid and responsibilities of program participants.

Employment and Income Assistance Administrative Manual Employment and Income Assistance Administrative Manual
Information about the Employment and Income Assistance Act and regulations, which guide the day-to-day operations of providing income assistance.

Building Independence Resource Directory Building Independence Resource Directory
A listing of Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) supported programs that may be available for participants who receive EIA benefits.

National Child Benefit Restoration National Child Benefit Supplement Restoration
Manitoba's commitment to restore the National Child Benefit Supplement to all families receiving Employment and Income Assistance.

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