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Proceeding Filing Deadlines
Updated: February 5, 2008 as of 10:03 am

Document Filing Protocols~Applicant
Updated: May 16, 2005

Document Filing Protocols~Intervenor
Updated: May 16, 2005

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Updated: April 16, 2004

Newly Released


2007 Newly Released documents


BC Hydro 2007 Electricity Purchase Agreement with Alcan Inc pursuant to Section 71

Contract Filing by British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority of a 2007 Electricity Purchase Agreement with Alcan Inc. pursuant to Section 71 of the Utilities Commission Act - Energy Supply Contracts ~ Project No. 3698475 ~ Oral Public Hearing ~ Decision & Order E-3-08


ICBC 2007 Revenue Requirements ~ January 9, 2008

Insurance Corporation of BC 2007 Revenue Requirements Application ~ Project No. 3698456 ~ An Application for approval of the 2007 Revenue Requirements for Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance and a Filing of Information Relating to Matters Referenced in the British Columbia Utilities Commission Decision dated July 13, 2006 ~ Decision & Order G-3-08



ICBC 2007 Rate Design ~ January 9, 2008

Insurance Corporation of BC 2007 Rate Design Application ~ An Application respecting Rate Design for Universal Compulsory Automobile Insurance ~ Project No. 3698448 ~ Decision & Order G-4-08



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