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Aboriginal Education: Find out more about resources for Aboriginal students.

Aboriginal Health

Aboriginal Court Worker: To help Aboriginal people understand what happens when they have been arrested or come before a court. Also to assist in helping you understand your rights and what you have to do.

Aboriginal Languages and Cultures

Aboriginal Youth Internship Program: Aboriginal Youth Internship Program provides Aboriginal students the opportunity to explore career opportunities in the financial and other sectors. Students earn school credits for attending a workplace for one half day a week for a semester.

A guide to Winnipeg for Aboriginal Newcomers

Manitoba Aboriginal and Northern Affairs: The department provides services to unincorporated remote communities and participates in the improvement of local services; administers programs designed to maximize local autonomy and stimulates economic and social development.

Genealogical research for Aboriginal People: This website will serve as a tool to assist you in working through the complexities of genealogical research.

Treaty Land Entitlement: Crown Lands branch reviews and processes requests for outstanding Aboriginal land claims



Healthy Children

Healthy Child Manitoba: To help children reach their potential, Healthy Child Manitoba works with families to support their children within strong communities.

Early Child Development pamphlets: Get essential information on how to care for your children on various topics such as dealing with fevers, toilet training, temper tantrums, bedwetting and so on.

Childhood immunization schedule

Abuse and Neglect

Child Abuse Registry

Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect: Child Protection, under The Child and Family Services Act and The Adoption Act, ensures that the community and the family provides for the well-being of their children.

Going to School

Starting school is an important step in a young child''s life. Parents and caregivers of students starting kindergarten often want further information – check out the links below:

Going to school in Manitoba

School calendar

Schools in Manitoba Search: Contact information for Manitoba schools, school divisions and districts, including maps, calendar dates and school board contacts.

Healthy Schools: Healthy Schools initiative in Manitoba promotes the health and wellness of students, their families, school staff, and school communities.


Learn about Manitoba emblems and symbols

Learn about Manitoba’s wildlife

Learn more about how government works: Concise and detailed description of all aspects of the functioning of the Manitoba Legislature

Brief history of Manitoba

Origin of the name Manitoba

Search for Manitoba public libraries

Kids Websites: Agriculture

Where’s Agriculture?

Hay Kids!

Farm Safety for kids

Worksafe, it’s your future in farming!

Kids Websites: Fishing

Get hooked on fishing

Fish mobile making kit

Walleye fishing hat

Northern Pike fishing hat

Channel catfish hat


Avoid bullies

Talking to your kids about Crystal Meth and other drugs

Safe Schools Manitoba

Protect your noggin: Get out and bike. Wear a helmet every time.



Consumers Bureau: The Consumers’ Bureau administers consumer protection legislation for the Province of Manitoba.

Personal Property Registry: Search all records of personal property registered as security for a loan or collateral in Manitoba.

Identity Theft: Identity theft happens when someone uses your personal information to impersonate you. Find out what to do if personal information has been compromised.

Consumer Price Index

Canadian Consumer Information Gateway

Food Safety Info Line: The Food Safety Info Line provides consumers with science based information to enhance the understanding of food safety, encourage adoption of safe food practices and promote confidence in the Canadian food supply by operating a toll free consumer information service.

Manitoba Securities Commission: Manitoba Securities Commission is an independent agency of the Government of Manitoba which regulates the securities (investment) industry in the province. To ensure that you are dealing with someone who is registered to sell securities, check out the registrant listed on their website.

Phone Fraud: PhoneBusters is a National Call Centre specializing in complaints on: telemarketing/mail fraud and other consumer scams with a Canadian connection.



Persons with Disabilities: Family Services and Housing seeks to foster the full participation of persons with disabilities in all segments of society. Choose from a topic area to learn more.

Disabilities Issues Office: Find up-to-date information on disability services, policies and issues in Manitoba , along with links to other disabilities issues offices federally and provincially.

Disabled Parking Permits: The Manitoba Parking Permit Program is a provincially regulated program that is administered by Society for Manitobans with disabilities.

Winnipeg Handi-Transit

Rural Mobility Disadvantaged Transportation Program

Workers Compensation



Learning to drive

Driver Handbooks

Driver Education

Driver Testing


Driver Licencing

Driver Record (Abstract)

Graduated Driver Licencing

Insurance and claims

Manitoba Public Insurance: Manitoba Public Insurance is a non-profit Crown Corporation and provides basic automobile (Autopac) coverage to Manitobans.


Off road vehicles

Claimant Advisor Office: The Claimant Adviser Office is an advocacy office that helps those who want to appeal Manitoba Public Insurance decisions about bodily injury claims to the Appeal Commission.

Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP): A program where disputes between consumers and vehicle manufacturers about alleged manufacturing defects or implementation of the manufacturers'' new vehicle warranty can be put before a neutral third party (arbitrator) for resolution.


Highway Conditions

Official Highway Map

Canadian Automobile Association (CAA Manitoba)


Drinking and Driving

Fines and traffic tickets


Employees (Workers)

No matter where you work, you should always be aware of matters that affect your safety and well-being.

The Employment Standards Code: Provides the minimum standards for working in Manitoba and covers a wide range of issues including minimum wage, pregnancy and parental leave, vacation and hours of work.

Employment Standards brochures and guides

Employment Standards Fact Sheets

Manitoba Human Rights Commission: Is the provincial agency responsible for carrying out the provisions of The Human Rights Code which protects people in Manitoba against discrimination and harassment.

The Human Rights Code

SAFE Work: SAFE Work is an injury and illness prevention strategy developed by the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) and the Workplace Safety and Health Division (WSHD). Work shouldn’t hurt.

Workplace Safety & Health: As a worker you should be aware of your safety rights and responsibilities to help maintain a hazard-free working environment for yourself and others.

Workers Compensation



The Manitoba government offers services and information to help families by providing a wide range of health services and assisting those in need.

Expecting a Baby

Thinking about starting a family? The Manitoba government offers a wide range of information and services for you.


Plan for a healthy baby

Physician directory

Midwifery services: Midwives offer a new choice for you and your baby.

Healthy Baby program: Healthy Baby is a two-part program in Manitoba that can offer financial help and social and educational support through community programs.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Stop FAS is a voluntary, three-year home visiting/mentoring program designed to help pregnant women who have used alcohol or drugs heavily throughout a pregnancy to avoid the birth of other children affected by alcohol and drug use.


Maternity and Parental Leave

Employment Insurance Benefits


Birth certificate

Infant feeding pamphlets

Families First: Families’ First offers home visiting supports to families with children, from pregnancy to school entry at no cost.

Childhood immunization schedule


Adoption and Foster Care

Adoption: Find out how about the adoption process.

Post Adoption Registry: The Post-Adoption Registry provides non-identifying information, search and reunion services to eligible family members who were involved in an adoption that was granted in Manitoba.

Foster Care: Find out how to become a foster family.


Find day care, parenting guidance, and other links to help in the development of your child.

Early child development information

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program

Child Care Online: The Manitoba Child Care Program oversees the operation of licensed child care in Manitoba. It is committed to accessible, high-quality child care for children from 12 weeks to 12 years of age.

Early Childhood Development Initiative: The Early Childhood Development Initiative, in partnership with Healthy Child Manitoba, is designed to help preschoolers get ready for school.

Parent-Child Centred Approach: Brings parents, community organizations, school divisions and health professionals together through community partnerships across the province to support parents, improve children''s nutrition and literacy and help communities help families.

Separation, divorce and support

Find information about issues that will help you understand the legal issues surrounding separation and divorce in Manitoba.

Family Law in Manitoba: This online booklet provides a wealth of information on family law and the legal system in Manitoba for anyone who wants or needs to know about it.

Family Conciliation: Family Conciliation provides a range of conflict resolution services to families going through separation or divorce. Staff is made up of skilled counselors and services are available at no cost.

Court of Queen’s Bench – Frequently Asked questions: The Court of Queen''s Bench of Manitoba is the highest trial court in the province. The court is divided into two divisions, the General Division and the Family Division. The Family Division deals with family law cases while the General Division deals with all other matters.

Finding a lawyer: The Law Phone-in and Lawyer Referral Program operated by the Community Legal Education Association (CLEA) will refer you to a lawyer who practices family law.

Legal Aid: If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, Legal Aid Manitoba may be able to help.

Parenting on Your Own

Maintenance Enforcement: The Maintenance Enforcement Program is set up to monitor and enforce court orders and separation agreements requiring payment of maintenance support to ensure the well-being of children and other dependents. If you are a recipient or payor, visit this site to learn more.

Financial Assistance

Find out more about a range of assistance programs to Manitobans in need.

Employment and Income Assistance: Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) is a provincial program of last resort for people who need help to meet basic personal and family needs. Wherever possible, the program is aimed at helping people find a job or get back to work.

Child Care Subsidy: Helps eligible families with the costs of child care.

Child Day Care Children with Disabilities Program: Supports and grants for eligible child care facilities and homes to work with children with disabilities in licensed settings.

Children’s Special Services: Support for families to care for children who have physical and/or mental disabilities.

Children in Care with Disabilities: Support for families to care for children who have physical and/or mental disabilities.

Child Related Income Supplement Program (CRISP): Assists lower-income families with the cost of raising their children by providing a monthly income supplement.

Shelter Assistance for Family Renters (SAFFR): Financial assistance for families who spend a large portion of their income on rent.

Housing and rent support: Click on this link to find more information about subsidized and affordable housing

Abuse and Neglect

Domestic Violence: Find out how to be protected under the law.

Family Violence Prevention Program: The Family Violence Prevention Program promotes the elimination of intimate partner violence through the development and support of community-based services.

Child Abuse Registry: The Registry contains names of persons who have been found to have abused a child.

Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect

Cybertip: is Canada''s National Tipline for reporting online sexual exploitation of children as well as providing the public with information, referrals and other resources to help keep children safe while on the Internet.

Sex Offender Notification

Stop Sexual Exploitation of kids



Your first few weeks in Manitoba

Transportation and travel

Shopping and banking

Health and safety

Laws in Manitoba

Information sources

Learning English



Tenants and Landlords: Residential Tenancies Branch can tell you your rights and responsibilities as a landlord or tenant.

Housing and rent support: Click on this link to find more information about subsidized and affordable housing



Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat: The secretariat acts as a central point of contact for seniors, their family members and organizations. Staff also work to ensure government policies, programs and legislation reflect the needs of seniors.

Seniors’ Guide: The guide has information on provincial, federal and community programs and services for seniors.

Legal Information Guide for Seniors: Find out about wills and estates, power of attorney and health care directives.

Stop Elder Abuse: Seniors deserve respect and the right to be safe from harm by those who live with them, care for them or come into day-to-day contact with them. Sometimes, however, older people are not treated with respect. Sometimes, disrespect crosses the line into abuse.

Financial Benefits

55 Plus: Provides quarterly income supplements to lower-income Manitobans who are 55 years of age and over, and whose incomes are within certain levels.

Shelter Allowance for Elderly Renters: Financial assistance is available to eligible persons aged 55 and over who rent their living accommodation in the private marketplace and who are required to spend a large portion of their income on rent.

School Tax Assistance for tenants 55 plus: Annual rebates are available for tenants over the age of 55 to offset the school tax portion of rent costs.

Home Adaptations for Seniors Independence (HASI): The HASI Program provides financial assistance to homeowners and landlords to carry out minor home adaptations/changes that help low-income seniors experiencing difficulties with daily living activities in the home.


Vulnerable Persons

Vulnerable Persons’ Commissioner: The Commissioner is responsible for implementing the substitute decision making provisions of The Vulnerable Persons Living with a Mental Disability Act. A substitute decision maker is a person who has been appointed by the Commissioner to make decisions for a vulnerable person who is incapable of making his or her own decisions.

Protection for Persons in Care: In order to ensure a safe environment for patients and residents, this office helps protect adults from abuse while receiving care in personal care homes, hospitals or any other designated health facility.

The Public Trustee: Administers estates and makes personal decisions on behalf of mentally incompetent adults or vulnerable adults who are not mentally capable of making decisions independently.



Women’s Directorate

Manitoba Women’s Advisory Council

Manitoba Women’s Institute: A rural women’s organization dedicated to personal development, family, agriculture, rural development and community action -- locally and globally.



MB4Youth: MB4Youth connects you to over 200 services and programs offered by the government of Manitoba. With this site, you´ll learn about youth programming without having to surf each government department. You can view a wide range of subjects, from education to jobs, from driver licensing programs to environmental projects and much more!

Manitoba 4 – H: Promotes skill and leadership development of rural and northern youth and adults.

School Projects

These links will help you to learn more about government and how it works, and many of the web sites can also be very helpful with school assignments, especially in Social Studies, Geography and History.

Learn about Manitoba emblems and symbols

Learn about Manitoba’s wildlife

Brief history of Manitoba

Origin of the name Manitoba

Learn more about how government works: Concise and detailed description of all aspects of the functioning of the Manitoba Legislature

How laws are made: A concise description of the procedure for the passage of a bill into law.

How Canadians govern themselves: A comprehensive description of how Government works in Canada by the late Senator Eugene Forsey.

Search for Manitoba public libraries: A comprehensive description of how Government works in Canada by the late Senator Eugene Forsey.

Post Secondary Education

Post-Secondary Institutions in Manitoba: Manitoba has many options for post-secondary education at Universities, Colleges, Private Vocational Schools, and Vocational/Technical Training Institutions. In addition, there are a number of vocational programs offered through religious schools and high schools. Continuing Education, Distance Education, and International Education are available at several institutions throughout the Province..

Manitoba Student Aid: The Manitoba Student Aid Program provides supplemental financial assistance for post-secondary educational purposes to Manitobans with limited finances.

Safer Communities

Works to enhance public safety by supporting local communities to provide after-school recreation activities for youth.

Neighbourhoods Alive!

Avoid bullies

Talking to your kids about Crystal Meth and other drugs



Need more info?
E-mail or call us at
Manitoba Government Inquiry
(204) 945-3744
1-866-MANITOBA (1-866-626-4862)
Manitoba child care program
Child Care Online
Work Shouldn't Hurt
Safe Work
Manitoba youth portal
Government Business Residents Tourism Services