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Manitoba Labour and Immigration
Division de l?immigration et du multiculturalisme  

Community Immigration Planning Guide

Manitoba Community Immigration Planning Guide

Welcome to the Manitoba Labour and Immigration online Immigration Planning Guide for communities.  

The Immigration Planning Guide will assist you in working through the stages of immigration planning.  Whether your community is beginning to consider immigration as an economic growth strategy or you are further along in your immigration planning, this guide is structured to assist you with a checklist of planning steps.

The immigration planning process can be viewed as cyclical. As your community builds its knowledge and experience relative to immigration, you will revisit the same steps, refreshing and fine-tuning through each cycle.  Planning Cycle

The cyclical nature of immigration planning has been taken into consideration in developing the various sections outlined on this site.

Within each section are resources that can be used as tools and can provide more in depth information on each topic.  The resources are links outside of this website, so when you click on these links you will leave the Immigration Planning Guide site.  If you want to come back to the Planning Guide, click on the back button. The resources sections include links to websites, pdf files, articles and statistics.


Immigration Facts and Frequently Asked Questions

Why do communities choose immigration as a growth strategy? Where do they settle, how do they come to Manitoba? 

Why do communities choose immigration as a growth strategy?

Where are immigrants settling?

How do immigrants come to Manitoba?



Get Started - Immigration as a Community Growth Strategy 

Explore your community’s receptiveness to immigration, as an option in your unique economic growth approach. Find out how other communities got started.   

Explore Community Receptiveness to Immigration

Identify Community Stakeholders

Build Community Support


Establish an Immigration Committee

Committee Structure and Make Up



Manitoba Labour and Immigration – Your Community Resource

Learn From Other Communities



Conduct an Internal and External Environmental Scan

Conducting an internal and external environment scan means taking a look at your community’s resources, strengths and assets in light of trends and influences affecting you. From this snapshot, you can later extract your community’s key strengths and develop strategies that support your priorities.

Internal Environmental Scan - Assess Community Capacity

External Environmental Scan – Population, Policy and Economy

Conduct a SWOT Analysis

Assess the Social Infrastructure



Develop an Immigration Plan

Based on your community’s priorities, define your goals and objectives specific to immigration.  Plan for successful settlement and retention through effective marketing, recruitment and promotion strategies. Immigration is a long-term process requiring a multi-year plan for positive sustainable results for all your partners. 

Identify a Community Contact Person for Immigration

Design a Community Marketing Plan

Why a Marketing Plan is Important

Source Information Required to Design a Marketing Plan

Assess Advertising and Promotional Tools

Design a Recruitment Strategy

Gather Recruitment Information

Design a Promotional Strategy to Attract Immigrants

Plan for Successful Settlement and Retention

Finalize the Immigration Plan



Implement the Plan

Timing is everything, as all the parts and partners of your immigration plan work together to prepare a welcoming community, ready to receive your newcomers.  

Share and Promote the Plan in the Community

Coordinate Promotional Activities

Prepare to Deliver Settlement Services

Share Information About Potential and Actual Arrivals



Assess your Plan - Build on What you Have Learned

The cycle of immigration recruitment builds momentum over time. Take the pulse of the community to determine how it is feeling about the changes brought through immigration.  Revisit and revise your plan as your community moves forward.

Moving Forward - The Evolving Community Immigration Strategy

Managing the Cycle of Community Growth



Immigration Facts and Frequently Asked Questions
Get Started - Immigration as a Community Growth Strategy
Conduct an Internal and External Environmental Scan
Develop an Immigration Plan
Implement the Plan