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Manitobans Love it Here

And so does everyone else who takes the time to explore the great quality of life in our province. Renowned as a caring community with extraordinary volunteer spirit, the Government of Manitoba offers a wide range of services to help you thrive. Quality immigration, education, health care and social programs are just a few of the services available to help make the most of living at the heart of Canada.

Health care

Manitoba Health Services Insurance Plan: This page outlines benefits administered by the Insured Benefits Branch of Manitoba Health and also provides information on eligibility and registration.

Manitoba Pharmacare Program: Pharmacare is a drug benefit program for any Manitoban, regardless of age, whose income is seriously affected by high prescription drug costs.

Info Health Guide: This guide will help you find out more about our health care system and its services, along with handy contact information so you can learn more about any aspect of health care in Manitoba.

Health Links - Info Santé: You can get quick, free health information and advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the Health Links - Info Santé phone line.

Farm and Rural Stress Line: The Manitoba Farm and Rural Stress Line offers confidential information, support, counselling & referrals for farm and rural families.

Healthy Living: Healthy living is about creating conditions and supporting behaviours that promote the best possible health for everyone. Find out how to eat healthy, be physically active, and avoid harmful substances or activities.

Hospital and Health Centres: This page lists hospitals and health centres in the Province of Manitoba, Canada, organized by Regional Health Authority.

Winnipeg Clinics

Regional Health Authority: Health services are delivered through eleven regional health authorities, or RHAs. Your local RHA tailors health services to meet the particular needs of your area. Click on this link to find a map of the regional health authorities for your area.


Replacing lost identification cards

Have you lost or misplaced your government identification cards? Here’s how you can replace them:

Birth Certificate

Driver’s Licence

Manitoba Health Insurance card

Vehicle Registration

Social Insurance Number

Old Age Security card


Canadian Citizenship card

Certificate of Indian Status

Identity Theft: Reduce your risk of becoming a victim of identity theft. Here’s how…


Marriage and Common Law

Following are things to consider as you plan your new life together:

Getting married in Manitoba

Marriage licence requirements

Choosing a surname

Changing your name after marriage

Marriage certificates

Sharing a life; Sharing assets


Moving and ID cards

Whether you move down the road or across the country, it can prove to be a challenging time. If this is your first moving experience or one of many, you may find the following information helpful:

FIND A PLACE TO LIVE: Research and preparation are an important part of any move. Here are a few links to make moving easier:

Community Profiles — Manitoba towns, villages, municipalities: Community Profiles offer an insiders view of Manitoba’s strong and vibrant communities, listing the benefits and amenities each has to offer. It offers convenient, one-stop access to everything you want to know about them, plus contact sources if you want to learn more

Housing guide

Rental information: If you’re renting, the Residential Tenancies Branch can help you with knowing your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.

Subsidized Housing

Buying a Home

The Property Registry


Consumer Checklist for Choosing a Moving Company

Road and traveler information

Moving expenses deduction: If you moved to go to work or school, you may be able to recover your moving expenses.


Forwarding your mail

Manitoba Health card

Manitoba Drivers licence

SETTLING IN: Advising your local hydro company, locating a new doctor or finding a new day care are just a few of the things you''ll do as you settle in. Here are some links that you may find useful with your relocation:

Utilities: By using the Community Profiles website, you can find out what utilities are available in the community you choose to live in.

Car insurance

Day Care







When someone dies

Here are some information and resources to help you with the many details that must be seen to when someone dies.

Funerals:When someone dies in a hospital or similar care facility, the staff will usually take care of some arrangements, such as contacting the funeral home you choose, and if necessary, arranging an autopsy. Funeral directors are listed in the yellow pages under “funeral directors”. You will also need to notify family, friends, the employer (if the deceased was still working), life insurance company and clergy.

Pre-arranged funerals: Check with this site to see if the deceased may have made arrangements for a pre-arranged funeral.

Funeral/cemetery planning

Autopsy: If the medical examiner cannot establish both the manner and the cause of death with reasonable medical certainty, an autopsy will be authorized.

Wills:Find out what to do when a person has left a will or has died without one (intestate).

Family farm estate planning

The Public Trustee: The Public Trustee administers the estates of people who have died in Manitoba with no one else capable or willing to act as administrator or executor.

Death Certificate: The funeral director will issue copies of a proof of death that you can use in certain situations. There are some organizations, however, that may require an official death certificate.



Need more info?
E-mail or call us at
Manitoba Government Inquiry
(204) 945-3744
1-866-MANITOBA (1-866-626-4862)
Manitoba child care program
Child Care Online
Work Shouldn't Hurt
Safe Work
Manitoba youth portal
Government Business Residents Tourism Services