Fisheries and Oceans Canada-P?ches et Océans Canada Government of Canada-Gouvernement du Canada
Sentinel Fisheries Program in the Northern Gulf of St. Lawrence

Photo library

 Condition  Fixed Gear
 Measurement of Cod  Miscellaneous
 Otolith Sampling  Stomach Sampling
 Tagging  Temperature Probe
 Trawlers  Sentinel Meetings
 Weighing of Cod  


Dry weight measurements of cod liver and muscle samples Weight measurements of cod gonads, stomach and liver Fork length measurement of cod Removal of cod otoliths Total weight measurement of cod
Sampling of cod muscle for dry weight analysis

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Fixed Gear

Cod caught by gillnet Fisherman hauling a cod caught in his gillnet Fishermen hauling gillnets aboard their boat Fisherman hauling a cod caught in his gillnet Fisherman hauling a cod caught by longline

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Measurement of Cod

Fork length measurement of cod by a fisherman at the wharf Fork length measurement of cod by a fisherman at the wharf Total weight and fork lentht measurement of cod by fishermen at the wharf Fork length measurement of cod by a fisherman at the wharf Fork length measurement of different species by fishermen at sea
Fork length measurement of cod by fisherman at sea

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Rose Blanche harbour, Newfoundland Lower North Shore harbour, Quebec Typical installation of an inshore sentinel fisherman, Eddies Cove West, Newfoundland Inshore boats and trawls waiting on a ramp Gillnets and salted cod, Gaspésie, Quebec
Small fishing harbour on Newfoundland West Coast Fisherman working at sea Wharf workers sorting cod according to their quality , L'Anse-au-Loup, Labrador, Newfoundland Hold of an inshore fishing boat with the catch of cod Inshore sentinel fishermen gutting their catch of cod
Sunrise at sea on Newfoundland West Coast

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Otolith Sampling

Fisherman sampling cod otoliths Fisherman sampling cod otoliths Fisherman sampling cod otoliths Cod otolith Fisherman sampling cod otoliths
Otoliths location in the skull of a cod

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Stomach Sampling

Fisherman taking out stomach from abdominal cavity of a cod Cod stomach

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Cod tagging with a needle gun and spaghetti tag Cod tagging with a needle gun and spaghetti tag Cod tagging with a needle gun and spaghetti tag Sentinel fisheries traditional spaghetti tag (orange), 10$ reward value Sentinel fisheries high reward spaghetti tag (pink), 100$ reward value
Quebec and Newfoundland science joint tagging program spaghetti tags (yellow), 10$ reward value

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Temperature Probe

Fishermen and biologist of sentinel fisheries program, preparing a CTD probe for immersion Crew members fitting CTD probe to trawl door CTD probe installed to trawl door

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Trawl deployment Trawl hauled on boat after 30 minutes of fishing The Sextant, an otter trawler participating in the sentinel surveys Cod-end of a trawl with a liner (orange netting) Crew members and an observer weighing catches
Fishing basket (orange), fish container (green) with catch, ruler, scale and forms

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Sentinel Meetings

Alain Fréchet, cod assessment biologist presenting data from sentinel fisheries to fishermen, November 2001, Corner Brook, Newfoundland David Decker, FFAW director, presenting data from sentinel fisheries to fishermen, November 2001, Corner Brook, Newfoundland Alain Fréchet and David Decker discussing data from sentinel fisheries, November 2001, Corner Brook, Newfoundland Jason Spingle, FFAW scientific coordinator, presenting data from sentinel fisheries to fishermen, November 2001, Corner Brook, Newfoundland Fishermen and crew members of sentinel fisheries program participating to the meeting, November 2001, Corner Brook, Newfoundland
Fishermen and crew members of sentinel fisheries program participating at a meeting, November 2001, Corner Brook, Newfoundland Fishermen, crew members and staff of sentinel fisheries program participating at a meeting, November 2001, Corner Brook, Newfoundland

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Weighing of Cod

Fisherman weighing total weight of a cod Fisherman weighing total weight of a cod Dockside monitor measuring the weight of the catch of cod Fisherman measuring the total weight of a cod Fishermen measuring the weight of the catch of cod
Fisherman measuring the total weight of a cod Fishermen measuring the weight of the catch of cod

Reviewed: 2005-05-24 Top of Page Important Notices